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Nanation #1 arf & “ert ae Narate & war yor we & fawat se % “FEA Narration % 3F% Synonyms— Statement, Assertion, Declaration onf& @ wet @, fry Narration @ art Grammar ® we term Sw H fear oat afi ort wratt = f KINDS OF NARRATION Narration 21 sax % €t @— 1. Direct Narration : feat feat safea % err fee 7 Statements @aer, 7a) wt sae AH Tee feat Ter i &G Statements WT Inverted Commas (* *) A") stra wat Bi ee G) Mira said, “I am late” ‘ee aay # Ahr & are FLAT WaT Statement “Tam lac” #1 a: EMT TT ATT Direct Narration $1 2. Indirect Narration : Fat fart safer & axe fee 77 Statements WH oe wet # rege ext 8, at er we TE fi fash sates ar A AU Statements HH, BR, SLT er set wet F vega Fe 1 F8—(i) Mira said that she was late, Fe ares H ty aT wet ae aa ST ew set wet F aA et NARRATION 3 wera 3 gw steve wrrenfeat : (@) Mohan said tohis fiends, “We are lucky" Mohan suid to his frends, “Wo. chy" ae at 56 aT mer a aE TT Reporting Speeciv/Reporting Reported Speech Clause Reported Cleuse/ Bae 8 at Reported Statement rr th ae Borat ort (©) Reporting Speech way area YR Rare ore Barer & ara 7 wee & BB (i) The loacher said, “The school is closed for a month.” are YEH Gi “Let's go fora walk”, she said to her friends she sid t er fonds, wee batt i) “Jane Austen”, said Mala, “was a great novelist.” said Male, ame af DIRECT NARRATION INTO INDIRECT NARRATION Direct Narration & Indirect Narration 32 & Tet go RG Roles t, Sh ae wa H THT Gentences) % ATT GH RH ‘BE Rules B General Rules HT sTaT #1 % General Rules Wt #3 frafetas & Chapter-12 NARRATION (1) Direct Narration * HFT Inverted Commas ( Indirect Narration # we feeat stat #; $8 — (1) Direct : He says, ‘Iam ready’ Indirect : He says that he is ready. ¢ ) ae eae t (2) 3 Reporting Verb Present Tense ™ Future Tense % Bw Reported Specch % Verb H Tense # SE weary et a art, a (Direct: She says, “Rita comes late.’ Present Present Tense Tense sete Resa Present Tense Gi) Direct: Mira will say, ‘Mohan is always right” Tv Tv Present ‘Tense Future Present Tense Tense Incizect; Mira will ay that Mohan is alwaystight 1 ature Present “Tense Tense (8) 34 Reporting Verb Past Tense % # # Reposted Speech % Verb * Tense # Pratafaa frat & sigan cata eat (a) Present Indefinite & Past Indefinite ® eer Few ar tae Direct: Youstid, “Taever gathers’ + Tv Past Present Tense Indefinite Indirect: You sa that you never went he. Pas Past Indefinite Indefinite (b) Present Imperfect $7 Past Imperfect ¥ at fear SAT tae Direct: Nitasid, “Lam wling to do i ~~ a Past Present ‘Tense Imperfect Indirect: Nita sid shat sho vas wing to do it cists Ni 2 Past Past Tense Inpertect A Mirror of Common Errors 107 {e) Present Perfect # Past Perfect # 7=et fear amt &; ae Direct: Dipu said, “Lhave bought ared pon.” ipsa, “Thave boght red pe Past Present Tense Pes Indirect ipa said that_he had bought a red pen. t+ ipa tha ght a red pen. Past Past Tense Perfect (a) Present Perfect Continuous 7 Past Perfect Continuous % ager feat rer t; $8— Direct : Mohan said to me, ‘Ihave been living here for a ‘month’, Indirect : Mohan told to me that he had been living there fora month. (@) Past Indefinite # Past Perfect 3 eat fear sre @ Direct: You said, ‘She wrote a letter” rr Past Past Tense Indefinite Indirect; You said that she had written @ letter. TT ay Past Past ‘Tense Perfect NOTE : (C) feed oma a fe ee Fret ve sree ager Problems fe2 wrt #1 =S— Gi). He told his servant / that his work / is not satisfactory / @ @B) oO ISS.C. Clerk Grade 1986} [Indirect Narration & 5 SVT % Part (C) H ‘is’ weet ‘was! ar waMT BAM, FAIR Reporting Verb ‘told’ Past Tense #t (Gi) Pressed by his students/the Principal suddenly said / «@ B® that Tam in no way responsible for the quarrel. / © No Error. ©) ILDS.B. 1990] lindiect Narration % SI aT W Part (C) Ham’ “eet “he was’ at Ray Har, FP Reporting Verb ‘told’ Past Tense Rt ( Past Imperfect ®t Past Perfect Continuous eet feat ‘amt; $B Direct : Jyoti said, “They were talking to the Principal’. 