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OY PRACTICAL CHINESE READER 3rd Edition ©2015 ARM ARH MAL, AES 15191 SEMA (CIP) Bae IITA : OTE. 1, RAR / HE 3 Wi AC: ACT AP HARA, 2015.10 ISBN 978-7-5619-4277-2 1. OB 1. ORee MM. ORB — MITRE tet WV. DHI95.4 "PEI RRACER 1st CIP Wes RF (2015 ) 9% 223456 PRB NBR (35 3 IGE) RAI XIN SHIYONG HANYU KEBEN (DI-SAN BAN YINGWEN ZHUSHI) KEBEN 1 RBAR: NES REMB: TES RM: WE HER: K WRIT: FE Eee: SBR WB : AROSE ICRRARAT 258 2: PERT KS Se RRAL 4 hat: (CRIDER ew 1s S, 100083 1) tit: BIS: % 4B: RYE —_8610-82303647/3592/3395 GAR 8610-82303650/3591/3648 SIRT 8610-82303365/3080/3668 AGES 8610-82303653 (AWA 8610-82303908 6 Bi: REDPHSNMIARAD RMR: 2015 F 10H 3H & R: 2015 F 10S 1 REV FOB: 889 WK « 1194 BK 1/16 6 #: 21.25 1 F Baers 12800 PRINTED IN CHINA =e ee LE) oe xe 1 RBBB AIM 22%:b pm fd tal 3.4%:a 0ei uu 4. BR: OS 5. BE SIBD BEAR LA: g kh 2. Arastiy: i ei go ou 3. SE: an en ang eng ong KIBRAIR 1. #4; zh ch sh 6 2.4%: i 3. 0H: uo uo ual uel uan ven uang uueng 12 sama RAIA Lt" he 2. 35M (1) fear) 3. HMI 9s (1) ARF 1 RHR LRFHRAES 3, RARE HO RAL wR Rib se HA 9 8m KBE MIR LAH: jg x Leite: io jon in iang ue van un iong 21 ie ico iow ing OPE: so Bt x SAR LAB: 2 0 8 2.468: ih] S=B9 BEAR 1. #4: er 2. Jt 3.5K" HR SOB wBRAR 1.4580) (2) —aean 2. BELA (2) HR 1 RF WLELH (1) 2 RR wR RP RIEIT ¢ PART ONE + Knowledge about Phonetics 1. The basic sounds in Mandarin 2. Initials: b, p,m, f, 4, t,n, and | 3, Single finals: 6, 0, e,j,u, and U 4, Tones: The four basic tones S. The neutral tone PART TWO Se) 4 Knowledge about Phonetics 1. Initials: g, k, and h 2, Front-sonorant compound finals: ai, ei, ao, and ou 3. Finals with nasal endings: an, en, ‘ang, eng, and ong 4. Third tone sandhi PART THREE ~ + Knowledge about Phonetics 1. Initials: h, ch, sh, and r 2. The final: i] 3. Finals that begin with u: ua, uo, ugi, uei, uan, uen, uang, and ueng PART FOUR =~ 12 * Knowledge about Phonetics 1. The tone sandhi of “yi —” (one) 2, Summary of the spelling rules (1): Rules for separation of syllables 3. Brief review of phonetics (1) % Chinese Characters 1. The origin of Chinese characters 2. The basic strokes of Chinese characters 3. Basic rules for the stroke order and the ‘way of writing Chinese characters % Cultural Knowledge Chinese and Putonghud (Mandarin) %. PART ONE =~ 2 +* Knowledge about Phonetics 1. Initials: j, g, and x 2. Finals that begin with i i ie, ia0, jou, ian, in, iang, and ing Finals that begin with U: Ue, Uan, Un, and iong PART TWO. 25 + Knowledge about Phonetics 1. Initials: z.¢, and s 2. The final: -i[)] PART THREE + Knowledge about Phonetics 1. The final: er 2. The retroflex ending 3. The tone sandhi of “bis *R” (not) PART FOUR nmr 3 + Knowledge about Phonetics 1. Summary of the spelling rules (2): Rules for the omission of syllables 2. Brief review of phonetics (2) + Chinese Characters 1, Compound strokes of Chinese characters (I) 2. Chinese radicals: *, 4 + Cultural Knowledge ‘Chinese Characters and Hanyti Pinyin 28 PREG E LE REMEA CMORALOA PAA AAR RRE ARE Stee Reset fae See Ri 2 48 Dit 1, MAT HROF 2. ae 3. FUR 4. RAB, 1. ag 2. AA, 3. (AMEE 4. se 5.55 6. Hint 7. BES 1 ene 2. Bl 3A 4. (eM AE (1) LET (1) 2. $18 23, flee C1) 4. fala 1A 2 aE 3. Zee 4. FEHR (2) 5. RIVER 1B 2 amet 3. itt 4 ARIE 5, AE a sa “a” ea ae : > eee ead ; on ae (2) RPM ARK eeMmE 43 see (a) Reta C2) 2 EMH: 14a LRH “2” F491) = sremiCAMIIG (1). a, mp RHE C1) Zetia on os Fa 63 = arnt mee 2. WH: tO a hy = SSRCRMER LRH mati meats (2). maacttats MAIER og < SRerfROMAINAD (2); HTL RE (1): ema. sin ~ 100 eee a “1 IR i oe sxptitaty (3): era PROB ayy = ERS ayy 2 EWR: 1 ow wR ; = amine) Ss SSO” RA) =. A, AARON = Samia) Seva (1): RL “1: Fea =anay Bea (1): iB, HR, Bee. Bann san Se" erirnF BAR” ReeNFT eas (1): M+ RD / AMR ‘ : OFAN (4): RAED PLAT 138, Rem: At A i : FAR : TUFTS (5): ATLASES | FMB: A ROR | 162 Fe RH: Seams (1): SB ahiainiAey (2) seraftimagmyay (3), ee . VL fl, & LMR: HARE T 2H: TAL aT" Cet (1): deat: SH) (2): RAK 2 HAT (3): Be, OIA =] CANAL) (4): 7” Fete (2): PME RPMH: KR, BCE), Be?” ee F(A) A (2): DURGA A FO MLL Sp RAT AE i: ARI pees pc CE AHH a 208 234 258 «Xin Shiyong — Hanyd. —- Kabén) huanying ni! (Br SE LDL UR AS) i fis | New Practical Chinese Reader welcomes you! In the two lessons of Introduction to Phonetics, you'll come across the complete