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Niall Armstrong

Shot List

Description, Camera Angle and Type

1. Camera Angle: Pan around to the main door.
Description: This shows the protagonist walking home from school and
entering his garden.
Type: Narrative.
2. Camera Angle: Mid – shot.
Description: Protagonist is hastily trying to get inside his house.
Type: Narrative.
3. Camera Angle: Extreme close up.
Description: This shows the protagonist trying to unlock his door but he’s
Type: Narrative.
4. Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: We see the protagonist is getting frustrated, while he’s trying to
unlock the door.
Type: Narrative.
5. Camera Angle: Mid – shot.
Description: The protagonist rapidly enters his house door.
Type: Narrative.
6. Camera Angle: Tracking the door.
Description: The protagonist slams the door as he is in a hurry.
Type: Narrative.
7. Camera Angle: P.O.V
Description: This shows the protagonist quickly taking his shoes off.
Type: Narrative.
8. Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: This shows the protagonist sprinting up the stairs.
Type: Narrative.
9. Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: This shows the protagonist face as he is running to the top of the
stairs. The music starts.
Type: Narrative.
10. Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: This shows protagonist is seen jumping on to his bed.
Type: Narrative.
11. Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: The protagonist realises he still has his bag on.
Type: Narrative.
12. Camera Angle: Mid shot.
Description: The protagonist sits up and removes his bag.
Type: Narrative.
13. Camera Angle: Close up
Description: We see the protagonist lay on his side and close his eyes.
Type: Narrative.
14. Camera Angle: Fade out.
Description: Fade out reflects how the protagonist goes to sleep.
Type: Narrative.
15. Camera Angle: Close up
Description: The protagonist wakes up and everything is brighter.
Niall Armstrong

Type: Narrative.
16. Camera Angle: Mid shot.
Description: The protagonist sits up quickly and pauses.
Type: Narrative.
17. Camera Angle: Close up.
Description: This shows the protagonist blinking.
Type: Narrative.
18. Camera Angle: Close up.
Description: The protagonist takes the cover off him and puts his legs on the
Type: Narrative.
19. Camera Angle: Tracking shot.
Description: This shot tracks the body of my protagonist as his gets up from
his bed; this shot shows a change in costume.
Type: Narrative.
20. Camera Angle: P.O.V
Description: This shot shows the protagonist walking towards the bathroom
Type: Narrative.
21. Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: The protagonist comes through the bathroom door.
Type: Narrative.
22. Camera Angle: Close up.
Description: The protagonist goes straight towards the sink, with the mirror
above it.
Type: Narrative.
23. Camera Angle: Extreme close up.
Description: The protagonist puts the tap on to wash his face.
Type: Narrative.
24. Camera Angle: Over the shoulder.
Description: This shot shows the protagonist washing his face.
Type: Narrative.
25. Camera Angle: Close up.
Description: This shot shows the protagonist face after washing his face.
Type: Narrative.
26. Camera Angle: Extreme close up.
Description: This shot frames a water droplet fall of the protagonist’s face.
Type: Narrative.
27. Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: The protagonist excitedly exits the bathroom and heads down
Type: Narrative.
28. Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: This shot shows the protagonist joyfully walking down the stairs.
Type: Narrative.
29. Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: The protagonist’s dog comes out of the living room, wagging her
tail as it shows that she’s excited to see the protagonist.
Type: Narrative.
30. Camera Angle: Close up.
Description: This shot frames the excitement of both the protagonist and the
Niall Armstrong

