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Assoc. Prof. Warwick Carter

Abbreviations, acronyms, symbols and postnominals
that may be encountered in medical books,
magazines, letters, research articles and
or patient records, prescriptions and reports.

The interpretation of an abbreviation

may vary in different contexts.

The use of medical acronyms and abbreviations

should be discouraged.
Abbreviations and acronyms seem to be multiplying exponentially in modern
medicine. Some are just a passing fad, or have only local significance; others,
though, become widely used and recognised. Unfortunately, remembering the
details about the alphabet soup that may appear in medical records or reports
has become an impossible task for the busy clinician.

This book is aimed to assist doctors, medical students, nurses and others
involved in reading medical notes and reports in interpreting the abbreviations
and acronyms used by others. It is NOT designed to encourage their use in any
way. The use of abbreviations and acronyms in medical records and reports may
lead to errors in patient care as they may be misunderstood or misinterpreted.

When acronyms and abbreviations are used, they should always be defined
within the records, report etc. in which they appear, thus:
“Mr. Jones has suffered a cerebrovascular accident (CVA). His CVA has left him
with a left hemiplegia.”

Not every abbreviation and acronym used in every clinical and geographical area
of medicine can possibly be described in a book of this size, but it should include
the majority of those encountered by most physicians.

I trust that you will find this book useful in your practice.

Warwick Carter
Δ diagnosis / change
ψ psychiatry / psychiatrist
Σ sum / syphilis
# fracture / number
† death
Θ birth

15/60 fifteen minutes
3/24 three hours
5/7 five days
30/40 thirty weeks pregnant
10/52 ten weeks
4/12 four months
5 HIAA 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid
7vPCV seven valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
14C Carbon-14
23vPPV 23 valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine

A Aedes / argon / artery / Ancyclostoma / Ascaris
A2 angiotensin 2 / aortic second sound
A2RB angiotensin 2 receptor blocker
A&E accident and emergency
A&O alert and orientated
A1AT alpha-1-antitrypsin
AA Alcoholics Anonymous / amino acid / affected area
aa equal quantities of each ingredient
AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm
AAAGP Australian Association of Academic General Practitioners
AAD antibiotic associated diarrhoea
AAGP Australian Association of General Practitioners
AAL anterior axillary line
AAO alert awake oriented
AAPM Australian Association of Practice Managers
AAT alpha1-antitrypsin
AAV adenovirus-associated virus
AB abortion / abnormal
Ab antibody
ABD abdomen
ABG arterial blood gas
ABN abnormal
ABVD adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblatine and dacarbazine
AC acromioclavicular / acute / anterior chamber (eye)
ac ante cibum (before food) / acetyl
Ac actinium
ACE angiotensin converting enzyme
ACER Australian Council for Educational Research
ACh acetylcholine
AChE acetylcholinesterase
ACL anterior cruciate ligament
ACLE acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
ACP acid phosphatase; acetyl carrier protein
ACRRM Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
ACS acute coronary syndrome / American College of Surgeons
ACTH adrenocorticotrophic hormone
AD Alzheimer disease / auris dextra (right ear)
ad lib ad libitum (at freedom, as desired)
ADD attention deficit disorder
ADEC Australian Drug Evaluation Commission
ADGP Australian Divisions of General Practice
ADH antidiuretic hormone
ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
ADIS Australasian Drug Information Service
ADL activities of daily living
ad lib as much as is necessary / liberally
ADM admission / admitted
ADP adenosine diphosphate
ADR adverse drug reaction
ADT adult diphtheria and tetanus (vaccine) / any damn thing
AE above elbow
AED anti-epilepsy drug
AF atrial fibrillation
AFB acid fast bacillus
AFP alpha-fetoprotein / Australian Family Physician
AG antigen
Ag silver
A/G albumin-globulin ratio
AGES Australian Gynaecological Endoscopic Society
AGPAL Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited
A-GR albumin-globulin ratio
AH after hours / Accuhaler / antihistamine / Allen & Hanburys
AHD advance health directive / after hours doctor
AHF anti-haemolytic factor
AHIA Australian Health Insurance Association
AI aortic incompetence / artificial intelligence
AID artificial insemination by donor
AIDS acquired immune deficiency disorder
AIH artificial insemination by husband
AIIRA angiotensin two reuptake inhibitors
AJ ankle jerk
AK above knee
AKA above knee amputation / alcoholic ketoacidosis
Al aluminium
alb albumin
alc alcohol
Alk.Phos. alkaline phosphatase
ALL acute lymphatic leukaemia
ALP alkaline phosphatase
ALT alanine amino transferase
alt. alternate / alternative
AMA Australian Medical Association / American Medical Association /
antimitochondrial antibody / against medical advice
amb ambulatory
AMC Australian Medical Council
AMD age-related macular degeneration
AMI anterior myocardial infarct
AML acute myeloid leukaemia
amn amniocentesis / amniotic fluid
AMO attending medical officer
AMP adenosine monophosphate
amp ampoule / amputation
ANA antinuclear antibody
ANCA anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies
ANF antinuclear autoantibodies, fluorescent / antinuclear factor
ANS autonomic nervous system
ant anterior
Ant-AChR anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody
ante before
AntiXa anti-factor Xa
ANZFA Australian and New Zealand Food Authority
AO alert and orientated
AOB alcohol on breath
AON area of need
AP anteroposterior / abdomino-perineal / antepartum
APA Australian Physiotherapy Association
APC activated protein C
APH ante-partum haemorrhage
APPT activated partial prothrombin time
APTT activated partial thromboplastin time
aq aqua (water)
APR abdomino-perineal resection
Ar argon
ARB angiotensin receptor blocker
ARC AIDS related complex
ARD acute respiratory distress
ARDGP Australian Rural Divisions of General Practice
ARDS acute/adult respiratory distress syndrome
ARF acute renal failure / acute respiratory failure
ARM artificial rupture of membranes
AROM artificial rupture of membranes
ART assisted reproductive technologies / artery
AS aortic stenosis; auris sinistra (left ear)
As arsenic
ASA acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
ASAP as soon as possible
ASD atrial septal defect
ASOT antistreptolysin O titre
AST aspartate aminotransferase
At astatine
AT III antithrombin III
ATFL anterior tibio-fibula ligament
ATP adenosine triphosphate
ATSI Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Au gold
aud auditory
AV atrioventricular / arteriovenous
AVF arteriovenous fistula
AVN atrioventricular node
AW atomic weight
Ax anxiety / axilla
AXR abdominal x-ray
AZT azidothymidine