Chinese phonetic system: 21 initials, 38 finals, 4 tones, and tone sandhi in the flow of speech. When you have learned * Hanyii pinyin i 1B 4 #*, you can read ‘out any syllable in Chinese (There are only some 1,200 syllables in Chinese). Of course, these two Preparatory lessons only give you a phonetic foundation. in each of the future lessons, we will continue to practice the sounds and tones until you ‘can pronounce them as correctly as the Chinese do. The purpose of learning phonetics is to communicate. In these two lessons, you'll lean 16 sets of common dialogues and more than 30. classioom expressions and will also come across Many useful Chinese words and phrases. What is extremely important is that you'll lean 14 most basic Chinese characters and come to understand the strokes of Chinese characters and the writing rules. These most basic characters can help you learn the relatively complex characters and lear by heart more words and phrases. Ate you ready? Here we go! Ni hdo on SF Hello introduction to Phonetics Chinese is a tonal and musical language. You will want to use accurate Mandarin to communicate with Chinese. These two preliminary lessons will help you from the very beginning to establish a sound foundation in phonetics. The picturesque Chinese characters, one of the world’s oldest written languages still in use today, with more than three thousand years of history, might have seemed quite mysterious fo you. These lessons will also tell You how to recognize and write Chinese characters, in a relatively easy mannet. In the current lesson, you will leam six basic characters. In addition, you will lean how fo say some essential dally expressions. Are you ready? Let's begin. @& #83 ~WARM-UP ~s Listen to the following syllables. On the lines below, write the numbers of the three syllables that you think are Mandarin. Listen a second time and imitate the Mandarin syllables you hear. Cy eS anon apa TRO covbaintt ay. 2 3 Loo seit ot agli by e $—5} PART ONE <= Ni héo! A: MAF! Ni héo! B: 4h 4! A: Hello! B: Hello! ~~ (383 AR) RA Practical Chinese Reader (3d Eton) Textbook 1 | ‘Communication activity Greet your classmates and teacher in Mandarin. +R Knowledge about Phonetics 1. The basic sounds in Mandarin. shéngdiao ( Fj] ) tone fio TRE) final Fes In Modern Standard Chinese, a syllable usually has three parts: the initial, the final, and the tone. The initial is the consonant at the beginning; the rest of the syllable is the final. A final is made of one to three vowels or a combination of a vowel plus the consonant “n” or “ng” . A tone mark is placed above a vowel. For instance, in the example “hdo 4” , “h” is the initial, “oo” is the final, and the tone is the third tone. A syllable may not have an initial, such as “ai” , but it ‘must have a final. Altogether Mandarin has 21 initials, 38 finals, and four tones. The structure of a Hanyii pinyin syllable is as follows: sshéngmi ( ) initial 2. Phonological items (1) Initials: b, p, m, and f The initials b, p, and m are bilabial, but fis labiodental. They are pronounced similar to English. (2) Initials: d, t, 9, and | When pronouncing d, t, n, and |, the tip of the tongue is in the alveolar position. They are pronounced similar to English. 2: WES | BR tee Introduction to Phonetics | Lesson 1 Hello Note: The initials b and d are unaspirated; p and t are pronounced in the same position as b and d, but they are aspirated. (3) Single finals: 4, 0, e, i, u, and i When the final o alone is combined with b, p, m, or f, there is usually a short u in between the initial and the final. So, the actual pronunciation of bo, po, mo, and fo is buo, puo, muo, and fuo. The pinyin final e and the English letter e are pronounced differently. When pronouncing the pinyin e, approximate the sound er as in the British English word “her”. The final U is a rounded high front vowel. When pronouncing it, place your tongue as if you were pronouncing i in pinyin and then round your lips. (4) Tones Chinese is a tonal language. Each tone has the function of differentiating meaning. Mandarin has four basic tones. ba(A) ba( aR) ba (Fe) ba(#) eight to pull out target dad ‘Tone marks: the first tone is marked “~” , the second tone is marked“ +” the third tone is marked “ v ” , and the fourth tone is marked “~”. When a