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SUBJECT Information Technology

CLASS : X TIME - 60 Min.

DATE: __/12/2017 MARKS - 20

A. Fill in the blanks [5]

a. __________tags are case sensitive and ________ tags are not case sensitive.
b. ___________tag creates a bulleted list
c. ______________tag is used to create a table row
d. __________protects a server, a network and an individual PC from attack by
viruses from other systems.
e. __________includes viruses, data miners, Trojan horses and other
programs designed to damage or destroy a computer

B. State True or False : Any Five [5]

a. HTML is a programming language.
b. The default font size is 5.
c. To avoid spam never click on links that come from someone you do from
someone you do
d. Hacker is a person who breaks security with malintention to start what we
have stored on our computers.
e. Cell padding attribute is used to specify distance between two cells.
f. <Title> tag is one of the structural tags of HTML document.

C. Carefully study the Webpage given below. Identify 10 tags (structural as well as
formatting tags) that have been utilized in creating this webpage and write the usage of
each of them. [10]

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