B Bacillus / bath / blood / boron
B2M beta-2 Microglobulin
BA Bachelor of Arts
Ba barium
BAL British Anti-Lewesite
BAppSc Bachelor of Applied Science
BBB blood-brain barrier / bundle branch block
BCC basal cell carcinoma
BCG Bacille Calmette-Guérin (TB)
BCh Bachelor of Surgery
BChir Bachelor of Surgery (UK)
bd bis die (twice a day)
BDSc Bachelor of Dental Surgery
BE barium enema / below elbow
Be beryllium
Beta HCG beta human chorionic gonadotrophin
BHA Bachelor of Health Administration
Bi bismuth
bid bis in die (twice in a day)
BIH bilateral inguinal hernias
bil bilirubin
BK below knee
BKA below knee amputation
BM Bachelor of Medicine / bowel movement / bone marrow
BMA British Medical Association
BMD bone mineral density
BMedSc Bachelor of Medical Science
BMI body mass index
BMJ British Medical Journal
BMR basal metabolic rate
BMT bone marrow transplant
BNF British National Formulary
BNO bowels not opened
BNS Blue Nursing Service
BOccThy Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
BOM bilateral otitis media
BOO bladder outlet obstruction
BOZ bismuth oxide and zinc cream
BP blood pressure / British Pharmacopoeia
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy
BPhty Bachelor of Physiotherapy
BPM beats per minute
BPO benzyl peroxide
BPP Better Practice Program / brand price premium
Br breech (pregnancy) / Brucella / bromine
BR bed rest
BS Bachelor of Surgery / bowel sounds / breath sounds / blood sugar
BSA body surface area
BSL blood sugar level
BSP bromsulfophthalein
BSpThy Bachelor of Speech Therapy
BT bleeding time
BTU British thermal unit
BTZ butazolidin
BUN blood urea nitrogen
BW birth weight / body weight / bi-weekly
Bx biopsy
Bz benzoyl