syllable has only one vowel, the tone mark is marked above the vowel such as “li Gti” and “h&n 4f2”. If the tone mark is above the pinyin vowel i, the dot above i should be removed such as “ni 4x", “nin £€°", and “* ping 3”. When a syllable has a compound final, “a & RAIMA (6 3M) RAL New Practical Chinese Reader (3rd Eaition) Textbook 1 the tone mark should usually be put above the vowel which requires your mouth to be open the widest. When the degree to which you open your mouth is the same, put the tone mark above the second vowel, such as “lid 2” and “dui X1”. The order of vowel sounds based on how wide the mouth is opened: (5) The neutral tone Mandarin has a neutral tone. The neutral tone must be read lightly and quickly. When spelling the syllable, there is no tone mark. mama ( 4534 ) bébo ( 4448 ) nimen ( 4411) baba ( €€) mom uncle you dad ©@ BFF Pronunciation Drills B jo. 1. Read aloud and pay attention to the tones a qa 4 4 bo b6 bd bo la la a a yi yi yi yi wit wo wil wi ya ya yi yu 2. Sound discrimination ba (father) — pa (afraid) 6 (uncle) — p6 (mother-in-law) a (big) — ta (to stamp) i (to bet) — tis (oil) £8 (law) — m& (horse) ‘md (ink) —— mid (wood) Ni (strength) — Idi (green) nd (female) —— nit (to exert) ERE | BR tit Introduction to Phonetics | “Lesson 1 Hello 3. Tone discrimination m4 (horse) — md (mom) mu (wood) —— mii (mother) i (one) — yf (aunt 1 (strength) — Ii cin) dis (to bet) — di (to read) yi (rin) — yi (ish) 4. The neutral tone baba mama bébo pépo =, i®SAiB CLASSROOM EXPRESSIONS Read aloud. a. @& $—85 PARTTWO<« —. BM TEXT Nimen héo! Mei] HF! Ni héo! Me 3! Hello, everyone! Hello! PMAAMBIRA (H 3 hk) RA w Practical Chinese Reader (3rd Edition) Textbook 1 (=) B sare Ni méng ma? A: te 4? Hén méng. B: 4 A: Are you busy? B: Very busy. Communication activity Based on the pictures and scenes below, complete the dialogues, using the designated words. (I) A: 1 @A: 1! @) A: Baba, 2 (méng) B: ly SBE ! B: . (méng) PHONETICS iBBAMIR Knowledge about Phonetics 1. Phonological items (1) Initials: g, k, and h ‘When pronouncing g and k, raise the back of the tongue against the soft palate. The initial g is pronounced like “kir” in the English word “skirt”. ‘When pronouncing h, raise the back of the tongue and place it close to the soft palate. Baht TR tee Introduction to Phonetics | “Lesson 1 Helo Note: Though g and k are pronounced in the same position, g is unaspirated and k is aspirated. ‘The initial h in Mandarin is pronounced in a similar position as “h” in English. (2) Front-sonorant compound finals: ai, ei, ao, and ou Front-sonorant compound finals are composed of a primary vowel and a secondary vowel. The first vowel is the primary vowel (the tone mark is put above it), the pronunciation is relatively clear and loud, and the length of the sound is longer than the secondary vowel; the length of the secondary vowel is relatively short and the pronunciation is less stressed. A primary vowel + a secondary vowel: ci, el, a0, and ou The final ei is similar to “ay” as in the English word “play” and the final ou is similar to “o” in the English word “so”. (3) Finals with nasal endings: an, en, ang, eng, and ong A final that ends with n is called a front nasal final; a final that ends with ng is called a back nasal final. When pronouncing a front nasal final, first pronounce the vowel in the final. Then immediately pronounce n along with the flow of the air. The nasal nis pronounced similar to “n” as in the English word “in”. When pronouncing a back nasal final, first pronounce the vowel in the final. Then immediately pronounce ng along with the flow of the air. The pronunciation of ng is similar to “ng” as in the English word “belong”. 