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20 14 16 10 10 8 +4

Speed 45
AC 21

Dane Axe +9 to hit, 2d6+5 (+8)

Handaxe +9 to hit, 1d6+5(8)

+ Intimidation (4) + Grit (7) + Athletics (9) + Survival (4)

Adv. vs poisoned, reroll 1 failed Grit check.

Long armed

HD 10 x 2d6
HP 113

Light, Medium, Heavy Armour
All weapons


AC 10+Dex+Con

Helm of Awe
Adv. on dex saves vs effects you can see

Battle Sense
Adv. on initiative

Brutal Critical, roll dice extra time

Path of Iron
Rage in heavy armour
Resist piercing while raging
Unarmed attacks do 1d4 bludgeoning
+ Con mod to armour class.

Plated Mail
Spectacle Helm
Dane Axe, waraxe, handaxe, metal rimmed shield, 3x throwing spear.

I was stabbed in the heart with a sword, by a man named Jorm Two-snakes.
I looked into Jorm's eyes as he killed me, and I smashed my helmet into his nose.
As my life's blood fled from me, I looked around the battlefield, and saw coming
from the sky, a beautiful woman. She took me by the hand, and I saw my body
ruined and bleeding as I flew through the sky. Up, past the clouds, I saw the great
world tree. I saw the worlds before me, and thought it was to Asgard and the corpse
hall I was going to, but it was not my doom. To Glassisvellir, in Muspelheim
I went.

Not much do I remember of those times, but I can say, I saw great Jotun there,
sat at a table of black rock, even saw the blade that will end the world.

I awoke one year ago. I hunted down Jorm Two-snakes, and cut his head from his
shoulders. I am Logimadur, and I have died and come back.
22 Logimadr
20 Bryna
18 Snorri

First attack - 15+9 = 26 - 15 damage

Second attack - natural 20 - 33 damage

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