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How to Dehydrate Cheese for Long Term

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August 8, 2015 by Joybilee Farm 11 Comments


You can dehydrate cheese and save it without refrigeration for future use. Dehydrated
cheese is a nice addition to homemade trail mix, cereal snack mix, and fruit and nut mixes.
Dehydrate your homemade cheese
Homestead abundance is overwhelming sometimes. The daily milk harvest can quickly
engulf a family. Even when you add cheese making, sour cream making, yoghurt
making, kefir making, whipped cream, and butter making into the weekly chores, you can
still end up with more dairy produce than a family can consume before it goes bad.

To age cheese properly in order to store it without refrigeration you need a climate
controlled cabinet that controls both temperature and humidity. While you can build it, it is
out of the reach of most beginning homesteaders. Many of you are still waiting for
your cheese press, right?

You could put the extra cheese, sour cream, and butter in the freezer for winter. But cheese
changes texture in the freezer, and becomes more crumbly. Because of the high fat
content, cheese placed in the freezer is only good for about 3 to 6 months. After that it take
on a freezer taste and isnt as nice. Last winter we fed a lot of cheese to our dogs,
because of the freezer taste. They loved it. But making cheese is a lot of work for dog

Recently my friend, Connie, came to visit and offered me a taste of a trail mix that she had
made with dried fruit, nuts, seeds, and dehydrated feta cheese. The dried cheese was
good. It was chewy, sweet, crunchy and just a little salty. (Thanks, Connie, for the
In my goal to reduce food waste.
#NoFoodWasted is my goal but I failed this week.

I just tossed out a pound of feta cheese, that I made from our goats milk, because it had
gone funky in the fridge. Thats the second pound of cheese Ive thrown out since we
started milking in April. I hate wasting food. Dont you? And I know that Im not the only
homesteader that cant eat the food I produce faster than the bad microbes consume it.

So the new batch of feta cheese I made went into the dehydrator, after it had aged a week
in the fridge to develop the flavours. And the result was amazing! Its mild tasting, not the
sharp acid taste I was expecting. It was sweet and caramel-y with a hint of saltiness. It
squeaks a little when you first bite it, but then its crunchy and chewy at the same time. It
adds protein, minerals, and vitamins to your trail mix or granola. And its versatile. There are
way more uses for dehydrated cheese than just trail mix. Ill definitely be making more
dehydrated cheese. I hope youll try this to extend the shelf life of your precious homemade
cheese, too.
(There are questions in the comments about using store bought cheese in this recipe. I
havent tried it with store bought cheese. Some store bought cheese has additives to make
it melt more easily at lower temperatures. If you choose to try this with store bought
cheese let me know how it works for you. Ive only done this with farm fresh, homemade
cheese with no additions except probiotic culture.)
Step by step guide to making dried cheese
After making your feta or farmhouse cheese, allow it to age for 5 to 7 days in the
fridge. If your cheese seems too moist, rub the outside of the cheese with salt, and
let the salt draw the excess water out of the cheese, in the fridge, for 12 hours.
Rotate the round of cheese, after 6 hours to dry both sides. Then wipe the excess
salt from the cheese, blot any extra moisture from the cheese surface. Wrap in
plastic wrap or an eco-friendly alternative, and leave it in the fridge for a week or so.
This develops flavours and evens out the moisture levels within the cheese.
Remove the cheese from the fridge and cube the cheese into inch cubes. You
could make them smaller, depending on their end use. The inch cubes took 36
hours to dry in my dehydrator. I had my dehydrator on anyway to dry the pulp from
my juicer, so it didnt use any extra electricity to dry the cheese.
Place in a single layer on the dehydrator tray. Place in the dehydrator in the coolest
spot. If you dry the cheese too quickly the sugars in the cheese could burn.
Rotate the trays after each 12 hour period and test for doneness.
The cheese will be hard and crunchy when done and may be lightly browned. There
will be no rubbery-ness. There may be a light layer of oil on the surface as the
butterfat content of homemade cheese in the spring is high.
Remove the finished cheese cubes from the dehydrator and allow to cool completely
before packaging in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid.
Store in a cool, dry place to extend the shelf life of the dehydrated cheese. It should
last for several months in cold storage or longer if you can vacuum seal it.