2. Third tone sandhi (1) When appearing on its own, a third tone is fully pronounced. EMBED ni ho mand (2) When two third tones are read aloud together, the first third tone is read as a second tone, but the tone mark remains the third tone. v + vr +0 EREMBIED ni hao chetio) ni ho hén héio (very good) hén héo yf (grammar) yora kéyi (all right) kéyi ’ (3) When a third tone is followed by a first tone, second tone, or fourth tone syllable, or ‘most neutral tones, the third tone is read aloud as a half third tone. EXAMI hn go (very tall in bei (very white) hn da (very bia) ndinai (grandma) iB | New Practical Chinese Reader (3rd Edition) book 1 | ©@ BFS Pronunciation Drills B .o.0, 1, Read aloud and pay attention to the tones ni ni ni hao do hao | men mn ta th : hén. hén ae 2. Sound discrimination kan (to look) — gain (to do) fi (to ly) —— héi (black) dao (knife) — dou (all) fn (minute) — féng (wind) 3. Tone discrimination ni hao men ta ‘hen do — dao péi — pai pang —— pang (fat) 4, Third-tone sandhi ding ta hn gao ni méng hén mang nit héo hén héo kale héokan ndinai ho ma ni hao nimen tamen hén méng ku (mouth) — géu (dog) bi (hundred) —— béi (north) Gn (to talk) — tGng (sugar) dong (cast) — déng (lamp) kin (to look) —— kén (to cut) hén (very) — hén (to hate) d&ng (to wait) — déng (lamp) @ Hen héo! Very good! A ain @ Nimen du. Please read aloud. © Kan héiban. Look at the blackboard. ERS | BIR RF Introduction to Phonetics | Lesson 1. Hello @& $=315} PART THREE « ee ee (—) Bin Léoshi hdo! ALS EERE: Nimen hdo! B: #4) 3! A: Hello, teacher! B: Hello, everyone! Zhé shi shéi? A: it & #2? Zhé shi Chén laoshi. zk 2M AIR, A: Who is this person? B: This is Teacher Chen. Y Bien Na shi shes? A: AB & ift? ’ Na shi Zhéng léoshi. MR A BM, Who is that person? ‘That is Teacher Zheng. @> RAIA (8 3M) RA Communication activity Based on the pictures and scenes below, complete the dialogues, using the designated words. (DA: ! (nimen) (2): i 2 (zhe) B: ! B: «(2h shi A: 2 (nd) B: - (na shi) GB BBA Knowledge about Phonetics (1) Initials: 2h, ch, sh, andr The initial zh is similar to “j” in the English word “jet”, but the tip of the tongue curls toward the back a bit, and it is unaspirated. The initial ch is similar to “ch” in the English word “church”, but the tip of the tongue curls toward the back a bit, and it is aspirated. The initial sh is similar to “sh” in the English word “ship”, but the tip of the tongue curls toward the back a bit. The initial r is similar to “r” in the English word “right” , but when pronouncing r, the lips are flat, and the tip of the tongue curls toward the back a bit. First try to make the sh sound, next vibrate your vocal chords, and then the r sound will be produced. (2) The final: -i [1] The -i [1] in zhi, chi, shi, and ri is not pronounced in the same way as the single final i (i). ‘After pronouncing the aforementioned zh, ch, sh, and r, the tongue remains unmoved. (3) Finals that begin with u: ua, uo, uai, uel, uan, uen, uang, and ueng ‘The structure of this group of finals is as follows: Medial u + the primary vowel a, uo, ual, or uei (ui) Medial u + the nasal final uan, uen (un), uang, or ueng 10 * aanhe BIR HR Introduction to Phonetics | Lesson 1 Hello When pronouncing u, first pronounce the sound of “u” as in the English word “youth”, then naturally glide to the vowel or the nasal final ©@® #45 Pronunciation Drills 1, Read aloud and pay attention to the tones 160 10 0 shi shi shi chén chen zhéng rén 2. Sound discrimination gui kui chin — tan zhi — cht ‘wn (to finish) — wéing (king) 3. Tone discrimination shi (tobe) — shi (ten) cché (tea) — cha (poor) rén (people) —— rén (to recognize) 4. Practice reading the disyllabie words shudhud (to speak) zhido (to know) shdngwi (moming) — wanshang (evening) Zhénggué (China) Migué (USA) © Shangké le. © Gén wo da. © Duibu dui? © Duile. © Bu du. Is that right? That's right. That's not right. SB rove Woshi Chén Kéoshi Zhéng léoshi shi shéi aorén shin —— zhiin 10 (road) — rb (10 enter) ‘kudi —— kud hudi (bad) — hui (can) shui (water) zhd (pig) — zhu (bamboo) ‘wi (1) — wo (to lie down) shut (who) chiddo (late) rénshi (to know) Ribén (Japan) Hangué (South Korea) Let’s begin the class. Please repeat after me. | @ $85} PART FOUR = | (=) Baw Ni hé kafai ma? A: 4 9B oorlk 2? WO bi hé kaféi. RFE wrk A: Doyou drink coffee? B: [don’t drink coffee. Ni hé shénme? A: 48% 14? Léi yl bai ché. B: R—# ® A: What would you like to drink? B: Acup of tea. Communication activity Small group activity: In groups of four, look at the | picture on the right, and take tums asking and answering questions regarding what each person wants to drink, Find out the most popular drink in the group, then report your finding to the whole class. EME | SiR te Introduction to Phonetics | Lesson 1 Hello pels | — aN LOS) @D if FAMIR Knowledge about Phonetics 1, The tone sandhi of “yi —” (one) The original tone of “yi —” (one) is the first