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Yrd. Do. Dr. smail Bozta Ziya Aksoy Prof. Dr.

Ahmet Kocaman

A Guidebook for English Translation


. eviride temel sorunlar

, Tmce yaplarna gre dzenlenmi eviri rnekleri
. Tmceden metin evirisine doru gelien eviri yntemi
Balang, orta ve ileri dzeye uygun eviri rnekleri
... Basn dili ve dilin teki kesitlerinden rnekler
eviride yalnlk, aklk ve tutarlk

Noter, ihale, i mektubu evirileri .

' \ . . . '. '. .. .

ngilizce eviri Klavuzu ________ ________________________
July, 2001

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in a retrieval systen, or transmitted in any form or by ay means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopyig, recording or othervvise, without the prior yvritten
permision of the Copyright holders.

ISBN: 975-7731 -29-3 . .

Kapak tasarm
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'_ * - *'

. D ilbilgisi genel olarak bir dilin yapsn belirleyen kurallar btn olarak tanm la
nabilir. Bu kurallarn tm ayrntlarn bir zet alm ada yanstm ann gl batan
kabul edilm elidir. H ele szl dil, yaz dili, bilim dili, yazn dili, gndelik konum a dili
gibi a yrm lar d nldn de bu gln nitelii daha da iyi anlalabilir. Bu neden
le bu zet incelem ede yalnzca yazdilinin en yaygn kurallar zerinde durulacaktr.
Bu bilgilerin test ve eviri alm alar yapacak olanlarla dilbilgisine ilikin bildiklerini k
saca gzden geirm ek isteyenlere tem el olabilecei dnlm ektedir

ngilizcede Yaln T m ce Yaps

ngilizce yaln tm ce ile ilgili genel kurallar bilm ek, bileik ve karm ak tm celeri
anlam aya da yardm c olabilir. nk bileik tm celeri oluturm ak iin balalar
(although, because, since, as, w hile vb.) kullanm ak yetecektir.

1) ngilizcede yaln tm ce, zne + eylem + tm le dzenine gre kurulur: T rk-

ede bu yapnn zne + t m le + eylem biim inde olduuna dikkat edilirse zellikle
eviride yaplan yanllarn nem li bir nedeni anlalabilir.

rn e k le r:

Ali bought a new car.

zne eylem tm le
Ali yeni bir araba ald.
zne tm le eylem

He is a good boy
zne eylem tm le

0 iyi bir ocu ktur.

zne tm le eylem

T h e house has been painted green.

zne eylem tm le

Ev yeile boyand.
zne tm le eylem

2) Yaygn zne biim leri (koyu renk yazl s zckler znedir)

Ad A hm et is sleeping now.
Adl : He shouid drink m ilk in the morning.
M astar : To w ork is healthy.
Ad bei + ilge bei : The girl in the car is m y sister.
U la (gerund) : Sw im m ing is useful.
T m cecik (clause) : That he is clever is obvious
Ad + sfat tm cecii : T h e boy w ho is running in th e garden is m y brother.
Sfat + ad : A heavy show er fell yesterday.
iyelik sfat + a d . : His fath er is an engineer.
Ad + aklayc yap : Y aar K em al, the fam ous novelist, w ent to Paris.
Ad + ad + ad : B ooks, pens and papers w ere scattered on the desk.

3) Eylem : ngilizce yaln tm cenin ikinci esi olan eylem, kiplikler (car, could,
may, w ill vb) ve eylem in kendisinden oluur.
rn e k le r:
I am w riting now.
She will m ake a good teacher.
You m ight have heard the rum our. -
W e w ill have finished the book by then. '
Th e y s h o u ld n t have forgotten their assignm ent.

Not: Eylem lerin kiplik ve teki yardm c eylem lerle kullanm iin ilgili blm e baknz.

4) T m le: ngilizce'de eylem den sonra gelip eylem in anlamn, tam am layan
szcklerin tm ne t m le denebilir. (E ylem den nce gelip e ylem i ya da zneyi n ite
leyen szcklere niteleyen -m o d ifie r- denilecektir).
Beilibai tm le trleri:
Sfat T ranslation is not difficult.
She looks unhappy.
Ad bei A horse is an anim al.
ilge bei He is in A nkara.

Bu tm le trleri to be ve ilgi e y le m le rin d e n '(seem, feel, a p pear vb.) sonra

kullanlr. .

Ad bei + ilge bei There is a book on the table.

There w ere no French books in the

Ad bei (adl) : We saw him.
They halped the boy.
Ad bei (dolayl nesne) + ad bei : I gave him a b o o k .' .
Ad bei + ad bei (dolayl nesne) : I gave a book to him .
Ad bei + sfat : He likes his coffee strong.
Ad bei + eylem + ad bei . : We let him go hom e.
Ad bei + to + eylem + ad bei : I w ant him to help us. ||
T m ce cik : I don't know w here he lives
Ad + tarz + yer + zam an zarflan : The children played gam es quietly
in their room yesterday.
He read the letter quickly in his o f
. fice before luneh.
Bu tem el yaplar bileik ve karm ak tm celerde de ayn sraya gre bulunur.
rnekleri inceleyelim : > . .