A dozen ways to use dehydrated cheese

1. Add to granola after its cooled down.
2. Add to trail mix
3. Put the cubes on a tossed salad in the place of croutons
4. Put the cubes in Greek salad in the place of feta cheese
5. Use to top a casserole, as you would bread crumbs
6. Eat it as a snack a few cubes are a high energy snack
7. Put them in your emergency supplies and in your bug out bag replace them every
12 weeks to keep your stores fresh.
8. Grind it to a powder and use as a cheesy spice mix, add chives, parsley, and
Himalayan salt
9. Add the powdered cheese to a white sauce to turn it into a cheese sauce
10. Add 1 tbsp of the powdered cheese to Caesar salad dressing in place of parmesan
11. Powder it and use it as popcorn seasoning
12. Powder it and add it to cheese biscuits and pizza dough

I hope you were inspired to try this and extend the shelf life of your precious

Cum s deshidratai brnza pentru depozitarea pe termen lung

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08 august 2015 de Joybilee Farm 11 Comentarii




Putei s deshidratai brnza i s o salvai fr refrigerare pentru o utilizare ulterioar. Brnza

deshidratat este un plus frumos pentru amestecul de cusut de cas, amestec de gustri de cereale i
amestecuri de fructe i nuci.

Deshidratai-v brnza de casCum se deshidrateaz brnza pentru depozitarea pe termen lung

Suprafaa gospodriei este uneori copleitoare. Recoltarea zilnic de lapte poate nghii rapid o familie.
Chiar i atunci cnd adugai brnzeturi, fcnd smntn, fcnd iaurt, fcnd chefir, fric i fcnd
unt n treburile sptmnale, putei ajunge tot mai mult cu mai multe produse lactate dect o familie
poate consuma nainte de a merge ru.

Pentru a stpni brnza n mod corespunztor pentru ao stoca fr refrigerare, avei nevoie de un dulap
cu climatizare care s controleze temperatura i umiditatea. n timp ce o putei construi, este la
ndemna celor mai muli homesteadori care ncep. Muli dintre voi nc mai ateptai presa de brnz,

Ai putea pune brnza, smntna i untul n congelator pentru iarn. Dar brnza schimba textura n
congelator i devine mai frmntat. Din cauza coninutului ridicat de grsimi, brnza introdus n
congelator este bun numai pentru aproximativ 3 pn la 6 luni. Dup aceea, ia gustul "congelatorului"
i nu este la fel de frumos. Iarna trecut am hrnit cinii notri o grmad de brnz, din cauza gustului
frigorific. Ei au iubit-o. Dar fcnd brnz este o mulime de lucru pentru mncarea pentru cini.

Recent, prietenul meu, Connie, a venit s-mi viziteze i mi-a oferit un gust de amestec pe care-l fcuse cu
fructe uscate, nuci, semine i brnz feta deshidratat. Brnza uscat a fost bun. Era chewy, dulce,
crocante i doar puin srat. (Mulumesc, Connie, pentru inspiraie.)

Supravieuire: cum s deshidratai brnza i cum s o utilizai - ferma Joybilee

n scopul meu de a reduce deeurile alimentare ....

#NoFoodWasted este scopul meu, dar am euat n aceast sptmn.

Tocmai am aruncat o jumtate de kilogram de brnz de feta pe care am fcut-o din laptele de capr,
pentru c fusese funky n frigider. Este al doilea litru de brnz pe care l-am aruncat de cnd am nceput
s mnnc n aprilie. Ursc pierderea mncrii. Tu nu? i tiu c nu sunt singurul gospodar care nu poate
mnca mncarea pe care o produc mai repede dect consum microbii ri.

Deci, noul lot de brnz de feta pe care am fcut-o a intrat n dispozitivul de dehidratare, dup ce a
mbtrnit o sptmn n frigider pentru a dezvolta arome. Rezultatul a fost uimitor! Este o degustare
uoar, nu gustul acut ascuit pe care l ateptam. Era dulce i caramel, cu un sentiment de sare. Ea
scarpin puin atunci cnd l mucai pentru prima dat, dar apoi este crocant i mestecat n acelai
timp. Se adaug proteine, minerale i vitamine la amestecul dvs. sau granola. i este versatil. Exist mult
mai multe utilizri pentru brnza deshidratat dect amestecul de urme. Voi face cu siguran mai mult
brnz deshidratat. Sper c vei ncerca acest lucru pentru a prelungi termenul de valabilitate al
preioasei dvs. brnzeturi de cas.

