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Cinnamon roasted

By: Adam Isaiah Hansen and
Michael Anderson
Cinnamon roasted almonds: recipe for 16 servings
1 egg white
1 teaspoon cold water
4 cups whole almonds
1/2 cup white sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Preheat oven to 250 degrees F (120 degrees C). Lightly grease a 10x15 inch jellyroll pan.
Lightly beat the egg white; add water, and beat until frothy but not stiff. Add the nuts, and stir until well
coated. Mix the sugar, salt, and cinnamon, and sprinkle over the nuts. Toss to coat, and spread evenly on
the prepared pan.
Bake for 1 hour in the preheated oven,until golden. Allow to cool, then place in containers.
Cinnamon-Roasted Almonds Recipe
Bj -Chey1 -Cooknhotnaz -Jeannette -CYNDMN28 -slwpk82 -Housewench -Mlcase -JACKIE880 -Cannolieater -
Nutritional facts
1 serving size ( cup) nutritional facts:

Calories: 231 sodium: 40 mg vitamin A: 4%

Total fat: 18 g potassium: 262 mg Vitamin C: 1%

total carbohydrates: 13.3 g Calcium: 89% vitamin B: 1%

Fiber: 4.2 g Iron: 2%

sugars: 8 g magnesium: 98%

protein: 8 g cholesterol: 0 mg
Student body responses
Google form survey: 73 student responses

How much would you be willing to pay for roasted cinnamon almonds? $2.00: 49
students (67.1%), $2.50: 13 students (17.8%), $3.00: 7 students (9.6%), and $4.00: 4
students (5.5%)

How often would you buy roasted cinnamon almonds? 1-2 times a week: 19 students
(26%), 1 time a week: 17 students (23.3%), 1 time a month: 15 students (20.5%), 3-5
times a week: 8 students (11%), and never 14 students (19.2%)

What are your ideas about cinnamon roasted almonds? (only 52 students answer
these questions)
38 students (73.1%): like it and would buy

14 students (26.9%): did not like it and would not buy

One serving size of our cinnamon roasted almonds is a cup
The cost of our almonds per serving is $1.87
The school could sell these for $2.00 a serving (which was the most popular
price on our survey) for a profit of $0.13.

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