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On one capital city, There were 2 bad boy life on the street, and find food for eat

also on street to,

one day the bad boys were veryhungry and fell straving because they did'nt eat any food for one

Saipul : Hey ngga, i'm hunggry, my stomach is like be in earthquake

angga : So am in, i'm fel straving
saipul : Do you have any money?
Angga : No, i dont, we'er a badboys remember we didnt have any job to get a money
Saipul : mmmhhhh I have idea!!

The bad boy going to find a food seller on the street

Siddiq : Metballs, metballs
Saipul : (pointing the metballs seller) Look !!!
Angga : Thank's heaven, at least we can eat......
Saipul : Realved to see that..... come on lets go...

Saipul and angga going up to the meyballs seller

Siddiq : Hello boys, you wanna buy metballs?
Saipul : (Proudly and arogantly) Yes of course
Angga : Yeah... 2 meat ball please
Siddiq : Okey.. Please sit hire and wait a minute

After eating the meatbal and get full the want to get lost
Saipul : your metballs are very salty
Angga : Yes it's very salty....
Saipul : We don't want to pay it
Siddiq : WHAT THE... $%^&*(&%$#$%^
Azis : Hey you two, Wait a minute (Tasting the meatball), The meatball is okay you are lier..!!
Siddiq : (Tasting too) YEs they did'nt have any wrong taste you are lier
Azis : You are bandits
Angga & Saipul : 1....2...3... RUN AWAY
Azis : Eits..
Siddiq : where are you wanna go??? (Angry)
Angga : Sorry mister we did'nt have money...
Siddiq : Bulshit..!! Pay it
Saipul : Please forgive us, were very sorry

Aria : Hey what's going up
Siddiq : The bandits wan to ran off after eat the meat balls
Angga : We did'nt have any money..
Saipul : Yes, We are very hungr, and we did'nt have any money to pay it
Angga : Yes sir we did'nt eat any food for one week
Aria : Why you be a bad guys...???
Saipul : We very sorry...
Aria : Okay-okay, don't be afraid are you two remember me???
Angga & Saipul : (Thingking)
Aria : I am aria
Angga : Owh... Aria long time no see aria..
Saipul : Aria??? ( Confused )
Aria : Yes i am, Mister how much they eat??
Azis : Rp.20.000,- Sir...
Aria : Okay he it is...
Saipul : Realy you wanna treat us???
Angga : Thank's god....
Saipul : oh.. what a realief
Siddiq : (Takking the money) Thank you sir...
Saipul & Angga : Thank you very much Aria
Aria : No problem, Don't be a bad guy again okay......


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