(Exist ntrebri n comentariile despre utilizarea magazinului cumprat brnz n aceast reet.Nu am
ncercat-o cu magazin cumprat brnz.Un magazin cumprat brnz are aditivi pentru a face s se
topeasc mai uor la temperaturi mai sczute.Dac alegei s ncercai acest lucru cu cumprai brnza
cumprai-mi s tiu cum funcioneaz pentru dvs. Am fcut doar asta cu brnz proaspt de cas, fr
adaosuri, cu excepia culturii probiotice.)

Supravieuire: cum s deshidratai brnza i cum s o utilizai - ferma Joybilee

Ghid pas cu pas pentru a face brnz uscat

Dup ce ai fcut feta sau brnz de ferm, permitei-i s aib vrsta de 5-7 zile n frigider. Dac brnza
dvs. pare prea umed, frecai exteriorul brnzei cu sare i lsai srurile s ia excesul de ap din brnz,
n frigider, timp de 12 ore. Rotii runda de brnz, dup 6 ore pentru a usca ambele pri. Apoi, tergei
excesul de sare din brnz, blocai orice umiditate suplimentar de pe suprafaa brnzei. nfurai n
folie de plastic sau o alternativ ecologic i lsai-o n frigider timp de aproximativ o sptmn.
Aceasta dezvolt arome i elimin nivelurile de umiditate din brnz.

Scoatei brnza din frigider i cubai brnza n cuburi de inch. Ar putea fi mai mici, n funcie de
utilizarea lor final. Cuburile de inch au avut nevoie de 36 de ore pentru a se usca in deshidratatorul
meu. Am avut dehidratatorul meu oricum s-mi usuc pulpa de la storctorul meu, aa c nu a folosit
nici o electricitate suplimentar pentru a usca brnza.

Plasai ntr-un singur strat pe tava dehidratoare. Aezai-l n deshidratator n locul cel mai tare. Dac
uscai brnza prea repede, zaharurile din brnz ar putea arde.

Rotii tvile dup fiecare perioad de 12 ore i testai-le.

Brnza va fi tare i crocant atunci cnd este fcut i poate fi uor maro. Nu va exista nici un fel de
cauciuc. Este posibil s existe un strat uor de ulei la suprafa, deoarece coninutul de grsimi din untul
de cas din primvar este ridicat.

Scoatei cuburile de brnz terminate din dispozitivul de dehidratare i lsai-le s se rceasc complet
nainte de a fi ambalate ntr-un aparat oricelul cu aib bine nchis. Stocai ntr-un loc rcoros i uscat
pentru a prelungi durata de pstrare a brnzei deshidratate. Ar trebui s dureze cteva luni n depozit
frigorific sau mai mult dac putei s-l etanai cu vid. Supravieuire: cum s deshidratai brnza i cum
s o utilizai - Joybilee FarmA duzin de moduri de a utiliza brnz deshidratatAdugai-v la granola
dup ce se rcete.Adugai-v la trail mixPut cuburile ntr-o salat aruncat n locul de croutonsPut
cuburile n salat greac n locul de feta branza Foloseste-te la o caserola, asa cum ai face-o cu painea de
paineSa-o ca o gustare - cativa cuburi sunt o gustare cu energie mareIntre ei in consumabilele tale de
urgenta si in sacul tau - inlocuieste-le la fiecare 12 saptamani pentru a tine magazinele proaspete
.Credgei-l ntr-o pudr i utilizai ca amestec de condimente brnzeturi, adugai arpagic, patrunjel i
sare himalayanAdugai brnz pudr la un sos alb pentru ao transforma ntr-un sos de brnz Adugai
1 lingur de brnz pulverizat pn la salata de salat de Caesar n locul parmezanului brnzPiai-o i
folosii-o ca condimente de popcornPersai-o i adugai-o la biscuii de brnz i aluat de pizzaSurvival
Food: cum s deshidratai brnza i cum s o utilizai - Joybilee FarmI sperm c ai fost inspirai s
ncercai acest lucru i s prelungii termenul de valabilitate al preiosului dvs.

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