tone. When it appears alone or appears at the end of a word or a sentence, it is read in its original tone, When it is used as an ordinal number (ie., diyi 38— first, itis also read in its original tone. However, when “yi —” appears before the first, second, or third tone, the tone is changed to the fourth tone, When it appears before the fourth tone, the tone is changed to the second tone. — f= Example: yi béi(acupo) yit 4-—syit {- yiping (abotteof) ve lv yi ban (a volume, a copy). yit Seyi S Example: y/bidm once) 2. Summary of the spelling rules (1): Rules for separation of syllables (1) Spelling rules fori, u, or U as a syllable itself When the final j itself is a syllable, or when i that is combined with a nasal consonant n or ng isa syllable, add y before i. iyi Example: i yi in—yin ing > ying ‘When a compound final starts with | and this final itself is a syllable, i should be changed to y. i=sy Example: ia yo ie ye ian yan ‘When the final u itself is a syllable, add w before u. u=>wu Example: u— wu When a compound final starts with u and this final itself is a syllable, u should be changed tow. u=w Example: ua— wa — uan—> wan When the final U itself is a syllable, or when a compound final that starts with U is a syllable, add y before i, and remove the two dots above i. ‘ i—yu Example: U-yu Ue—yue ion > yuan (2) The apostrophe When a syllable starts with the vowel a, o, or e with no initial, an apostrophe is placed before the vowel to separate it from the previous syllable. For example, Tian’anmén KH 7] (Tian’anmen), Xi’6u FUBK (Western Europe), and FEAR tidn’é (swan). 3. Brief review of phonetics (1) (1) Summary of the initials: (2) Summary of the finals: Single finals: a, 0, e, i, u, , -i[) ‘Compound finals: ci, ei, do, ou, an, en, ang, eng, uai, uei, uan, uen, uang, ueng, ong RAIA (HB ML) RAY New Practical Chinese Reader (3rd Edition) Textbook 1 (3) The combinations of initials and finals in this lesson bfetmtelalelalrfofetmlmlala| + a wa |b | po | mo | ° m ee Te fos a@[e[aie Ca Se a a ow ad oe ee fe =e feta] gr] hat eal Ge] | [tr | ge feat | hat | ater [het | ber ce vot | | got | tat | er | ater bet ea | boo | pos. | moo 400 | too | roo | too | goo | 400 | too. | hoo | ao |ahoo | roo ou pou | mou | fou | dou | tou | nou | lou | gou | tou | hou | chou | chou | shou | rou an [bon [pan [mon | fon | don | ton | non | ten | pon | ten | ton [ator | chon [hon | ron eo | bon | pen [men | fon | don en cen | ten_[ hen | zhen | chen | eben [ren | 279 | bore | ang [mang | Yong | dang | tong {nang | tang | gong | kang | hang [zhang | chang | shong | rong era | tera | peng | meng | tong | dong | tong | nena | tong | cone | hong | hang | zhong | cheng] ebeng | rong | wo vot [toot | hot | act | ebuct| aha voi) aa ca_| tt | | att | ot | oh | ot ‘en dion | ton | muan | han | oven | Won | huon [ivan] con] shun | an oe a wore aver | kong | hang [tong ong ohng = ong dong | tong | rong | long | gong | kong | hong | zhong | chong rong. 4 BERS | SIR te 1 eto Introduction to Phoneucs | Lesson (4) Brief summary of the rules for tone sandhi © The third tone sandhi When two third tone syllables are read aloud together, the first third tone changes to the second tone. Vivowsiy ‘When a syllable with a third tone appears before the first, second, fourth, and most of the neutral tones, it is read aloud only as a half third tone. ve [rows { ® The tone sandhi of “yi —” (one) yi+ & —yi+ {- BE ys v yit \—ylt 8 ©@ BES Pronunciation Drills B jo. 1, Read aloud and pay attention to the tones ka ka fei féi f8i fei kaféi shen shén shén shan me shénme yi yi yi yi bai bai bei cha cha cha cha yi béi cha 2. Sound discrimination bi—pt dui — tui ks —gé shi (to be) — ri (un) zhi — chi zhéng — chong kudi — kud ri—re huan — huéng gén — géng rou—rud dou (all) — dud (many) | HR AAIRA (6 3M) PRAT New Practical Chinese Reader (3rd Edition) Textbook 1 3. Tone discrimination ni ——ni ‘shi (ten) —— shi (lion) zhé — aha (tis cchéng — cheng | ‘guai — guoi rng (to let) — réng (to shout) | 4. The neutral tone inci bébo pépo méknelon gege gugu shénshen niimen wémen tamen 5. Third tone followed by other tones Half third tone: Goshi hdochi ni shuo Fagué ni dé hén méng kele ni yoo wo mei nding women héo ma w0 gége n& gué rén ni baba nit waipd ‘Two third tones: ni hdo hén hdo w6 mai 6. The variations