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Taken from: DOUBLE DUTY by Claudia Black Ph.D., MSW

P. 547-548

I know Im in trouble when I isolate myself

I know Im in trouble when I minimize my feelings
I know Im in trouble when I start critical self talk
I know Im in trouble when I get over-involved in areas such as work or fixing
I know Im in trouble when I feel inadequate or inferior
I know Im in trouble when I dont want to trust anybody

We can begin to avoid these pitfalls if we know what to look for. But we also need to
plan out what were going to do if we find ourselves there. So take your specific pitfall
and develop a strategy plan for each one.

Isolate. Have a list of phone numbers of people to call. Tell them of my behavior.
Identify my most recent feelings or talk about what was occurring at the time I began to
separate from my feelings.

Minimizing Feelings. What am I really feeling? What message am I sending myself

right now that is making me stuff this feeling? Im going to challenge that message
because I know its an old message from the past. What is it Ive been learning lately
about healthy feelings?

Critical self-talk. Stop!! Quit Projecting. Recognize that Im into all or nothing
thinking again. What is it Im feeling right this minute? Keep telling myself, Its OK to
make a mistake.

Over-involvement. What am I avoiding? What am I running away from? Whose

approval am I seeking?

Feeling Inadequate. Im going to make an effort to spend time with recovering friends.
Im going to pay attention to my daily victories. Ill praise myself for them. Ill give
myself healthy rewards.

Not Trusting Anybody. I recognize that this issue is all or nothing. Whom do I trust
now? What is it I trust about that person? What little things do I trust in other people?

1. Fill in the blank I know Im in trouble when ___________
2. Give the strategy plan for that pitfall.

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