4 4 Past‘Tense Past Imperfect Tndirect ; Syod said that they had been talkin Tv t Past Past Perfect Tense Continuous to the Principal. (gt weRR, can—could® shall should # will—would 3, may—anight wear ST BI NOTE (A) : Past Perfect #1 Past Perfect Continuous sites wt NOTE (B) : a Reported Speech # # Universe) Truth ‘a Habitual Truth ® A Reported Speech % Tense # ‘fed a@ fret oer &; Sa {@ Dizest: The teacher said_ “The earth moves T ast Present Tense Tense round the sun.” Tndircet’ The teacher said that dhe earth moves T Past Present Tense ‘Tense round the sun. Gi) Direct: My father said, “The earth is round’. T r Past Present Tense Tense Indicct: My father sad thatthe earth i round, T r Past Presont Tense “Tense (4) Reported Speech % Pronouns * sf afer BF #1 & “feds Rtn Free we sre BB [SOP] ste, ist Peron Subject * 9g. Second Person Object SEX Fat Thint Person No Change; 32— (i) Direct : She said to me, ‘Tam right but you are wrong, Indirect : She told me that she was ight but was wrong. (UP First Person ®t Subject ‘She’ ® sega NET ‘she? Bt star &, aT Syou! Second Person &, St Object ‘me’ ® Se weet PH TT Hh] (Gi) Direct: You said to me, “Beis handsome” Indirect : You told me that he was handsome. [He Third Peron &, s70:, Fa AE change 38 FET wet ti} (&) 2% Universal Truth % ferg ‘we ar st BFS “we! @Y Indirect Narration 7 acer ster t; $B — Direct: They said, ‘We cannot live without air” Indirect : They sai that we eannot live without at [ee ares ‘ye! Bg acer Ter &, wie Tee eT Universal Truth & fer gar Bi] 108 A Misror of Common Errors {c) W% WE Magazine, Newspaper ome oe Fam we, our, us Saf a aT weet HA Indiseot Narration & ge HE: it its WHT A ERT Peer oT # SB Direct : The Thies of india says, “We are tying our best co keep you well informed.” Indirect : The Times of India says that fis ying its best to keep us wel informed. (ret swe’ wer ‘our’ amet: “ie War “its H aaa fea Tee] (a) *% Reporting Verb % Object Ha se Ht ger Reported Speech # ‘you’ wr amar gt th wT you ST aereaeagER. Thitd Person First Person & wet 8 a (i) Direct: She said, “For are guilty.” Indirect ; She said that he was guilty, (Gi) Direct: She said, “You are all guilty." Indirect: She said that chey were all guilty (Gi) Direct: He said, "You are guilty. Indirect: He said that Fwas guilty, (iv) Direct: He sai, “You are all guilty.” Indirect: He said that we were all guilty (5) Indirect Narration % 4 Reported Speech # Present Tense &t Post Tense ear Star & & Frafeters Tet Hah ‘forts at 81 Now=s thea ® wz # Come got meat # Gis viten 7a) This — that ‘Todey that day % weer th (Gfer tren Fe) These —> those Here there (fips eam 8) Tonight — char night aera &1 ‘Tomorrow = the next day /on the morrow Next day —> the following day ‘Last night the previous night, Ago —before. NOTE : This / here / now / today / come anf =r wart we Se wey / omg / eae / safe & fre HF Speaker ay Se ere Bae ae to or eh ae ateads ae Ber 1. INDIRECT NARRATION OF ASSERTIVE SENTENCES aR Sree PROBLEM te (@) The lady said that / she should be away / from home (a ® tomorrow as Malti’s / friend would come to visit @ o ‘Mumbai, / No Error. ©) BSRB., Pt Hence — thence Thus > so Examination (Kotkata), 1991] Te Te Part (©) womorrow & WEE on the momow i the next day = FT Set, wife tomorow #t on the morrow 3 the next day ¥ was Rear sre i] fet, Te (@® Mira said, ‘Tam responsible for it” (Gi) Deepak said to Meena, "You are punctual’ RULES: (a) suid — said & Twat # = observed, remarked, pointed out, asserted, declared, proclaimed 3uf& 3 aaqr Tare #1 stid to — said to 78 S4at & FT told/nformed/reported to Fags gent NOTE (A) ; 4% Object #1 told = Fatt =H thr ‘wifes ‘tell’ Ue Transitive Verb 81% Ewer Nat AT Object 7% yeh Problem fear art 8; S3— (6) He told /that he / was / hungry ./No Error. a® © O ®& Dea aay B Pert (A) # told’ ar ite wee tae WAR ME object WE Bi ‘told’ gee Fa said’ wr wT EAT are] NOTE @) fo ‘said’ ae AAC ‘to! Object = TT at Fret sar 8; FRY said & ate eT Object wt etn a at Problem fear ay weal 8; 33— (A) She said me / that she / tiked that / young man. / a 8 © o No Enos, ©) (eet ret % Port (A) # ‘said’ ow ‘to! ae wat SET ‘TSM seis ‘said me’ ALA ‘said to me! ST Fa eT wT ‘said! FES “ole aw tt wer TET] b) Inverted Commes #1 #2 fear wat & ste Reported ‘Speech Wee