Type: Narrative.
31. Camera Angle: Extreme close up.
Description: The protagonist kisses the dog.
Type: Narrative.
32. Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: The protagonist puts the dog down and briefly strokes her.
Type: Narrative.
33. Camera Angle: Wide shot from behind.
Description: The protagonist seems to be heading for the door.
Type: Narrative.
34. Camera Angle: Close up.
Description: The protagonist is seen walking out of the door.
Type: Narrative.
35. Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: The protagonist is now outside and he takes a deep breath.
Type: Narrative.
36. Camera Angle: P.O.V
Description: The protagonist walks down the stairs outside his house.
Type: Narrative.
37. Camera Angle: Wide shot from behind.
Description: The protagonist seems to be walking towards a car.
Type: Narrative.
38. Camera Angle: Mid shot.
Description: The protagonist opens the door.
Type: Narrative.
39. Camera Angle: Over the shoulder.
Description: The protagonist puts the key in the ignition.
Type: Narrative.
40. Camera Angle: Close up.
Description: The protagonist is seen smiling.
Type: Narrative.
41. Camera Angle: Extreme close up.
Description: This shot frames the back wheel of the car starting to move.
Type: Narrative.
42. Camera Angle: Over the shoulder.
Description: The protagonist is seen drumming to the beat of the song, on
the steering wheel.
Type: Narrative.
43. Camera Angle: Pan.
Description: This frames the beautiful countryside.
Type: Narrative.
44. Camera Angle: Close up.
Description: This shows the protagonist singing in the front mirror.
Type: Narrative/Performance.
45. Camera Angle: Close up.
Description: The protagonist changes the gear, into a higher gear.
Type: Narrative.
46. Camera Angle: Close up.
Description: This shows the protagonist singing in the mirror again.
Type: Narrative/Performance.
Niall Armstrong

47. Camera Angle: Close up.

Description: The protagonist changes his attention onto the location he is
heading to.
Type: Narrative.
48. Camera Angle: Extreme wide shot.
Description: This shot establishes the forestry location.
Type: Narrative.
49. Camera Angle: Close up.
Description: This shot shows the protagonist taking a left turn into the forest.
Type: Narrative.
50. Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: This shows the wheel of the car turning left.
Type: Narrative.
51. Camera Angle: Establishing shot.
Description: This establishing shot shows Ogden in all of its beauty.
Type: Narrative.
52. Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: This shot shows the car parking up.
Type: Narrative.
53. Camera Angle: Close up.
Description: The protagonist goes to open the car door.
Type: Narrative.
54. Camera Angle: Mid shot.
Description: This shows the protagonist getting out of the car.
Type: Narrative.
55. Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: The protagonist goes to open the boot.
Type: Narrative.
56. Camera Angle: Tracking shot.
Description: The protagonist opens the boot.
Type: Narrative.
57. Camera Angle: Mid shot from behind.
Description: The protagonist retrieves the camera which is in the boot.
Type: Narrative.
58. Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: This shows the protagonist having fun, by trying to balance on a
long timber log.
Type: Narrative.
59. Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: The protagonist is seen touching flowers and pieces of nature,
and this is a way of reflecting how the protagonist is having fun.
Type: Narrative.
60. Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: This shows the water, reinforcing the serenity of the location.
Type: Narrative.
61. Camera Angle: Low angle wide shot.
Description: This shows the sky between the canopies of trees.
Type: Narrative.
62. Camera Angle: Pan of the protagonist.
Description: This shows the protagonist walking, whilst holding the fence
around the water – this presents the protagonist being in close contact with
Niall Armstrong

Type: Narrative.
63. Camera Angle: Close up.
Description: This shows the water falling from a height, in turn showing the
torrid current of the water and this displays another aspect of nature.
Type: Narrative.
64. Camera Angle: Close up.
Description: This shows the protagonist’s feet stepping onto the bridge.
Type: Narrative.
65. Camera Angle: Mid shot from behind.
Description: This shows the back of the protagonist, whilst walking across the
Type: Narrative.
66. Camera Angle: Fade out.
Description: This signals the end of the dream, as the bridge acts as a barrier
between reality and the dream.
Type: Narrative.
67. Camera Angle: Close up.
Description: The protagonist wakes up, looking very disappointed.
Type: Narrative.
1.2 Camera Angle: Extreme wide shot.
Description: This shot displays the initial setting for the music video.
Type: Narrative/Performance.
10.2 Camera Angle: Close up.
Description: The protagonist sings the first line of the lyrics.
Type: Narrative/Performance.
16.2 Camera Angle: Wide shot.
Description: The protagonist makes the ‘come here’ motion whilst singing
the end of the first verse.
Type: Narrative/Performance.
22.2 Camera Angle: Close up.
Description: The protagonist is in front of the mirror singing the chorus.
Type: Narrative/Performance.
28.2 Camera Angles: Close up.
Description: Whilst walking down the stairs the protagonist is singing the
chorus still.
Type: Narrative/Performance.

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