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Assignment 1: Identify the SWOT for HelpAge India and identify the sector/capability

factor in the external/internal environment that each of the factors affect.

HelpAge India is a secular, not-for-profit, Non-Governmental Organisation whose mission is

to work of a cause and care of disadvantaged older persons and to improve their quality of
life. The core values guiding the NGOs work are rights, relief & resources. Its mission is to
provide equal rights, dignity for elders.

SWOT Analysis

I. What are the Strengths of HelpAge India?

Strength is the inherent capacity which an organisation can use to gain strategic advantage. In
case of HelpAge India, the strengths of the organisation are:

1. Core Values: The core values of HelpAge India are Rights, Relief and
Resources which has been the cause for their persistent support to the elderly and
this forms the basis of their work. The term The main aim of this organisation is to
provide provide the relief to the people underprivileged through the rights
available in the from of the legislations present and the Constitution of India and
making available the resources which are necessary for them.

2. Transparency and Trust: HelpAge India gives high priority to information

disclosure. It regularly updates its financial statements & annual reports on its
website and the individual donors are provided information regarding the use of
funds donated by them. This ensures transparency in its operations and also
builds trust among its donors that their donations are being properly and
efficiently utilized by the NGO.

3. Organisational Efficiency: - One of the strong points of HelpAge India is the

way they monitor their work and their method of selection of partner agencies.
Since partner agencies are chosen carefully and monitored thoroughly, it leads to
positive results and cuts down the overhead costs.

4. Wide Reach & effective partnerships: HelpAge India works with nearly 400
partner agencies. It has evolved as a development support agency through creating
partner agencies, that is funded to implement the projects and project
implementation through partnerships increases efficiency and cuts down on
overhead costs. Thus, by having a wide reach they are ensuring that they are able
to help a large number of elderly people. They also are taking the holistic
approach ensuring that the relief provided is long-term.

5. High Degree of Charitable Commitment: HelpAge India is known for its high
degree of charitable commitment since in most of the cases, the funds raised by
the NGOs are spent on administrative costs and operating costs, due to which
hardly any of the funds raised goes into the actual projects. However, in case of
HelpAge India, 85% of its funds goes into its actual project (which shows that a
large part of the fund raised is actually utilized to fulfil the purpose for which the
funds are raised rather than it being spend as wasteful expenses), which in turn
also shows that the NGO is effective & efficient in its operations.

6. Quality of Management: The management develops projects based on the

assessment of the needs of its target community rather than implementing it
directly. Also rather than giving outright grants to its partner agencies, the
officers of HelpAge India physically inspect the agencies and check on their
management to see that they are not established for personal gains. Also since the
governing body of the organisation consists of 10 distinguishing people from
different walks of life, it helps in bringing diversity to the organization and

7. Modern technology for Information Security:- HelpAge India has always used
modern technology in securing information, for which they have spent Rs.
4,00,000 initially and Rs.75,000 for its yearly update. They have believed
information is the most crucial component and has to be protected and secured.

8. Large number of donors and fund raising activities:- HelpAge India has
always received funds from a number of national and international donors and has

always facilitated income generation and fund raising activities- direct mail,
school fundraising, corporate fundraising, sale of greeting cards and establishing a
shop-for-a cause where gifts made by elderly are sold.

II What are the weakness of HelpAge India?

Weakness is an inherent limitation or constraint which creates strategic disadvantages, the

weakness of HelpAge India are:

1. No direct access to the office network- Most of the work which HelpAge India does
is field work, but they dont have direct access to the office network, they have to use
e-mails to connect to the regional managers and even internet may not work in many
rural areas, hence connectivity issues prevail which can hamper the work

2. Dubious Credibility of Partner Agencies- This acts as a constraint as its difficult to

find honest and credible partner agencies. Presently HelpAge India has 400 partner
agencies, and the success of the implementation of any of their programmes depends
upon the kind of partner agencies they team up with. It is crucial for them to ensure
that all of the partner agencies are not family run established for personal gains.