He didn't go to school because he was ili. -

zne eylem tm le bala zne eylem tm le

A lthough he w as ili he w ent to school

bala zne eylem tm le zne eylem tm le

G rld gibi yaln tm ce yaps teki tm celerde de yinelenm ektedir; yapsal yanl
yapm am ak iin her tm cenin eleri ayr ayr eksiksiz olmaldr.
N o t : Bileik ve karm ak tm celerin yaps iin ad, sfat ve zarf t m cecikleri ile ilgili
blm inceleyiniz.

zne Eyle m U yum u

1) Tekil zneyle tekil, oulla oul eylem kullanlr.
T h e boy gets up early.
T h e boys get up early. .

2) A nd ile birleen iki ad bei oul ad gerektirir.

Ziya and sm ail are in school now.

3) Topluluk ad topluluun btn dnlnce tekil eylem gerektirir, yeler tek tek
dnlrse oul eylem le kullanlr.

The jury has been considering the case.

My fam ily have decided to m ove to Ankara.

. ' 13
' * \ ' ' . " ' .
4) B irleik kavram lar tekil eylem le kullanlr:

Bread and butter is very delicious. '

5) l ve m atem atiksel eitlikler btn olarak dnldklerinde tekil eylem le kul

Tw o and three is tive.
Ten dollars is too m uch for this book.

6) T h e re - yapsndaki tm celerde asl zne durum u belirler; eer T h e re 'd e n sonra

gelen ilk ad bei tekilse "is", oulsa "are" kullanlr
T here is a book and three pencils on the table.
There are tw o books and a pencil on the table.

7) V + ing ve to + V yaplar tekildir. .

S w im m in g is useful.
To get up late is not good for health.

8) G ndergeleri oul o la n 'sfa t tm cecikleri oul eylem gerektirir:

T hose (people) who are late for w ork vvill be punished.

9) Adldan nce gelen adlar or ya da nor ile balanrsa olaslk sz'konusudur:

. \ \

1 a) iki ad da tekilse adl kullanlr:

N eith er Ali nor M ehm et does his hom ework.

b) kinci ad tekilse tekil eylem kullanlr:

N eith er the students nor the teach er com es today.

c) ikinci ad oulsa oul eylem gerekir: .

N eith er the teacher nor th e stud ents com e today.

10) u adllar tekildir, tekil eylem le kullanlr:

A nother, anyb ody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone,
everthing, m any a, one, neither, neither one, nobody, n o o n e , nothing, so-
m ebody, som e one, som ething.

S o m e ve trevlerinin olum lu, any ve trevlerinin olum suz ve soru tm celerinde kulla
nldklar unutulm am aldr. , .

11) B o th , m a n y , fe w , s e v e ra l oul eylem lerle kullanlr:

Both w ork very hard.
M any w ant to go abroad. ,
Few ' learn French nowadays.

12) M uch, little, a little ktle adlaryla ve tekil eylem lerle kullanlr:
W e don't have m uch tea left.
There is a little w ater in the glass.
VVe have got little money.
13) Each, every, either, neither tekil eylem lerle kullanlr.
Each of them is broken. .
N either plan suits them .

14) Ali, any, none, som e kullanm a gre tekil ya da oul olabilir:.
N ot ali food is good to eat. .
A li child ren like piaying. .. . - . . - v
N one of th e telephones is/are w orkin.

15) T m ce d e zne ve eylem arasnda gelen szckler zneyi etkilem ez.

T he m an in addition to his ten children is leaving soon. .
T he teacher along w ith his stud ents is vievving a film.
O ne of th e m ost enjoyable parties w as given by him. .

16) Baz adlar her zam an oul haldedir ve oul olarak kullanlrlar:
trousers , pants, jeans, sunglasses, thanks, scisors, ete. ,
His pants are stili at the eleaner's.
Y o ur thanks are enough fo r me.
Fakat "a pair of" veya "a w ord of" gibi deyim lerle kullanldklarnda tekil
olarak kullanlrlar. . . T>'
T h a t pair of pants Is dirty.
. A vvord of thanks is enough. . '

17) "A num ber of" ile oul "the num ber of" ile tekil eylem kullanlr: '
A num ber of students w ere m issing from elass.
T T he num ber of Iranian students in elass is small.
.. ,
18) Bir zam an paras, para, arlk v.s. bildiren deyim ler ekil olarak ouldur fakat ift /
tekil eylem le kullanlrlar( . . .
Tw o vveeks is enough tim e for a nice vacation.
T en gallons of gasoline costs a lot of m o n e y ..

A rticles/T am m lklar (a/an, the) ve

M iktar B elirten S zckler ' : _

1) B elirsiz tan m lk : a / a n
oul yaplabilen (courtable) adlarn tekilleri ile kullanlr:

a) S ylenii nszle balayan szcklerle a kullanlr: - .'



a book, a bird, a historical event, a university . : ' r-


. -h - .

b) S ylenii (yazldeil) nlyle balayan szcklerle an kullanlr:

, ..
an appie an hour an ant

c) advice, inform ation, know ledge, fnoney gibi oulu yaplm ayan ktle
adlaryla (urcountable nouns) a, an kullanlm az.

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