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Anti-angiogenic Property of Bugnay Wine, Philippine Rice wine (Tapuy), Strawberry

Wine and Yacon Wine, versus Red Wine using Chorioallantoic Membrane Assay in Duck
(Anas platyrhynchos) Embryo
M.M. Acop1, M.B. Geloso1, C.N. Llano1, J.Q. Epler1, G.F. Garcia1, C.B. Nuega1, T.C.
Orcilla1, A.B. Pinas1, E.L. Sagorsor1, M. Singh1, J. D. Solomon1, K.J. Batino1*

1School of Medicine, Saint Louis University, Bonifacio St., Baguio City, Philippines
*corresponding authors email:

This is a preliminary study on the anti-angiogenic property of locally made wines using
chorioallantoic membrane assay in duck (Anas platyrhynchos) embryos. Five 0-day old eggs
were assigned to each treatment group and two hundred microliters (200ul) of each wine was
introduced to the chorioallantoic membrane assay on day five and were left to incubate for 24
hours. Manual counting of blood vessels on the photo-documented representative area of the
CAM was performed to quantify the blood vessels formed. Results showed that bugnay wine
(p= 0.00397) and strawberry wine (p=0.00794) have significant anti-angiogenic activity on
CAM assay and between the two, bugnay wine (p= 0.006) demonstrated greater inhibition on
blood vessel proliferation over strawberry wine (p=0.019). Yacon wine (p=0.343) and rice
wine (p=0.444) has no significant anti-angiogenic effect in the CAM assay. These findings
suggest that bugnay wine and strawberry wine have anti-angiogenic activity in CAM assay.

Key Words: anti-angiogenesis, bugnay, strawberry, tapuy, yacon wine

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