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STEP t: Stim whole 1 Practice Test 1 aie 255090 for ast = NL Work Z + Uecetrous ne assagestem by item, cLozE STEP 4: Reread the Passage 1 is about global warming. For many years, global warming was portrayed in the media as an issue with two sides. Some scientists argued that global warming was occurring, and others argued tharit was_(91) _. Howeves, this porerayal was an oversimplification of the debate. Skeptics of globalwarming, (92) _somescientiscs, _(93)__ to lingering whether global warming was actually occurring, However, there is now (94) _ evidence that global temperatures are increasing, based (95)__ direct temperature measurements and observations of other impacts such as_ (96) glaciers and polar ice, rising sea levels, and changes inthe life_(97) _ of plants and animals scientific uncertainties that caused them t0 que ‘As the scientific evidence on rising global temperatures became indisputable, skeptics began to focus on whether human activites are in fact the (98) _ of global warming. ‘They argued that the observed warming could be caused by natural processes such as changes in the energy (99) _ by the sun. However, the sun’s influence has been found to have contributed only _(100) _ to observed warming, particularly since the mid-20ch century. In fact, there is now overwhelming ‘evidence that greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are the main cause of the warming, Passage 2 is about acupuncture. Akey component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used, both in the East and the West, as a means of alleviating pain. Some people are _(101) _ by the thought ofacupunceure and may feel_(102) _takesagreatdeal of courage to (103) _ treatment on themselves. The first and probably most important face to understand about acupuncture is that it is not a frightening experience. It_ (104) _, however, involve the _ (105) _ of fine needles through the skin; most acupuncturists use _(106)__ six and twelve acupuncture needles at each session. The needles _(107) _ are smaller than. injection needles; in (108) __, an acupuncture needle ean fit into the central hole of a normal injection needle, Acupuncture needles do not _(109)__a cutting end like most hypodermic needles, which means they are far less_(110) _ to cause tisstue damage or bruising when inserted. 24 assogo with your answers in place a1. 92, 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98, 99. 400. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 108. 107. 108, 1089. 110. . mistake containing including pointed . showed . unacceptable invalid by in fading matting cycles style reason fault ‘emerging 9. emitted slightly . vaguely -arald . fearful lke that afflict inti a b. b. b, a. b. a b. may always . insertion 9. installation ‘among . about that . used ape ap as ap a9 e9 a9 ae a. X not $0 - comprising ‘composing leading |. indicated . inconceivable undeniable from sinking ‘expanding . histories . expectancy cause |. result radiating production vastly . significantly . frightened |. horrifying it = conflict Inject is interjection Intervention approximately |. between they 1. points fect |. case Inject involve due painful Practice Test 1 STEP I: Skim for gist. A Ee ‘STEP 2: As you do each item, Underine key words, STEP 3: Scan to find inf: read surrounding ax caretly STEP 4 Reread the question; consider all four choices ‘ead the question and READING Passage 1 is about a papyrus expert. Dirk Obbink is the University Lecturer in Papyrology at Oxford University and, as such, helps curate the university’ papyrus collection, the largest in the world. By any measure, his job stretches the meaning of “painstaking” Aided by computer technology and a humble pair of tweezers, Obbink spends his days piecing together postage-stamp remnants of papyrus, the material that was used as paper by Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans from the sixth century B.C. until the eighth century A.D. Obbinkk is best known for his clever deciphering of papyri from Herculaneum, a settlement in Italy which along ‘with Pompeii was buried under ash when Vesuvius erupted in A.D. 79. Excavators in the 1750s had retrieved some 1,500 papyri from a single villa, bue over the years scholars had done more harm than good. At times they had to split the hardened scrolls apart, as if cutting into a charred onion to get at its undamaged core. The resule was thousands of badly labeled fragments, which became further scrambled when moved to Naples. (Over time, little progress was made uncil Obbink arrived and began to sore things out. Building on the work of previous scholars, he noticed a syntax match between the end of one page and the start of another. He put more bits in order by using numbers jotted on the fragments by 19th-century copyists. More fell into place when he figured out the labeling system used by the scholars who had cut the serolls apart. And chen he devised a formula that enabled him to reconstruct a halved papyrus by assuming that its pieces would get larger as they approached the outermost layer of the scroll. The work, which made accessible a great library of writings and the lose world they represented, dazzled his colleagues. ‘Obbink and his colleagues now spend their time attempting to restore and interpret Oxford’s cache of more than 50,000 scraps of papyrus — including lost works by Sappho and Sophocles ~ from Oxyrhynchus, 2 Greck settlement that thrived more than 2,300 years ago 200 miles south of Cairo. When asked to predict when they might finish, Obbink chuckled: “There's enough here for 40 lifetimes.” 