of the tone of “ — (yi)” shiyi diyt yi lou yi zhang yi béi yiaht yitéi yirén yibén yibé | yige yi kudi 7. Practice reading the disyllabie words | KGFéi (coffee) ——h@ Ch (to drink tea) [dich (green tea) héngché (back tea shénme (what) yiifé (grammar) kai (to open) k@oshi (exam) Hanyt (Chinese) chi fn (toeat a meal) yfgdng (altogether) —_yish€ng (whole life) ERS | B1R tise Introduction to Pronetics | Lesson 1 Tielo =, SAIS CLASSROOM EX SSIONS @ Ba shi dakai. Open your book. 3 a @ Kan kewén. Read the text. @ Dong le ma? Do you understand? / Have you got it? @ Ding le. Yes, I do. / Yes, I have. © Bu ding. No, I don’t. / No, I haven’t. CHINESE CHARACTEF iRFR Knowledge about Chinese Characters 1. The origin of Chinese characters Chinese characters originated from pictographs. From ancient times to the present, the shapes of Chinese characters have undergone great changes. Modern Chinese characters are square in shape. They evolved from ancient Chinese characters. For example: Olea Sar 2. The basic strokes of Chinese characters Chinese characters are composed of strokes with different shapes. The strokes of Chinese characters are divided into basic strokes and compound strokes. RADIA (HB MR) RAI a New Practical Chinese Reader (3rd Edition) Textbook 1 Basic strokes of Chinese characters aul Name | Example EN =i as) From left to right, like — ' 1 asd From top to bottom, like the 2nd stroke of + 7T/] pre From top right to bottom left, like the Ist stroke of /\ NEI as From top left to bottom right, like the 2nd stroke of /\ Ts] From top left downward right, like the Ist stroke of 7 -[-] From bottom left upward to top right, like the 4th stroke of aes Introduction to Phonetics. SiR tee lesson 1 reo @ 54 RF Leam and Write the Basic Chinese Characters oO a sou | Leela. shi ten 2 strokes { % W Ay SERIA CULTURAL KNOWLEDG Chinese and Piitonghua (Mandarin) Chinese is the primary language of the Chinese nation with a long history. It belongs to the Sino-Tibetan family of languages. It is one of the languages with the longest history. According to UNESCO statistics, currently about 1.6 billion people in the world can speak Chinese. The extensive use of Chinese is second only to English in the world. Chinese is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. ‘There are 56 ethnic groups in China, of which the Han, Hui, Man (Manchu), and some other ethnic groups use Chinese, accounting for 94% of the Chinese population. Overseas, many people in Chinese communities in Singapore, Malaysia, and some other countries also use Chinese. Over one billion people worldwide use Chinese as their mother tongue. The Chinese language is divided into seven main dialect regions, of which the northern dialect region (also called the Mandarin dialect region) accounts for approximately three fourths of the total area of China. The northern dialect speakers of Chinese account for two thirds of the total population of China, RADIA (8 3M) RAY New Practical Chinese Reader (3rd Edition) Textbook 1 Modern Standard Chinese is “piténghua iia” (literally the Common Speech, known as Mandarin abroad). It is based on standard Beijing pronunciation, using northern speech as the basic dialect and using the model writing of the modem vernacular works as the norm for grammar, #804 RE Fun with Chinese ‘Tongue Twisters Si shisl, shi shishi, shisishi shisi, ssh hi sishi Lake, +X+, toto, wt kot, Mama qi mé, madman, mama mo ma. 2G HS, BR, MAG Ho, Chi pitoo bd tii pitaopir, bi chi pitao déo tt pataopir. 3.°% i) BRL ABRIL, Keb Hh Bj Hl ok A BH IL, (1) Four is four; ten is ten; fourteen is fourteen; forty is forty. (2) Mom rode a horse; the horse was slow, (so) Mom cursed the horse. (3) When eating grapes, don’t spit out the grape skins. ‘When not eating grapes, spit out the grape skins. 