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1. Name:

2. Age:

3. Occupation

Service Business

Student Other

4. Are you investing in Equity market?

Yes No

5. What percentage of your investment is invested in equity market?

Less than 25% 25-50%

51-75% More than 75%

6. From how long you are investing in equity market?

Less than 1 year 1 to 2 year/s

2 to 3 years More than 3 years

7. Why do you invest in equity market?

a. For quick short term gain b. For high long term gain

8. What attracts you towards equity market?

a. High return b. Speculation

c. Dividend d. Liquidity of invested fund

9. What is the purpose of investment?

a. To meet the cost of Inflation

b. To earn return on idle resources

c. To generate a specified sum of money for a specific goal in life

d. To make a provision for an uncertain future

10. How much is your total investment annually?

a. < 5000 b. 5000 10000

c. 10000 - 25000 d. 25000 50000

11. How much of investment for equity?

a. < 25% b. 25% - 50%

c. 50% - 75% d. 75% - 100%

12. Generally which is the holding period of equity?

a. Intraday b. Delivery

13. In which sector you invest most?

a. IT b. Pharmacy c. Telecom

d. Banking e. Petroleum f. Others

14. What will be the future of equity market in India as per you?

a. Bullish b. Bearish c. Cant say

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