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1 Perspectives on personality = ss EERE LOU TN GCI) It takes all kinds (Part I) © Muttipie-choice - Choose the word that best completes each sentence, 1. Ifyou want to succeed in life, it helps tobe __ agitated 'b, antagonistic . enterprising . belitting 2. Its likely that your best friend is all of the following, except a. fickle b. congenial ¢. amiable d. amusing 3. You would expect a valued employee to be all of these, except a. efficient b. cooperative &. conscientious d. erratic 4, You've been out of work for six months. How would you not feel? a. dejected b. exuberant c. frustrated . desperate 5. Philanthropists are kind, charitable people who are known for their gestures, a. disillusioned b. austere c. erratic d. benevolent 6. Bullies use their strength to hurt or frighten people. They are all of the following, except a. coercive 'b. antagonistic , enchanting . aggressive 7. Daredevils enjoy doing dangerous things. They are usually rather a. biased b. foolhardy c. distracted d. absentminded 8, Misers are money-hunary, stingy, avaricious individuals. People like this are toa fault. a. broad-minded b. animated c. frugal . boisterous © Derivatives (adjectives -+ nouns) - Fill in the blanks to form nouns that derive from the boldfaced adjectives. @ “Matchmaker, matchmaker . “4 41. The feeling of hatred and resentment that antagonistic people have Paull Aides stat east 2. Angry, hostile behavior displayed by aggressive people [Apiaceae agra eth ee N 3, The distant, uncommunicative air that an aloof person gives off AN scieLe SUN 8 4, The greed or desire for money and things felt by someone avaricious inGrd PERCE E 8. The overly proud and snobbish air of an arrogant person PASSE cal ae ak ee E 6. The pleasant, agreeable quality that a congenial person has Gales ie is ea Y 7. The feeling of calmness and self-control that a composed person has (Cer on ne ane igs E 8. The feeling of excitement and joy that an exuberant person feels E E ” — Dejected Debbie has finally found a man and is now planning her wedding, She sees the reception as a chance to do some matchmaking, but she needs your help. Using her categories, sort the guest list into five potentially compatible couples who should be seated together. Aggressive Agatha Agitated Ann ‘Aloot Algernon Coercive Give Congenial Cathy Conscientious Connie Desperate Dan Detached Dina Enterprising Ed —_—Exuberant Axe! LADIES GENTS 1. Unpleasant and bullying Hera Oecd a El Nervous, high-strung Warm and outgoing Most likely to succeed gp ep Quiet and withdrawn ee ——————

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