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Future Overview

Current Issue
Current Education System
Students Issue
A challenge to understand, process and apply information
An Online Interactive Platform + Live Programme
Learn strategies and methods on how to pick up, link and process information

During application of Learning Skills, students will develop critical, creative,

analytical and problem-solving skills

With constant training, coaching & applications, students will develop

into critical & creative thinkers
For some time, it has been known that the human brain can be
divided into two parts. The left brain and the right brain. It has
also been known that the left brain controls the right side of the
body and that the right brain controls the left side of the body. It
has also been discovered that when the left brain is damaged, it
will cause the right side of the body to become paralyzed.
Similarly, if the right brain is damaged, it will cause the left
side of the body to become paralyzed. In other words, damage
to one side of the brain will cause the corresponding side of the
body to become paralyzed.

116 words

human brain divided two parts. Left + right. left brain

controls right side body, right brain controls left side
body. left brain damaged, right side body paralyzed.
Vice versa

28 words
Students Parents
Learning Parents Reward Thinking Skills
Subject Base Pay
Skills Update System Development



Score A
TK Chan Webster Neow

Combined of 20 years training and coaching experiences with students,

parents and adults. Worked with conglomerates such as AIA Bhd, Standard
Chartered Bank, Tandemic & etc, equipped with vast experiences.

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