3. Reputation of NGOs - Most NGOs are accused of mishandling and misappropriating

money, this might create an image that NGOs in general do it and donors might not
donate from next time. Even though HelpAge India has always been transparent in its
approach and has disclosed all material information regarding the allocation of donors
funds in actual projects, yet donors may be reluctant to donate money due to the in-
general impression created in their minds.

III What opportunities does HelpAge India have?

Opportunities are favourable conditions in the organisations environment which enables it to

consolidate and strengthen its position. The opportunities that HelpAge India has are:

1. Open market for health care services for the elderly- India never had an effective
health care service for elderly prior to establishment of HelpAge India as 90% of elderly
did not receive any medical or social security. Hence, Mobile Medicare Units, Adopt-a-
gran programme, disaster relief programmes (India) were a first mover advantage for
HelpAge India.

2. International Representation- HelpAge India is also a representative and member of

International Federation on Ageing, giving them an international domain to function,
promote and raise funds for the projects undertaken.

3. Modern Technology- Use of modern technology to secure the information makes an

opportunity for HelpAge India to get rid of data leaks and improve its communication
network by providing secured e-mail services which can be accessible from anywhere.

IV What are the threats faced by HelpAge India?

Threats are the unfavourable conditions in the organisations environment which creates a
risk for, or causes damage to, the organisation. The threats faced by HelpAge India are:

1. Fund Raising- Fund raising is a major threat to most NGOs. Many NGOs are
accused of misappropriation of the funds, thus funds received are always insufficient
and limited providing them with limited scope for expansion.

2. Risky Association with Partner Agencies- HelpAge India has about 400 partners,
posing a threat to the organisation as the credibility of these partners might be
dubious, which might lead to problems like-non cooperating, misusing the funds, etc.
Some might be family run agencies established for personal gains. Success of the
implementation of any programme depends on the identification and appointment of
partner agencies.

V Do Strengths Open Any Opportunities?

1. Since HelpAge provides its donors with the full and transparent information as to
how their funds have been utilised, this provides them with an excellent opportunity
to gain more donors, by proving that they do not misuse the funds and winning their

2. HelpAge India has a wide reach, they have more than 400 partners. This can provide
them the opportunity to expand their projects and successfully work towards
achieving their mission.

VI How can HelpAge India Convert weaknesses into strengths?

1. Most NGOs are accused of misappropriating their funds. HelpAge India has worked
to eradicate this accusation by providing full disclosure of information (being
transparent) to their donors.

2. Since most of the work of HelpAge is based on field work, they have no direct access
to the office. Thus for tackling this issue HelpAge is already trying to improve its
networking system by providing the employees with a good network to make the
communication easier (by providing secured e-mail services which can be accessible
from anywhere.)

VII How to utilise the opportunities?

1. HelpAge India is a member of International Federation on Ageing and United

Nations, therefore they have a global reach where they can promote themselves to win
over a number of donors from different parts of the world.

2. No direct competitors and open market for health care services, makes it possible for
HelpAge India to take first mover advantage and associate themselves with a number
of organisations.

VIII How to neutralise the threats?

1. Fund raising is a major problem for most NGOs, however HelpAge India has negated
it a bit by giving priority to information disclosure. It regularly updates its financial
statements & annual reports on its website and the individual donors are provided
information regarding the use of funds donated by them.
2. In order to curtail the risk associated with the partner agencies, HelpAge India can
have a more stern assessment system where in they can review the previous work
done by the future partners and based on its credibility agree to partner with them for
the implementation of their programmes. This can help them reduce the risk of
partnering with a fraudulent organisation.

Capability of the Internal Environment of the Organisation

Capabilities are most often developed in specific functions such as marketing or operation or
in a part of a functional area. They are the strategic strengths and weaknesses existing in
different ares within the organisation, which are of crucial importance to strategy formulation
and implementation.

1. HelpAge India has fairly good financial capability, it has full information regarding
the fund allocation, 85% of its funds are actually used in the actual projects rather
than spend on administrative and overhead costs, which shows their efficient financial
capability. They also have a global reach hence, sources of funds are many, like
national and international donors, individual donors and other fund raising activities.

