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Perspectives on personality It takes all kinds (Part I) The three Vocabulary sections in this unit have two aims: + to introduce you to a wide range of personality adjectives; and + to give you practice in using context clues to work out the meaning of unknown words, (BRIERE vrs comer cuce Here are some points to remember when you meet unfamiliar words in written material: } The meaning of a word is often suggested by the words surrounding It (L., by the context). Rereading the clauses immediately before and after the phrase in which an unknown word appears will often give you a good idea of what a word means. » Writers often use repetition or examples to add emphasis to their descriptions and to ensure that their readers understand what they mean. They also use contrast to show qualities that a person or thing does not have. Being aware of this will help you use the context to your advantage. > Remember: Don't panic when you mest unknown words. Getting the overall meaning of a sentence or Paragraph is often all you need to answer questions on a typical reading test. Instructions - The texts in this section are a series of character portraits with boldfaced words, many of which have appeared in vocabulary questions on past ECPE tests. Your job is to: (@) Use the clues in each portrait to match the boldfaced words with their meanings: (b) decide whether each adjective has a positive (+) or negative (-) meaning; and (c) be ready to explain which phrases helped you to determine the meaning of each word. 21. Amiable Amy is extremely likable and easy to get on with. At parties, when she’s not on the dance floor, <3 You'll find her engaged in lively conversation with her friends; always the life of the party, she’s the most animated person I know. Articulate as well, she has a flair for writing and loves to speak in public. She's 2 also an ardent (and effective) fund-raiser for the local orphanage; it's hard to say no to someone who argues 2 so passionately for a good cause. She rarely gets agitated, and if she does lose her temper, you can bet she'll <2 feel bad afterwards. By nature, she's not at all aggressive; she'd do anything to avoid an argument. @. __animated _ - (+) energetic, active, fll of lite nencaee b. ~ () friendly, goos-naturea Memory link: ART © ~ (able to speak/wnite clearly 4. ~ (upset, disturbed °. ~ ()unttiondly, argumentative ft ~ ( ) enthusiastic, passionate For each of the cartoons in this section, fill in the meaning of the word in the space provided. Ho's an ARTICULATE artist who has mastered the ART of expressing himselt n 2 a a a oe a

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