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Angelis a genetically altered Metahuman breed of extremely beautiful,

graceful angel-looking beings. They speak the Tongue of Sun and

Moon. Their HQ is on Sion.

Saien are a Xenos species of elf-like beings who have fought a civil
war between the two warring houses Shay (Dark Eldar) and Cerenya

Synthen are a genetically engineered Metahuman race of

Superhumans. Once made as the Greatest of Warriors, they are now
Workers and Gladiators in the Pits. Some have become the Vempyrii
(Blood Lords/Knights - Blood Angels) by altering their genetics further
to make them thirst for blood. It should be noted that the One Faith
(Dark Angels, Grey Knights, Inquisition) still employs Synthen as
warriors in their Crusader (Black Templars) legion against the Heretical
Fallen (Fallen Dark Angels - Chaos Space Marines). Also of Synthen
stock are the Black Reavers (Black Legion Chaos Space Marines)

The Syndicate employs Vindictii another breed of Synthen, as

assassins in their Court of the Night.

The Combine is a Xenos government that controls the Tau'yiir Cluster.

They are a technologically advanced, highly mercantile culture, that
deploy the Fire Hunter Enclave (a warlike xenos mercenary
brotherhood) as their frontline defense forces. Krayth Carnivores that
have been Controlchipped serve as another branch of the defense
force. The mystical Ethereals work Technomancy in support of their

The Horde (Orks & Khorne Daemonkin)

The Arcanum (Tzeentch Daemonkin & Tallarn IG & C'tan shard of the

The Consortium (Cadian IG & Ultramarines, also Corporation)

The Blight (Nurge Daemonkin & Death Korps of Krieg, & The
Nightbringer, also Veer-myn)

The Carnivale of Dark Delights (Slaanesh Daemonkin, also Satyxis


The Artifactorum (Adeptes Mechanicum, Skitarii, & Necrons also Forge



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