English Photo Assingment 1

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While paying attention, freshman Jack McMullen and freshman Owen McKlintock watch their

peers debate each other. The students prepared for the debate weeks before while reading A
Separate Peace. Honors English 9 teacher Stefanie Ashkettle said, The students really get
into the debate and show their true personalities.
In deep concentration, freshman Catherine Morris searches for quotes during a class debate.
Along with her peers, Morris finished the book A
Separate Piece before participating in the class
While watching other students during a debate, freshman Lily Crouch and Gillian Brown take
notes on their class debate. The students read A Separate Peace weeks prior to the debate and
annotated for further understanding.
Paying attention, freshman Dena Mossad watches her peers debate the two characters Gene
and Finny in the book A Separate Peace. After each team discussed their argument, the team
members discussed their rebuttals.
Watching carefully, freshman William Tropp Katie Nelson and Hugo Bergmann listen to their
class debate in their freshman English class. The students read A
Separate Peace and
prepared for the debate weeks prior by taking notes.
With determination, freshman Fiona Garvey, freshman Emily Burke and freshman Jack
McMullen discuss their side during the debate about A Separate Peace. The students discussed
their opinions about the counterargument relating to the characters in the book. Garvey said, I
was on the defense side during the debate and liked participating and giving input to my team.
While taking notes, freshman Jack Ferenczy observes his peers during their class debate on the
book A Separate Peace. The jury continued to take notes throughout the debate so they could
vote on which side the agreed with.
In a serious tone, freshman Emily Collins discusses her opinion involving the debate about A
Separate Peace with teacher Stefanie Ashkettle. Collins defended the Prosecution side and
prepared to answer questions asked by other students. Collins said, My favorite part of the
debate was how passionate the teams were.
While stating his side, freshman Andrew Neimeier gives his side during the debate relating to
the book A Separate Peace. Students took the week prior to prepare their arguments while the
jury took notes on what the defensive and prosecution arguments.
In deep concentration, freshman Mary Condon takes notes during her class debate of two
characters in the book A Separate Peace. Condon worked as a jury member along with other
students to vote on which side she ultimately agreed with.

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