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WHAT: Prayer hour in solidarity with the National March for Life in
Washington, D.C.
WHEN: Friday, January 19, 2018, from noon - 1 pm
WHERE: Planned Parenthood (2314 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati OH)
WHO: Hosted by Greater Cincinnati Young Adults for Life but open to

Can't make it to DC this year? We have our very own March here at home in
Cincinnati! Join GYCAL as we host the annual Mini March for Life! It's one
hour of public prayer - and in that hour, 157 children will die from abortion in
the United States (Life News). We invite ANYONE to come join us, not just
for group members!

We pray in solidarity with the National Marchers in Washington, D.C., at the

same time the National March starts there - noon. We pray for the end of
abortion, for our country that its leaders and citizens may protect life at all
stages, and for all members of the pro-life movement, that they may be
strong in a world that tolerates everything except what goes against the
mainstream values.

See you on the sidewalk! Feel free to share!

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