20 - Introduction to Phon ‘After studying this lesson, you will have leamed almost all the initials, finals, and tones in Chinese. You should also be able fo pronounce all of the syllables, recognize and write the eight new Chinese characters, and say many useful words and phrases. Perhaps you have already realized that It is quite interesting to leam to speak Chinese and write Chinese characters, Although it could be a ittie strange at the beginning, studying Chinese Is not difficult at all as long as you use the correct method as suggested in this book. You stil have lots of time and many opportunities to continue to improve your pronunciation in Mandarin and wtite Chinese characters. @& #44 WARM-UP ~< ‘The Chinese words below are transliterations based on English pronunciations. Try to read aloud these words and guess what they mean, kaféi qgidokeli hanbéobao kékéukéle CQ) mt (2) 5RA (GG) RBA (4) TOT @& %—i5> PART ONE —. iB TEXT ) &..., Kéyi_jinlai ma? A: THR YH? Qing jin. B: it. A: May I-come in? B: Please come in, 21 a SS ATGRIRAR ($8 3 AR) RAT ‘New Practical Chinese Reader (3rd Edition) Textbook 1 =) Bion Qing hé cha. =! Pe A i % the Xiéxie. B: ihtitt. Bu kégi. AD RB Have some tea, please. Thank you. You are welcome. Peer Communication ac ity Following what you see in the pictures, split into groups of two, with one acting as the ‘guest and the other acting as the host, op Ei=meOn GD BFR Knowledge about Phonetics (1) Initials: j, q, and x The initials j, q, and x are voiceless palatal affricates, wane 2 Wit Introduction to Phonetics | Lesson 2 Thank you ‘When pronouncing j and q, first raise the tongue to the hard palate and press the tip of the tongue against the back of the lower teeth, and then loosen the tongue to let the air squeeze out. The initial j is unaspirated while q is aspirated. When pronouncing q, the airflow is very strong. When pronouncing x, first raise the front of the tongue toward (but not touching) the hard palate and then let the air squeeze out. The vocal cords do not vibrate. Note: The only finals that can be combined with j, q, and x are the single finals i and U, as well as. the compound finals that start with i or U. (2) Finals: ia, ie, iao, iou, ian, in, iang, ing, de, Wan, tn and iong In the finals that start with i or U, the primary vowel is the sound after i or U (e. Ue). The final i or U glides over to the primary vowel. If there is another vowel (¢.g., 100 and ou) or a nasal sound (e.g., ian, iang, and iong) after the primary vowel, the secondary vowel or the nasal sound is pronounced lightly. ©@ BHF45 Pronunciation Drills B ,,.., 1. Read aloud and pay attention to the tones jin jin jin '6i lai jinlai qing ging ging qing qing jin xie xié x8 xie xiéxie ke ke ké ke a a qi qi kaqi 2. Sound discrimination FF (Chicken) — qi (seven) {160 (to teach) — qido (to knock) jué (to feel) —— xué (to study) ing (please) —— xing (to wake up): yu (moon) — ya (night) Ji80 (foot) — jd (nine) {in (to come in) ding (quien) gin (money) — quédn (all) “23 Sees (58 3 AR) RAT za & Reader (3rd Edition) Textbook 1 3. Tone discrimination id (down) — xiG (shrimp) shui (water) — shut (who) | xin (heart) — xin (leer) ling (zero) — ling (to lead) 4 xidio (small) — xido (to laugh) juan (to donate) — juin (to roll) 4, Combination of tones -+- -t+e -ty -Hs. -te kafei Zhonggué shéngdido —_tamen yishéng he cha chi fan gége ete ate viv ZN ote tésha chéngchéng nina jig péngyou (books) (often) dilly (Guent) (friend) chénggong —_yinhéng pinggud —_—chiddo yéye (success) (bank) (apple) (late) (grandpa) 5. Practice reading the disyllabie words yuyan xuéyudn xudxt xuésheng (language) (institute) (to study) (student) xthuan jidoshi péngyou yuéliang (to like) (to teach) (friend) (moon) gishut Yinggu6 géoxing xi0xi (soda water) (United Kingdom) (happy) (20 have a break) @ Téngxuémen héo! Hello, everyone! (Teacher to students) 3 , @ Qing kan sha. Please read your book. © Qing da sheng do. Please read aloud. © xiake. The class is over. > (—) Baw Qingwan, Chén éoshi zai ma? HA, Mm Bye 2? Zoi. / Bu zai. Hen IR Hk Excuse me, is Teacher Chen in? ‘Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. Zaijion! FR! Zaijion! BL! Goodbye. Goodbye. Communication activity In groups of two, act according to the pictures. oy +25 RCANBRA (3M) RA New Practical Chinese Reader (3rd Edition) Textbook 1 @B BFR Knowledge about Phonetics (1) Initials: z, ¢, and s The pronunciation of z is similar to “ds” as in the English word “goods” , except that the vocal cords do not vibrate. The pronunciation of ¢ is similar to “ts” as in the English word “cats” and is aspirated. When pronouncing s, you put the tip of your tongue close to your teeth and squeeze out your breath. It sounds close to “s” in the English word “sweet”. Note: ‘The pronunciations of z and 2h are unaspirated while c and ch are aspirated. (2) The final: -i fy) ‘When pronouncing the syllables zi, ci, and si, the tongue remains in the same position from beginning to end. @ i8H45) Pronunciation Drills Initial +) ui guixing (honorable surname) ven un toll (to discuss) (2) When j or ti is combined with j, g, o x, the dot or dots must be omitted. For example, “J JL” (how many, how much), “qui 2" (to go). However, when U follows n or |, the two dots cannot be omitted, such as “nti %” (female) and “Idi 4%” (green). 