C carbon / calorie / capsule / Celcius / cephalic (pregnancy) / cervical /
cervix / Clostridium / complement
c. cum (with)
C1-7 cervical vertebrae one to seven
C&S culture and sensitivity
c/o care of / complains of
c/s cycles per second / culture and sensitivity
Ca calcium
CA carbohydrate (cancer) antigen / cancer / cardiac arrest / community
ca. circa (approximately)
CABG coronary artery bypass graft
CACP coreoathetoid cerebral palsy
CACS coronary artery calcification score
CAD coronary artery disease
CAI carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
cal calorie
CAM complementary and alternate medicine
cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate
cap capsule
CAPD continual ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
CASA cancer associated serum antigen
CAT computerised axial tomography
cath catheter
CB caesarean birth
CBC complete blood count
CBG capillary blood gas
CBT cognitive behaviour therapy
CC chief complaint
cc cubic centimetre
CCA calcium channel antagonist
CCB calcium channel blocker
CCF congestive cardiac failure
CCP cyclic citrulinated peptide
CCU coronary care unit / catch clean urine
CD cardiac disease / contagious disease
Cd cadmium
CDC Centre for Disease Control (USA)
CDT child diphtheria and tetanus vaccine
CE continuing education
CEA carcinoembryonic antigen
CEO chief executive officer
ceph cephalic (pregnancy)
CF cardiac failure / complement fixation / cystic fibrosis
CFC chlorofluorocarbon
CFP Certificate in Family Planning.
CFS chronic fatigue syndrome
CFT complement fixation test
CG chorionic gonadotrophin
CHA Certificate of Health Administration.
ChB Bachelor of Surgery (British University)
CHD congenital heart disease / coronary heart disease
CHF congestive heart failure / chronic heart failure
CHO carbohydrate
chol cholesterol
chr chronic
CI cardiac index / cardiac insufficiency / colour index
CJD Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
CK creatine kinase
CKD chronic kidney disease
Cl chloride / chlorine / Clostridium
CLE cutaneous lupus erythematosus
CLL chronic lymphatic leukaemia
CLO Campylobacter like organism
cm centimetre
CMA Canadian Medical Association / certified medical assistant (USA)
CMCJ carpo-metacarpal joint
CME continuing medical education
CMI consumer medical information
CML chromic myeloid leukaemia
CMV cytomegalovirus
CN cranial nerve(s)
CNS central nervous system
CO carbon monoxide / cardiac output / complains of
Co cobalt
CO2 carbon dioxide
CoA coenzyme A
COAD chronic obstructive airways disease
COC combined oral contraceptive
Comm. comment
Comp. compound / compensation
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
cor coronary
COX cyclooxygenase
CP cerebral palsy / chest pain
CPAP continuous positive airways pressure
CPD cephalopelvic disproportion / continuing professional development
CPH Certificate in Public Health.
CPK creatine phospho kinase
CPR cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
cps cycles per second
CR controlled release / computed radiography
Cr creatinine / chromium
CRF chronic renal failure
CRP cross reactive protein
CS caesarean section
Cs caesium
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific Institute and Research Organisation
CSL Commonwealth Serum Laboratories
CT computerised tomography / coronary thrombosis / cerebral tumour
CTG cardiotocograph
CTR cardio-thoracic ratio / carpal tunnel repair
CTS carpal tunnel syndrome
Cu copper
cu cubic
CV cardiovascular / curriculum vitae
CVA cerebrovascular accident / costovertebral angle
CVD cardiovascular disease
CVL central venous line
CVP central venous pressure
CVS cardiovascular system /chorionic villus sampling
Cx cervix / culture / cancel
CXR chest x-ray
CYP cytochrome P-450

D daughter / decreased / dioptre / dorsal
d day
D5W dextrose 5% in water
D&C dilation and curettage
DA Diploma in Anaesthetics / developmental age
dB decibel
DC direct current / discharge / discontinue
DCBE double contrast barium enema
DCH Diploma in Child Health
DCh Doctor of Surgery
DCIS ductal carcinoma in situ
DCP Diploma in Clinical Pathology.
DD differential diagnosis / discharge diagnosis
DDSc Doctor of Dental Science.
DDU Diploma of Diagnostic Ultrasound.
DES description / diethylstilboestrol
DEXA dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry
DFP Diploma in Family Planning
DHEA dihydroepiandrosterone
DHODH dihydrooroate dyhdrogenase
DI diabetes insipidus / diagnostic imaging
DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation
DIPJ distal interphalangeal joint
DipMedSurg Diploma in Medical Surgery (Papua New-Guinea)
DIU death in utero
DJD degenerative joint disease
DKA diabetic ketoacidosis
DLE disseminated lupus erythematosus
DM Doctor of Medicine / diabetes mellitus / diastolic murmur
DMARD disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug
DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide
DNA did not attend/deoxyribonucleic acid
DNR do not resuscitate
DO Diploma in Ophthalmology
DOA dead on arrival
DOB date of birth
DObstRACOG Diploma in Obstetrics from the Royal Aust. College of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
DOE dyspnoea on exertion
DPH Diploma in Public Health
DPI dry powder inhaler
DPM Diploma in Psychological Medicine
DPT diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus
DPyd deoxypyridinoline
DR delivery room
DRACOG Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Royal Australian College of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
DRE digital rectal examination
DRG diagnosis related group
DS Doctor of Surgery / double strength / discharge summary
DSA digital subtraction angiography
DSAP disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis
DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (of Mental Disorders)
DT delirium tremens
DTH Diploma in Tropical Health.
DTM Diploma in Tropical Medicine
DTP diphtheria tetanus pertussis (vaccine)
DTPa diphtheria tetanus pertussis adsorbed (vaccine)
DTR deep tendon reflex
DTs delirium tremens
DU duodenal ulcer
DUI driving under influence
DVA Department of Veteran Affairs
DVT deep venous thrombosis
DW dextrose water
Dx diagnosis

