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The participants will begin the activity by singing a song with me about the

Arboretum. I will have my guitar and we will start singing together. As they get a feel for
the song, I will gradually have them start finding the beat in different parts of their
bodies. After using their own bodies to make the beat, I will then have them try and
have them make a beat in the dirt below them. After this, they will be encouraged to go
and find different sounds around the arboretum to bring back to the station. We will then
record a song using the sounds that they bring back. I will be able to show them how to
put different sounds together to make a song. Once the song is complete, they will be
able to go to the link provided on their Handout and listen to the song. They will also
have a link to the soundtrap itself so they will be able to record their own music.

The participants are learning that there is a way to make music with anything
around them. This experience design give them the opportunity to use their creativity to
seek out the many different sounds around them that can be used in a song. They are
also learning how to incorporate their own ideas of music with others. Because this
song is going to be shared between different people, they will have the experience of
working with others. Lastly, they will have a deeper understanding of layering different
sounds together. Having this knowledge of how to record different music gives them a
better understanding of much of the music that is playing on the radio. This is important
because having this understanding of recording music provides them with a deeper
connection to the music they listen to everyday.

4.6 The student will create music by

1. improvising melodies and rhythms, using a variety of sound sources
2. composing short melodic and rhythmic phrases within specified guidelines
3. using contemporary media and technology.

I can improvise rhythms using a variety of sound sources.

I can contribute towards the composition of a song.
I can use a recording device to create music.
-recording microphone
-access to the internet (if this is unavailable, then I will use garageband)
-premade sounds for the students as examples
- scissors, glue, tape
-Sheet of Sound Inventions sign
-Recording Studio sign
-a couple sheets for the recording equipment and the sound inventions

Intro: 1-6 (6 minutes)

1. Hello everyone! Lets stand in a circle and sing a song.
a. Here the students will stand in a circle together. I will sing an original song
called, The Arboretum Song. It will be a fun sing-along.
2. While I sing through the song, you all tap the beat with your foot with me!
a. This will give them one thing to focus on, rhythm, while I begin to
familiarize them with the song.
3. Now, show me the beat using your hand in some way since I am using mine to
strum the guitar!
a. With this, they are re-hearing the song itself and playing around with the
beat using their hands.
4. Okay, what does a long sound mean to you? What does a short sound mean to
a. Within the song, I have a section where I am describing a long sound and
a short sound. Given their answers, I will have them play the different
sounds they come up with using their bodies. When I sing this, you all
play the long sound. When I sing this, you all play the short sound!
5. Try making different sounds using the ground.
a. After they find different sounds using the ground, they will incorporate this
into the song as well.
6. What are different sounds we could use in this arboretum?
a. After some brainstorming, I will walk them over to the Table of Sounds.
This will be a station where they can build their own sounds for the song.
Middle to End: 7-10 (24 minutes)
7. What we are going to be doing is recording a song using the sounds of the
8. You can build your sound at this station and when you are ready, meet me over
at the recording studio!
a. The sound hunt will most likely take about 5 to 10 minutes.
b. At the Table of Sounds, students will reconvene and figure out if they want
to enhance their sounds by using the scissors, glue or tape.
c. At the recording studio, I will be able to work with each student individually
(each student has about 1-2 minutes to record their sound) to find a
specific spot for their sound in the song. We will also be able to add
special effects to the song. The students who are waiting their turn will be
able to listen into and watch how Im doing everything on the computer.
d. Certain questions will be asked to each student, like
i. Do you want to make this a long or a short sound?
ii. Where do you want this to be in the song?
iii. Throughout these questions, I will show them how to loop the
sounds as well as layer them.
9. When the song is finished, I will download it as an actual itunes song as well as
upload it on Youtube so they will be able to find it. There will also be a link to the
individual recordings each student made.
10. Now that you all have seen how this works, you can even make your own songs
at home using the different sounds you can find!
For the assessment, I will work with them in the group setting during the intro.
While the students are making their sounds at the Table of Sounds I will be able to work
with them individually asking them questions about how they are using their instrument.
Lastly, at the recording station, throughout the process of recording and looping with
each individual student, I will be able to assess their knowledge and growth through the
If everyone has completed their part, we can always find a way to add more
creativity to the song. Another addition could be to add words. They could come up with
a rap of the Arboretum or add their own melodic lines into the song. We could also start
another song using my guitar to hold down the beat. We could have a jam out session
using our homemade arboretum sound inventions.
For adaptations, I can color code the different types of sounds. The long sound is
purple while the short sound is yellow. The stations will also be in different colors so I
can refer to them as certain colors as well. For size, I will have the students start small
with their beats and move to bigger motions. When pacing is involved, I will leave time
for participants to think on their own and time for them to partner up with others. For
modality, they will be able to hear the different sounds but also see the sounds after
they are finished recording to see how long the individual length is.

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