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Kick the Chord

Designers: Molly Cahlink

Demonstration Video:

Technologies Used:
M3 is the name of my Makey-Makey because Mollys Makey-Makey. This is being used to
connect all the different parts of my project together to make music.
The M is the name of my Coding system, I used the scratch software and programed it to use
the up,down, left and right arrows, and spacebar to make the different chords.
In my project I am going use a survey from Survey in Google Docs and see what people thought
was strong and what was weak.

Project Overview:
In my project what is happening as a person kicks a tennis ball different chords will be played.
The more balls kicked the more chords will be played. These balls will be hanging on string and
be connected by wires, and their will be a bar in which the makey makey sits on which allows
the chords to make their sounds. When people use this product what they will be doing is
kicking each tennis ball in order to hear different chords either a C, G, A, F, E chord will be
heard. As the engineer of this project I will be making sure the wires do not fall out of place
when the balls are kicked they will be held very well together with pieces of it.

When I was creating my project I often refered back to the text by Hammel and Hourigan (2017)
, one of the main quotes that stuck out me was music has many access points, it may be a
place where families can find interest, participation, social learning and most of all success. (pg
12). I really wanted to make my project not only a social learning thing for families, but also a
way for people to participate who may not be able to use other types of musical instruments. I
was also thinking about ways this could be used not only for music sake, but it could help
someone who maybe has trouble with physical mobility and kicking something that makes noise
will motivate them. This is also a easy way for students to understand a base for cord use. This
project needs to be able to use for any age from kindergarten through old age so I had to make
sure it was fun for not only one specific age group but for many and easy for them to use.

Learning Goals:
Learning goal 1: You can make songs without even being able to read western notation music,
and just by kicking a ball. But can improv a whole new song?
Learning goal 2: What chords sound better together when hit with each other are there any two
chords that sound better?
Learning goal 3: As you listen what does it sound like a more upbeat song or a simple song, or
can you do both?

I will assess my project by having a feedback survey for people to do after they use my product.
If people can see my product as something useful, then I could maybe summit to go further. I
am also going to put out tweets to see if people like it, and ask questions by creating polls, such
as Did you hear different chords? and Where you able to make your own song with those

Plan for Success:

People should understand how to hear certain chords in songs after using my project, because
it will help develop aural skills, while also learning what is means to improv music. As an
educator I need to help those who are struggling with how to make sound, and show them the
different ways too. I need to make a base for my project and just connect everything for my
project to be exceptional. I am having my parents help with my project because they are good at
building and measuring things to build sturdy projects. In order to pace our my work I plan to
build my project Monday and then to just keep working until it fully is functional, my goal is to be
done with my entire project by Wednesday night.

For this project, I have included the rubric below to show you where your current work sits in relation
to expected outcomes. In this way, the rubric is an evaluation whereas the feedback above is an
assessment. Be use both bits of data to assist you in revising your work. Realize that you need to
deeply edit this work and rework it to discuss an experience with the tool, not a discussion about
your tool.

Facet of the project No Minimal Meets Exceeds

Evidence Evidence Expectations Expectations
Project overview clearly summarizes the 0 1.5 2.3 2.5
experience and answers the questions
Thoughtful rationale including useful 0 1.5 2.3 2.5
citation in APA format
2-4 learning goals that are clearly 0 .5 .9 1
articulated and re-interpret/phrase Core
Arts Standards
Provides specific and valid/reliable 0 .5 .9 1
assessments that will chart the
engagement and musical growth of
Design includes at least the following 0 .5 .9 1
types of technologies: Makey-Makey,
coding, and another tool
Includes a title, designers' names, and 0 .5 .9 1
plan for working/iterating
College-level, proof-read prose Work 0 .5 .9 1
towards a slightly more professional tone
throughout with these personal opinion
A demonstration video is included which 0 5 9 10
specifically shows the controller you
designed and how it can be used. The
video looks professional and is filmed in
a professional setting.
It would be useful to have a
demonstration of the working tool

If we were to use this rubric to evaluate your entire project thus far, your grade would be: 59%.
Remember that this step in the project is a proposal and, thus, acts as a step to provide your
meaningful assessment/feedback information to help you revise.

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