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To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, you can use the following formula:


Use this equation and the variables fahrenheit and celsius to print the Fahrenheit
equivalent of 12C.

NOTE: "12C" reads as "12 degrees Celsius".

Your Code:

* Programming Quiz: Converting Tempatures (2-2)

* Use the Celsius-to-Fahrenheit formula to set the fahrenheit varible:

* F = C x 1.8 + 32

* Log the fahrenheit variable to the console.


var celsius = 12;

var fahrenheit = celsius* 1.8 + 32

console.log( 12*1.8 + 32 );
Directions: Test 2
Build a single string that resembles the following joke.

Why couldn't the shoes go out and play?

They were all "tied" up!

Your joke should take the format of a question and answer. The first line should be a
question and the second line should be an answer.

Hint: You will need to use special characters to produce the following output.

* Programming Quiz: All Tied Up (2-5)

var joke = " Why couldn't the shoes go out and play?\n\tThey were all \"tied\" up!"


Test run: Why couldn't the shoes go out and play?

They were all "tied" up!

Test 3


* Programming Quiz: First Expression (2-1)

* Write an expression that uses at least three, different, arithmetic operators

* to log the number 42 to the console.


// this expression equals 4, change it to equal 42

console.log(1 + 5 - 2);

Answer: console.log(4 + (5 * 8) - 2); (exemplul meu)

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