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Stephen's Practice Strategy Lessons

1. What seperates Experts to others = NOT so much What they Practice - but HOW - they can FOCUS - it's the #1
thing that Pro's do that others don't

2. Focus = #1 Problem

*8 Focus Thieves

1. Lack of Scheduling - ie. Schedule when you are going to practice & consistently practicing

2. Life - other stuff getting in the way - Balance out Life

3. Interruptions - phone calls, someone coming over etc

4. Not knowing what to work on - plan it before you practice

5. Lack of Structure - not just What, When but How are you going to work through the Material

- Implement Systems & Strategies & using Feedback Loops

6. Physical Issues - tired, sore etc - better to get sleep otherwise = wasting time

7. Burnout = too many unfocused hours, pushing it too hard - have more interests to life helps

8. Overwhelmed - adds uncertainty "I've got too much to get through" - so half-learn stuff

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