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Name : Abdul Wahid Rumagia

Class : B
Subject : Pronunciation Practice


Baltimore, Maryland, literary text, as given in the mf ( middle of ) last April some
person use aeu, ou, uu, for ao, ou, uu

The north wind and the sun we disputanting which was the stronger when a travel
came alone rapt in a warm cloak. The agreed that the one who fast made the traveller
take of is coat should be consider stronger than the other. Than the north wind blow whit
all is mart , but the more he blow, the more closely did the traveller fold is cloak around
him . and at last the north wind grew up the attempt. Then the sun shown out warmly.
And in a few moments the traveller took of is cloak. So the ocean winds was a blade the
canvas that the sun was the stronger of the too.

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