2. HelpAge India has marketed themselves well, they have understood the needs of the
target market and then implemented programmes, like programmes for reduction of
inter generational gaps. They even have international recognition and has earned a
global brand name, hence has a god marketing capability.

3. HelpAge India has a moderate operational capability, they dont have access to the
office network , hence have to rely on e-mails for connectivity, which is taken care of
by them and they are trying their best to eradicate this.

4. HelpAge India has a good personnel capability, operational efficiency and quality of
management has been a merit, they have selected partner agencies carefully and have
monitored their systems well. They have a number of committed people working
towards the cause of the elderly and have been trained and are sensitive towards the
mission of the organisation.

5. HelpAge India has an excellent information management capability, they have

installed an information security system to enable the workers working on fields to
access e-mails from anywhere, moreover all their accounts are fully disclosed to
ensure that there has been no mishandling or misappropriation of money.

6. HelpAge India has a fair enough general management capability. Their overall
management is good, yet the weakness of careful selection of partner agency is still a
problem to be taken care of.

Sectors affecting External Environment of the Organisation

The process of analysing the external environment of the organisation is called environmental
scanning. It results in a mass of information related to the different sectors of the environment
of the organisation.

Economic sector:

The impact has been moderate in this sector, because though HelpAge India has a global
reach and has been receiving aid by national and international donors, yet they might hesitate
to donate as many NGOs have been accused of misappropriating funds which shakes the
confidence of the donors and might directly impact the credibility of the organization in

International Sector:

HelpAge India is a member of International Federation on Ageing and United Nations,

therefore it gives them a global reach and platform to promote themselves and raise funds
from international as well as national donors. So, the impact of international sector is

Market Sector:
HelpAge India has been successful in marketing themselves and now have strong market
reputation and they have a competitive edge over other NGOs as they had first entered open
market for health care sector of the elderly (giving them first-mover advantage) and prior to
its establishment about 90% elderly did not had a security net in terms of social and medical
aid. So, the impact of market sector on HelpAge India is positive.

Political Sector:

Though the government has been supportive of the elderly yet it has not been successful in
implementing its schemes. Thus the interference of the government in the work of HelpAge
is very low which makes the impact of the political sector on HelpAge India neutral.

Social Sector:
HelpAge India has always worked for the cause of elderly to reduce inter-generational gaps
by conducting various events and programmes. There are around 400 partner agencies who
have been working with the organisation, out of which 150 are charitable eye hospitals for
cataract surgeries. Thus social impact has been positive on HelpAge India.

Technological sector:

Modern technology has been used to protect the data and secure the information to prevent
the data leaks to a certain extent, even connectivity has been made better by installing a
system for field workers where they can access their e-mails from anywhere to maintain
contact with the regional manager. Hence the impact has been positive on this sector.

Assignment 2: Identify the concentration strategy in the case-let for Colgate. Justify.

On the basis of three types concentration strategies it has been further analysed that :

There is not a major Market Penetration condition that is seen in the condition of Colgate
since they are tagetting a different market or as we can say they are targeting a new market
(rural market) on the basis of demography. There is no aggressive marketing in the existing
market but the aim of survey and the steps taken were the initiative for the new market which
is not the condition of market penetration.

Market Development

The market development concentration strategy was the main area where Colgate worked for.
As the aim of Colgate was to increase the rural demand of its product and they formulated
policy accordingly.
Surveys that werew taken by Colgate and policy which were formulated were for the new
market which was differentiated on the basis of demography. Some of the instances of it
Targeting Schools to create oral awareness, as the children constitute a major part of
target audience for Colgate.
Also, they expanded their reach by advertising their product to different demographies
by Rural Van Distribution and participation in local festivals.
All of these steps gave Colgate a different variety of variable market. But, at the same
time selling its same product.

Product Development

The product development concentration strategy can be partially seen in the present case as
the new products as introduced to hike the sales of its toothpaste and tooth powder but all
these steps are taken in a new market instead of the existing market (urban). Also, there can
be a different case as if colgate was introducing these new products in existing market then it
would be an evident case of extensive product development.


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