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Name : Muhammad Zuandar

No. Reg : N1D216044

Class : English Literature B

Markus is my cute blond cat. He walks really funny as he has such chubby butt-
cheeks. He has sharp ears, brown eyes, and long V-shaped face. He has unique dark-
circled eyes, which makes him cuter. His fears are really soft and delicate like a ball of

His appearance, however, does not blend with his personality, for he likes to
bark at most of people who pass through my house and he is boiling mad to a stranger
who tries to disturb him.

He enjoys playing on a pile of sand, but I always forbid him and take him back to
where he belongs. He likes to eat a lot of sugary crackers, he loves to play with me and
he is very lovely.

Markus does establish his territory, as many cat experts believe. Thats why he
barks strangers a lot. He dislikes wet and damp areas and he has his own comfort zone
in my house. When he wants to urinate or defecate, he barks slightly to everyone in my
house as a sign that his necessity needs to be fulfilled.

What I like about him is that he is very cute when I tease him because he gets easily
distracted by normal things and he welcomes me hectically when I arrive at my house.

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