SaeETeeTTE that! ar wey Peret Bret Bi 4e) Reported Speech * Verb % Tense % STeTeaTTER ‘ikad fret sre 1 (a) 373 F Full Stop (.) a Na fear aTaT Bi 1 feet ar er wee we mI Sentences ® Indirect ‘Narrations Prefefiat gi (Mira said that she was responsible for it, (i) Deepak said to Meena that she was punctual ca (Gil) Deepak told Meena that she was punctual 2, INDIRECT NARRATION OF INTERROGATIVE, ‘SENTENCES te (He said to me, “Are you going there 7" i) She said to me, ‘Do you know his name 7” (i) You said to me, “What are you doing 7 (Gv) Mahesh sid to Gauri, ‘Why were you late ” A Mirror of Common Errors 109 RULES: (a) Say Bask, enquire (of), want to know (of) om aaa ea orth (b) Inverted Commas ( ') # war feat oar 8 (©) AR Reported Speech ® Yes / No Question ® & Reported Speech @ Wee if / whether 7 sam feat Sra & a Direct: She said to Mohan, ‘Can you help me’ ? Indireot; She asked Mohan #f/ whether he could help her (d) fag WE Reported Specch * Wh-Question (who / what how / where / when / why SH% 3 ye Be &) eat Reported Speech & ee sre, Interrogative word % TER fiat Conjunction a sar et fear stat &; SB — Direct ‘You said to your wife, “What are you doing Indirect ‘You asked your wife what she was doing. NOTE : oa <@ fe ga Pras K omits age Problem Intenogative Words # 62 ‘that 7 ‘as to! Stat EST ast (i) He asked me / that how I go / time io write fall these (A) (B) © poems (D) {B.S.R.B, (Patna), 1990] (eH A ® Part (B) F ‘that how i got’ % Fea ‘how I gov Br aT GT aC Interragative Word ‘how’ 3 Se that’ Conjunction 3 3ir 7ere 1] (@) Repored Speech wr Assertive ar rar wer t oreit ‘Verb + Subject #1 Subject + Verb * Order # Tar Sit ti a (i) Diroot; Roma sad 10 me, “What ill vit Verb utd oay 1” Sub, Inditect : Roma asked ine what 1 would ot Sub. Verd Go that day. NOTE : ¥& Fra x smarfer Problems #t 3gst TB 7 Be {) The receptionist asked me / who do 1 want / to-meet a ® inthe office # No Err. © © {S.S.C, CLERK GRADE 1987] (ee area Part (B)¥ “who do want’ % wR ‘whom 1 wanted” 5 521 ST (Indirect Narration Sentence Assertive Bat @, a7: ‘dot ‘want’ F Assertive ‘I want’ @m (iA Reporting Verb ‘asked! Past Tense % &, oF: Indircet Narration % st Past Tense #r yar Gomi wet are 8 fe ‘J want’ FES “wanted BT! Gi)'whot wR whom a wT Bar we who! cafigres' a Tar TTeT & ARPS “ivhor’ sare TT S&H wot HoT A aH who do T want a8 ‘whom I wanted’ sat 5407 aT VET (arse % sis F Sign of Interrogation (2) SH FEAR Full Stop (9.1 a7 fray eT &; SR Direct: Ramesh said to you, “Whom have you invited ? Indirect : Ramesh asked you whom you had invited. (eur & fa Direct Narration % ara % sig H Sign of Interrogation (2) $ Saf Indirect Narration aT at Full Stop () #1 ara a4 Pree ay wes SRR BR WE Topic aren F fe srg writ art % indirect Narration # 2A— (He asked me if / whether L wes going there. 2, He wanted to know IFT was going there. Gi She asked me if/ whether I know his name, (Gi) You asked me / wanted to know whet T wes doing, 11 FF that what was T doing] (iv) Mabesh asked Gauri why she had been late (fm that why had she been late) Sr FA Pe se Reporting Verb Past Tense 3g 7H Reported Speech # was / were "1 2TT # 2) =e “was / were’ shad been’ % Fee Set &1) 3. INDIRECT NARRATION OF IMPERATIVE SENTENCES (a) Imperative Sentence % Order GAMER, Request (IRD, Advice (TE), Negative Command (RUE Sz) safe a Br (b) 7 For Verb Bye Sr 8; S38 —Co, Bring, Make (6) Negative Command "Do not Don't & YE Ber & ae (@ Ragini said to her servant, “Bring 2 glass of water.” (Gi) Rama said to his father, “Please bring me apes.” (Gil) My friend said to me, ‘Join my company.” {iv) She said to her children, ‘Don’t walk in the sun’ RULES REGARDING ORDER / REQUEST (a)Say / said # af % segER order / ordered; request / requested: advise / advised; ask / eskeds bog / begged ‘ell / cold sa SRT BB Gbytnverted Commas (' °) BY Sa FR Verb TE 0 wrt at 8 110 A Mirror of Common Errors (©)Reported Speech ® Pronouns 7 svarwEayan wftats wat (@) Kindly, Please 8% oreegae Wad Heer Bt AL RULES REGARDING NEGATIVE COMMAND (a)Say f said @ ask / asked, tell / told, remind / reminded ane # onerraaraiger,

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