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World Hunger

795 million people or one in nine people in the world do not have enough to eat.

98% of the worlds undernourished people live in developing countries.

Where is hunger the worst?

Asia: 525.6 million

Sub-Saharan Africa: 214 million

Latin America and the Caribbean: 37 million

Aiming at the very heart of hunger, The Hunger Project is currently committed to work in
Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, India, Ghana, Malawi, Mexico, Mozambique, Peru,
Senegal and Uganda.

Women and Children

60 percent of the worlds hungry are women.

50 percent of pregnant women in developing countries lack proper maternal care, resulting in
approximately 300,000 maternal deaths annually from childbirth.

1 out of 6 infants are born with a low birth weight in developing countries.

Nearly half of all deaths in children under 5 are attributable to under-nutrition. This translates
into the unnecessary loss of about 3 million young lives a year.

Every 10 seconds, a child dies from hunger-related diseases.

The Hunger Project firmly believes that empowering women to be key change agents is an
essential element to achieving the end of hunger and poverty. Wherever we work, our programs
aim to support women and build their capacity.

HIV/AIDS and other Diseases

36.9 million people are living with HIV/AIDS.

50 percent of people living with HIV/AIDS are women.

88 percent of all children and 60 percent of all women living with HIV are in sub-Saharan Africa.

6.3 million children died in 2013 17,000 a day- mostly from preventable health issues such as
malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia.
Launched in 2003, The Hunger Projects HIV/AIDS and Gender Inequality Campaign works at the
grassroots level to provide education about preventative and treatment measures. Read more
about our work here.


About 896 million people in developing countries live on $1.90 a day or less.

22,000 children die each day due to conditions of poverty.

Rural Hunger Project partners have access to income-generating workshops, empowering their
self-reliance. Our Microfinance Program in Africa provides access to credit, adequate training
and instilling in our partners the importance of saving.


70 percent of the worlds poorest people live in rural areas and depend on agriculture and
related activities for their livelihood.

50 percent of hungry people are farming families.

In each region in which we work, The Hunger Project provides tools and training to increase
farming production at the local level. In Africa, our epicenter partners run community farms
where they implement new techniques while producing food for the epicenter food bank.

Water and sanitation

663 million people lack access to clean water.

2.4 billion people do not have adequate sanitation.

Each day, nearly 1,000 children die due to preventable water and sanitation-related diarrhoeal

The Hunger Project works with communities to develop new water resources, ensure clean
water and improved sanitation, and implement water conservation techniques.

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