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All About ME Project

1. What is your preferred learning style?

Seeing, Doing

2. Are you a right or left brain thinker?

Right Brained

3. If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?


4. Tell me about a time you failed at something. What did you learn from it?

I didnt write an essay because I hadnt taken notes on a book. I should start things
early, or be better at improvising and going with instinct.

5. What are your hopes for the future? How do you plan on achieving these?

Get somewhere where Im happy. Find a job that works for me, by choosing and doing
the prerequisites.

6. Name a person significant person in your life and why?

John Williams cool dude, so many great tunes for great films, listening right now

7. What is your theme song and why?

Limahl Never Ending Story Its the credits for the film I got my name from, sort of.

8. If you could be a superhero, what would your super power be?


9. Finish the sentence: I believe in

The matrix

10. Finish this sentence: In the future, I want to be someone who.

Has done something to make myself and others proud, however small. Continue being



Mostly Musical apparently, then logical-mathematical, makes sense. Followed by a tie

between Linguistic, Visual-spatial, and Naturalistic. Lowest one is Intrapersonal,

whatever that means. Interesting results. Doesnt tell me too much I didnt already know,

thought the musical on top is odd.

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