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Name : Afriyanti

Class : PSIK A

c. Cheryl and Karen talk about concentration percentages, volumes and rates. Listen
again and complete the following extract using the figures in the box.
1. I
2. 8
3. 03.00
4. 11.00
5. 1000 ml
6. 30th
7. 5%
8. 30th
9. 5%
10. 16th
11. 2010
12. 11.00
13. 10
14. 1000 ml
15. 100 ml

Charting fluid intake and output

6. a in pairs, look at the chart on page 89 and discuss the following questions.
1. Yes
2. Fluid balance chart
3. Miss Judith Stavel
6. b. Find abbreviations in the chart with the following meanings.
1. Lge amt
2. UTT
3. BO
4. CIF
5. O/U
6. H2O
7. BNO
8. Sml amt
9. Wet bed+
10. OJ
11. IV ABs
12. Asp
13. Mod amt

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