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1. In every research, science requires that the conclusion to be based on evidence that has

been provided or the observable pattern in the research or study. Opinions cannot offer any

scientific explanation, and every concept must be experimented to ascertain the truth. Therefore

any views regardless of individual expertise are considered unreliable.

2. The bond between the child and parents at an early age is very crucial. It helps them

develop various abilities significant throughout their lives. When a child's brains develop, their

emotion also grows. If children thrive in an environment where they are punished, or there is

violence they will feel unloved hence their sense of security is reduced.
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3. Soma contains the cell nucleus and keeps the cell alive while dendrite collects data

from other cells and sends it to soma. Axona, on the other hand, transmits information away

from the body cell toward other neurons or the glands and muscles. Myelin sheath being a layer

of fatty tissues that surrounds the neuron axon allows faster electrical signal transmission

4. The chemicals that are released from neuron due to action potential travels across the

synapse to inhibit or excite target neuron. Different neuron types use different neurotransmitters

and hence possess various effects on their targets.

5. Neurons are cells that transmit electrical and chemical signals in the brain. The

dendrites play a role in receiving information from neurons ones it is sent. Myelin found in the

axons conduct or insulates the communication process. The tree-like structures in the dendrites

aid in the receiving of information while the fatty materials help in the insulation process in

speeding the communication process.

6. A. The reason as to why blind people develop a great hearing and touch sense is

because of the brain once it senses the loss it adapts by providing a makeover. When one sense is

lost, the brain area that is typically devoted to handling the sensory information not to go unused

hence it commits in dispensation other senses.

B The reason why he was able to walk again is the because of the development of the

brain plasticity which can recover brain injuries.

C With proper rehabilitation ones brain regains its function because when the damaged

area is removed successfully, the mind can create other neural pathways.

7. The people who played football before 12 years of age have a significant exposure to

cognitive impairment due to continuous head impacts with the ball. Therefore the people who
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did not play football while younger than 12 years have healthy cognitive ability as compared

with the one who played

8. Physical activity is very crucial in developing cognitive performance in the lifespan.

Physical exercise helps in affecting blood flow in the brain as well as nutrients. People who

engage in physical activity have a better cognitive health as compared to those who do not.

9. During the game, the brain was conscious when the players were not conscious. When

they were about to pick wrong cards, they brain triggered some reactions which caused stress

leading to sweating through the palm. Their brains reacted positively to right desks meaning the

brain figured the game before the players.

10. Alcohol and marijuana slow down the brain process by interrupting the central

nervous system when it attaches to the neurons of the brain and interfering with the neurons

regular communication. The chemicals in these drugs bind to receptors known as cannabinoid

which controls memory, coordinated movements and thought hence affecting Neurotransmitters.

11. Coffee helps in blocking the adenosine receptors, therefore, makes people alert.

Additionally, the caffeine taking may also reduce the risk of specific brain disorders or infections

through the effect of adenosine levels

12. Human is build to bond with each other. Therefore if they are found in a situation that

they have nobody or anything to connect with, they will look for drugs tofind the satisfaction

they are lacking.

13. Single cells located in the brain are responsible for creating a memory. The

combination of many neurons in the hippocampus, as well as the entorhinal cortex in the brain,

produces a memory is responsible.

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14. Different nerve cells develop various perceptions and thoughts that are drifted in and

out. The combination of neurons by synaptic plasticity whereby synapses altering strength is

induced is significant to the formation of memory. In order to improve memory, physical

exercise if very critical.

15. a. Surgery was performed on Henry because he was suffering from memory loss.

b. Henrys hippocampus was damaged, and it hindered the formation of new

memories. Hippocampus acts as the passage where new memories pass. Therefore since it was

destroyed new memories were not formed

C Hippocampus acts as the passage where new memories pass. Therefore since it

was destroyed new memories were not formed

D. the subconscious memory was retained. It was noticed when he learned to use a

walking from the time his ankle was sprained.

16. A. specific stimuli are associated with fear in a dog that is out of danger proportion

B., when someone draws, will associate water with fear

C, when one is enclosed in a frightening and lonely place, will associate it with fear

D., when someone gets sick due to germs, will always associate germs with fear

17. A. A person with obsessive-compulsive disorder having germ contamination disorder

not washing hands after a handshake

B. if some is afraid of using a stove they would be exposed to the stove to get over their


C. if some are afraid of germ they would be exposed to the bacteria.

18. Being praised for doing something positive and being punished for wrongdoing
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19. He removed the unpleasant reinforcement to strengthen behavior. In the use of

positive reinforcement, he placed hungry rats in Skinner box. When the rats knocked, the lever

food dropped.

20 the use of rat to put a ping pong ball into a basked was intended to shape behavior

21. Skinner intention with his theory designed to explain behavior as for why people do

what they do. Individuals response has been described as a function of consequences. Behaviors

or traits are due to frustration with introspective methods of psychoanalysis and humanism.

22. Children develop anxiety disorders because they relate to objects and situation which

caused them harm

23. Acute stress in pregnancy can lead to premature birth

24 Type A personality is self-self-critical, and they possess less joy in their goal

accomplishment. Therefore, they are vulnerable to stress which can affect them in health.

25. Aerobic exercise, meditation, and relaxation causes easy flow of blood in the brain

hence contributes to good mental health

26 A. the thoughts behaviors and feelings are connected. When one has upsetting

thoughts, they feel upset, and they are likely to do an act to increase the views as well as

strengthening feelings

B. to break the circle, identify the type of thoughts and try to break the dysfunctional

behavior cycle by monitoring the thought and behavior pattern.

27. CBT relates to the view of thoughts, physical sensation, feelings and action that traps

an individual in a vicious cycle. CBT aid in dealing with problems in a positive instance by

breaking them into smaller portions and it involves changing negative patterns to better the way

an individual feel.
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