2 Brief review of phonetics (2) (1) Complete table of initials D There are 21 initials in Modern Standard Chinese, divided into six groups based on the positions of their pronunciations (see the table below). Among them only r, m,n, and | are voiced. The rest are voiceless, i.e., without the vibration of the vocal cords when being pronounced. Table of Initials evan See aT, ae ae Sori | afeE SS Cee ttt : ee Res pesee ree WL.) ng RRS eee Of the 21 initials, there are six pairs of corresponding aspirated and unaspirated sounds. When pronouncing an aspirated or unaspirated sound, pay close attention to the differences between them because each sound has the function of distinguishing meanings. A.b—p Cg—k E.zh—ch Bd—t D.j—q Bz PRAIA (8 3 HR) RAT ~~ Now Practical Chinese Reader (3rd Edition) Textbook 1 | (2) Complete table of finals @ There are 38 finals in Modern Standard Chinese, divided into four groups based on the shape of the mouth for the vowel in the final (see the table below). | Table of Finals ial etc Sear eect) asin si. @ The letter e represents four different pronunciations: e [+] as in é, e [€] as in y8, e [e] as | in m@i, and e [] as in wen. @ The final ueng itself is a syllable without an init very few Chinese characters that we have not learned. (spelled as weng), representing the (3) Complete table of combined initials and finals In Modern Standard Chinese there are altogether over four hundred meaningful basic syllables. If the four tones are added, there will be over 1,200 syllables. All the syllables that we have studied at this stage of phonetics are found in the table below. as: wane wl we Introduction to Phonetics | Lesson 2 Thank you ©@ 8845 Pronunciation Drills B jeans 1, Read aloud and pay attention to the tones fa fa fi fu wo wi wis wo yuan yudn ud yuan Fawoyudn dian dién dian cai bi chi coi didn cai shéng shéng song ché ché che shang ché 2. Sound discrimination bao (full) —— pGo (to run) dui (right) — tui gi (aunt) —— ka (to cry) 21 (to rent) — cf (thick) 2h80 (10 look for) — cho _jidng (river) — qiding (gun) 40 (nine) — xith i (silk) — shi (poem) 21 (son) — ji (self) si (four) —xi (drama) gun —— judn {U6 (pot) — gua (to scratch) 3. Tone discrimination wang (to die) —— wang (to forget) kan (to look) ——k&n —_ gOng (labor) —— gong sn (three) — stn shén — shen quai — guai 4. Combination of tones ve= vie viv vis ves yayin da qid yasén qingwen zénme (pronunciation) (how) xiGoshud ——qiichuéng—_fiido. nish ylzi (novel) (to getup) (to coach) (madam) (chair) sae aR sty sa ae shangban = kawén ways baogin xiexie (to go to work) (text) aiché faxi didnying huihua didi (car) (to review) (movie) (conversation) 5. Practice reading the disyllabic words duainlian (to do physical training) chang gé (to sing a song) chi fan (to have a meal) tidowt (to dance) shangke (to have lessons) 1280 (to take a bath) +35 > BASE AINA (9 3 NE) UIE 1 New Practical Chinese Reader (3rd Edltion) Textbook 1 Xi0K@ (class is over) shuijido (to sep) shéngol (new word) lianxi (exercise) fany/ (o translate) didnndo (computer) 6. Read the following classical poem aloud Shancan Yénghu6i at RR oo oy - By Shao Yong (1011 — 1077 in the Song Dynasty) ‘Ode to a Mountain Village vi san, et “ ao wa Walk one, two, or three miles, Yoncan shwi ia week, | See four or five homes, TOOea ne Beis Six or seven pavilions, Fert RB, | ‘ ee, * = ; ‘And eight, nine, or ten flowers. © Zhiyi fayin. Pay attention to the pronunciation. 3 ie © Qing zhiyi shéngdiao. Please say attention to the tones. © You wanti ma? Do you have any questions? © Wo you wenti. Thave some questions. © Méiyéu went. No questions. iF MIR Knowledge about Chinese Characters Compound strokes of Chinese characters (I) rea Meat hénggéu fa Like the Ist stroke of F (son) 36°

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