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a Transfer Funct 163 Poles of a Transfer Function ier the gencral form ofa transfer fanetion where Ns) and Ds) are polynomials in» No) jis) = SO) 5a OO Kay sof P(s)=0 [the values ofs that render DXs)~ 0 | ae called the poles ofthe transfer function. The of the Laplace transform ofa function, Ys), were introduced in Section 44. Because To) Gite, the sof Ni) are the same asthe poles of Gis), except that U\s) can add additional poles is). Avoume that Das factored into a series of real poles. 2 Ms) Hs) Gs = (=P )6= plals=p,) UG) 532 that unit step input [U(s)=1/s} i applied tothe process in question, Ca DMG= PIAS PD Yay = x expansions assuming that the order of Ns) is less than or equal to the order of Dis), this function canbe writen as 1s) A the inverse Laplace tansform yields (0) Although the values of the constant tem are not ‘known at this point, the dynamic behavior of the process can be determined directly fom the poles» the transfer funetion. Figure 5.3.1 shows the time behavior of ” for positive, zem and negative values of p, Note that positive values ofp result in exponential growth with time and negative values of result in exponential decay approaching zero Now assume that one of the factors of 24s) is (s'Fas-+ 6) After partial faction expansions, 2 term with the following form results ° os 1 Time aa 536 5.3.1 Different types of exponential behavior, ems, ‘exponential growth (720): constart value (70), ‘and exponential decay (7-0), Now factoring yields — 537 anva “| ot va 46) For Equation $3.7; Wa? ~ 46> 0, then real roots exist andthe previous results for real roots apply Fe 040 real ooIS that are equal, Unler these conditions, repeated poles result i = w/2. After partial fraction eypansions, aterm with the following form rests ¢ Grane \which coresponds to the time-domain solution using Table 4.1, ie. y(t)=C te" ? + Ce Ia? ~46< 0. imaginary 00's res square forthe denominator. for Equation $3.7. Fortis case, return to Eau c c Pe astb” stati tba at hay + (dbo va This set of complex roots (s =~ Laplace transform yields 11 — "ca" is called a complex conjugate pair of poles. The inve p= Figure 3.3.2 shows the time behavior of this term fora > and « <0, which show exponentially growing sinisok a0 behavior and dampod sinusoidal behaving, respectively. When « <0, the larger the magnitude ofa, the faster Sinusoidal response will damp out with time, ic, appro te) zero, Likewise, when d> Othe larger the magnitude of the faster the sinusoidal response will grow explut) siniwt) For this ease, if ¢-0, one of the factors of EAs) iss? + Air partial fraction expansions, aterm with the following form results Time c Figure §.3.2 Exponent (a > 0) and #40 q i The tots of this term are v= /VB and s=— iy The inverse Laplace transform yields ¢ pop" | : : . CEs orooent 6 aan Weve at Ea eSeal acd fixed amplitude of C/V. This type of dynamic 4 Salar tease a gecapes eee Cam UY WOU ithe esorciee ft A Figure $3.3 shows plotof poles on the comple lane with different types of anc, which plosthe real and imaginary parts 0! (@) exponential decay: (A) damped sinusoidal; each pole, The pole represented by a eile sustained oscillations; (-) unbounded sinusoidal symbol (@) coresponds to 4 real negative el ial growth; (@ ) unbounded exponential therefore, this pole esults in exponential decay (Figure 53 4a-b). The complex conjugate poles sented by the triangle symbols (in Figure 5.3.3 have a negative real component with equal magnitu ive an negative imaginary pars: therefore. these complex conjugate pols result in damped oscillatory vior (Figure 5.3.4c-. Because the poles in Figure $.3e have a real part with a smaller magnitud, the sof the response in Figure S.3.4f do not dap out as fast asthe ones in Figure 5.3.4d, Oscillations that Slow to damp out (e.g, Figure 5.3.41) are referred to industally as ringing. The poles represented by we 633A complex nd symbols (#) correspond to sustained oscillations (Figures 5.3-4s-h). The complex conjugate poles fed by dash symbols (~) have a postive real part; therefore, these poles result in oscillatory behavior that exponentially in amplitude (Figures 5.3.4i)). The weal pole represented by a square symbol (@) indicates anded exponential prowth (Figures 3.3.4k-1), Note that poles inthe rigt-half plane (ie the eal pat othe Positive) ofthis figure have exponential behavior that grows without bound as time increases referred to table behavior. That is, a process is unstable when bounded (ie limited) input changes result in led growth in the dependent variable results sow thatthe poles ofa transfer function [the roots of DG) indicate very specifically the ‘of dynamic behavior forthe systems that the transfer function represents. [nother words, by simply ining the poles of a transfer function, you will automatically know the general dynamic behavior of the represented by the transfer function. Table 5.1 shows different types of transfer functions and their ding dynamic behavior. This table shows that the general dynamie behavior of a process can be ined directly by examining the denominator ofthe transfer function ofthe process. ssesstnent Questions Why do the poles ofa transfer function represent the dynamic havior of the NoEss represented by the wansfer What ype of pol indicates dynamic bev ior as an eyponental day’? ‘What kindof dynamic hehavier seer a as “nstable™? What typeof pole indicates osillaory dy aun bavi? . Re| 5 Time @) © im a Re a Time © : @ Tm a Re a () 0 Figure 5.3.4 The correspondence between poles on a complex plane and dynamic behavior in the time domain. (a) and (b) exponential decay; (¢) and (d) damped ‘sinusoidal behavior; (e) and (f) damped sinusoidal behavior (ringing). im | . Re etal a a Time @ ) ae im 7 (cee Re ; Time 0 0 7 LZ - i) Time (k) w Figure 5.3.4 The correspondence between poles on a complex plane and dynamic behavior in the time domain. (g) and (h) sustained oscillations; () and ) exponential growing sinusoidal behavior; (k) and (I) unbounded exponential growth,

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