4181. Which quality does Obbink's job not require? a. a knowledge of ancient languages b. a tolerance for intense pain cc. patience and discipline d. scrupulous attention to detail, 182. What is true of Obbink’s work on the papyti of Herculaneum? ‘a. He figured out how to split the hardened scrolls. b. He had access to better libraries than his predecessors. ¢. _ He benefited from clues left by previous scholars. d. It took him years to repair the damage of his predecessors, 153. How long had the Herculaneum papyri remained buried under ash? almost 200 years more than 1,800 years since the 18th century for more than two thousand years 184, What do the papyri from Herculaneum and the papyri from Oxyrhynchus have in common? a. They are from the same period of history. b, They were writen in the same language. They are in storage at Oxford University. d. They must be reassembled piece by piece. 185. What is true of the status of Obbink’s current project? 2. Work on the papyr is not likely to be finished any time soon. b. He and his colleagues are on the verge of an important discovery. ©. Work has been hampered by the age of the fragments d. The scrolls are in even worse shape than the Herculaneum papyri. 10 15 20 Passage 2 Is about cacao production. ‘Today 70% of all chocolate beans come from west and central rica, where growers use so-called pioneer farming, They strip patches of forest of all bue the tallest canopy trees and then plant cacao, using temporary plantings of banana to shade the cacao while i's young. With luck, such groves produce annual yields of 50 to 60 pods per tee for 25 to 30 years. But eventually pests, disease, and soil exhaustion take their toll and yields diminish. Then the {growers move on and clear a new forest patch — unless farmers of other crops gee there frst, “But they can't keep 5 cutting tropical forest, because the forest itself is endangered,” says one expert. "Global chocolate demand increases ‘on average by 3 percent a year. With a lack of land for new plantings in tropical forests, how do you mect that?” Since deforestation is a problem wherever cacao is grown, sustainability is now the mantra on many peopl’s lips. Sustainable farming involves land rehabilitation ~ reclaiming old farms and recycling weedy spaces into «cacao fields ~ and adopting practices that extend a farms productive life, such as planting enough shade trees 10 to help recyele nutrients and maintain overall soil feriliy. While this arrangement produces fewer beans than a plantation with more light and fewer shade trees, farmers can increase the potential value of their efforts by planting other tree crops along with cacao, Cacao trees dispersed in a woody mix take mote time to care for and hharvest; but the resulting diversity helps stabilize a farmers income and keep diseases at bay. Agroforestry experts push this thinking even further, believing chat creating new forest isthe way to go. “Take 15 a despoiled area on the fringe of pristine forest,” says another expert. “Replant it to create a buffer for the forest and a foundation for expansion. If things are done right, it will mimic a wild cacao forest in Ecuador, What you want is a multi-layered cacophony of trees, not just canopy and undergrowth, You want ground cover, shrubs, small tres, intermediate ones, and canopy, plus a robust sol life underneath it all co help maintain and expand things” Besides cacao, experts also envisage fruit trees, spice shrubs, and income-producing timber tees as being 20 vital factors, depending on local growing conditions and markers. What is the writer's main idea? a. However farmers grow cacao, they can't meet global demand. b. Cacao farming is inherently devastating for the environment, The future of cacao farming lies in reclaiming old cacao farms, . Cacao growers would reap many benefits by embracing sustainability. What does the writer imply about pioneer farming? ‘a. It contributes to deforestation and soil depletion. b. tis a sustainable form of cacao cultivation, . Itcan easily keep up with global cacao demand, ._Itresults in increased crop yialds as time goes on, How would it benefit cacao farmers to plant a mix of other tree crops along with cacao? ‘a. It would increase the yield of their cacao trees. b. The cacao beans would be easier to pick. ©. Their income would not depend on a single crop. d. It would eliminate all risk of disease. ‘What is true about the presence of shade trees on a cacao farm? a. tis not a necessary component of pioneer farming. bb. It prevents the soll from becoming less fertile. fc. It guarantees that the cacao plants will remain peste. d.__Itis strongly discouraged by supporters of sustainability. According to one of the experts cited, cacao farming Is most desirable when it ‘a. is done in areas with canopy trees and low undergrowth. b. recreates the conditions of an unspoiled tropical forest. c. _ takes place on the edge of an endangered forest. d. finds a way to keep up with growing global demand. 29

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