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Mother Teresa of Calcutta

(Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu;) Skopje, Macedonia current, 1910 - Calcutta, 1997) Albanian
religious nationalized india, Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. When in 1997 died the Mother
Teresa of Calcutta, the Congregation of the missionaries of charity already had more than
five hundred centres in 100 countries. But perhaps the order he founded, whose aim is to
help "the poorest of the poor", is the lowest of his legacy; the largest was erected in a
recent inspirational example, palpable and living proof of how the generosity,
selflessness, and delivery to others also make sense in modern times.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Born in an Albanian Catholic family, the

deep religiosity of his mother awoke in
Agnes of missionary vocation at the age
of twelve. Being still a girl he entered the
Congregation Mariana of the daughters of
Mary, where he initiated his activity of
assistance to the needy. Moved by the
Chronicles of a missionary Christian in
Bengal, at the age of eighteen he left
forever his hometown and traveled to
Dublin to profess in the Congregation of our Lady of Loreto. As I wanted to be a
missionary in the India, he embarked to Bengal, where he studied teaching and chose the
name of Teresa to profess.

Just facts votes went to Calcutta, the city which would identify his life and his vocation
of delivery to the needy. For almost twenty years worked as a teacher at St. Mary
completo High School of Calcutta. However, the deep impression which caused him
misery watching in the streets of the city moved it to apply for license to Pius XII to leave
the order and surrender completely to the cause of the needy. Energetic and determined
in their purposes, blessed Teresa of Calcutta gave then what would be the fundamental
principle of his message and his action: "I want to bring God's love to the poor poorer; I
want to show them that God loves the world and loves them."

In 1948, little after proclaimed the independence of the India, obtained the authorization
of Rome to devote himself to the Apostolate in favour of the poor. While studying nursing
with the medical mission sisters in Patna, Teresa of Calcutta opened its first child care
center. In 1950, the year in which it also adopted Indian citizenship, founded the
Congregation of the missionaries of charity, whose full recognition would find many
obstacles until Pablo VI did it effective in 1965.
Madre Teresa de Calcuta
(Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu; Skopje, actual Macedonia, 1910 - Calcuta, 1997) Religiosa
albanesa nacionalizada india, premio Nobel de la Paz en 1979. Cuando en 1997 falleci
la Madre Teresa de Calcuta, la congregacin de las Misioneras de la Caridad contaba ya
con ms de quinientos centros en un centenar de pases. Pero quiz la orden que fund,
cuyo objetivo es ayudar a "los ms pobres de los pobres", es la parte menor de su legado;
la mayor fue erigirse en un ejemplo inspirador reciente, en la prueba palpable y viva de
cmo la generosidad, la abnegacin y la entrega a los dems tambin tienen sentido en
tiempos modernos.

La Madre Teresa de Calcuta

Nacida en el seno de una familia catlica albanesa, la profunda religiosidad de su madre

despert en Agnes la vocacin de misionera a los doce aos. Siendo an una nia ingres
en la Congregacin Mariana de las Hijas de Mara, donde inici su actividad de asistencia
a los necesitados. Conmovida por las crnicas de un misionero cristiano en Bengala, a los
dieciocho aos abandon para siempre su ciudad natal y viaj hasta Dubln para profesar
en la Congregacin de Nuestra Seora de Loreto. Como quera ser misionera en la India,
embarc hacia Bengala, donde curs estudios de magisterio y eligi el nombre de Teresa
para profesar.

Apenas hechos los votos pas a Calcuta, la ciudad con la que habra de identificar su vida
y su vocacin de entrega a los ms necesitados. Durante casi veinte aos ejerci como
maestra en la St. Mary's High School de Calcuta. Sin embargo, la profunda impresin que
le caus la miseria que observaba en las calles de la ciudad la movi a solicitar a Po
XII la licencia para abandonar la orden y entregarse por completo a la causa de los
menesterosos. Enrgica y decidida en sus propsitos, Santa Teresa de Calcuta pronunci
por entonces el que sera el principio fundamental de su mensaje y de su accin: "Quiero
llevar el amor de Dios a los pobres ms pobres; quiero demostrarles que Dios ama el
mundo y que les ama a ellos".

En 1948, poco despus de proclamada la independencia de la India, obtuvo la autorizacin

de Roma para dedicarse al apostolado en favor de los pobres. Mientras estudiaba
enfermera con las Hermanas Misioneras Mdicas de Patna, Teresa de Calcuta abri su
primer centro de acogida de nios. En 1950, ao en que adopt tambin la nacionalidad
india, fund la congregacin de las Misioneras de la Caridad, cuyo pleno reconocimiento
encontrara numerosos obstculos antes de que Pablo VI lo hiciera efectivo en 1965.

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