E electrolytes / engaged (pregnancy) / Escherichia
e. ex (without)
EAA essential amino acids
eAG estimated average glucose
EBM evidence based medicine / expressed breast milk
EBV Epstein-Barr virus
EC enteric coated
ECF extracellular fluid
ECG electrocardiograph
ECT electroconvulsive therapy
ED effective dose / emergency department / eating and drinking
EDC estimated date of confinement
EDD expected date of delivery
EDP end diastolic pressure
EDTA ethylenediaminete- traacetic acid
EEG electroencephalogram
EENT ears eyes nose throat
eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate
EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor
EHEC Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli Infection
EKG electrokardiogramme (German - ECG)
ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
EMG electromyogram
EMS emergency medical service
EMW early morning waking
ENA extractable nuclear antigen
ENG electronystagmogram
Eng engaged (pregnancy)
ENT ear, nose & throat
E/O excision of
EPAP expiratory positive airways pressure
EPC enhanced primary care
epis episiotomy
EPO evening primrose oil
EPP electrophoretic pattern of plasma
EPS electrophysiological studies
ER extended release / emergency room
ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholecysto-pancreatography
ERG electroretinogram
ERV expiratory reserve volume
ESP extrasensory perception
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
EST exercise stress test
ESWL extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
ESWT extracorporeal shock wave therapy
Et. etiology
ETOH ethanol
ETR effective thyroxine ratio
ETT endotracheal tube
EUA examination under anaesthesia
EUC electrolytes urea creatinine
Ex exercise / example
ex aq ex aqua (with water)
ex lac ex lactis (with milk)
exp expire(s)
ext external

F Fahrenheit / father / female / femoral / finger / fluorine
FA fluorescent antibody / first aid
FAAD Fellow American Academy of Dermatology
FAAOO Fellow American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology
FAAP Fellow American Academy of Paediatrics
FACA Fellow American College of Anaesthetists
FACD Fellow Australian College of Dermatology
FACP Fellow American College of Physicians
FACR Fellow American College of Radiologists
FACRRM Fellow Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
FACS Fellow American College of Surgeons
FAMA Fellow of the Australian Medical Association
FAMAS Fellow Australian Medical Acupuncture Society
FANA fluorescent antinuclear antibodies
FB foreign body
FBC full blood count
FBG fasting blood glucose
FBS(L) fasting blood sugar (level)
FC film coated
FCAP Fellow College of American Pathologists
FDA Food and Drug Administration (USA)
FDP fibrin degradation products / flexor digitorum profundus
Fe iron / ferrous
FEF forced expiratory flow
FESS functional endoscopic sinus surgery
FEV1 forced expiratory volume in one second
FFP fresh frozen plasma
FH foetal heart / family history
FHR foetal heart rate
fL femtolitre
Fl fluid
fl flaccid
FM family medicine
FMF foetal movements felt
FMH foetomaternal haemorrhage
FMNF foetal movements not felt
FMP Family Medicine Program
FNAC fine needle aspiration cytology
FOBT faecal occult blood test
FRACDS Fellow Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons
FRACGP Fellow Royal Australian College of General Practitioner
FRACOG Fellow Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and
FRACP Fellow Royal Australian College of Physicians
FRACR Fellow Royal Australian College of Radiologists
FRACS Fellow Royal Australian College of Surgeons.
FRANZCP Fellow Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
FRCGP Fellow Royal College of General Practitioners (UK)
FRCOG Fellow Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (United
FRCP Fellow Royal College of Physicians (UK)
FRCPath Fellow Royal College of Pathologists (UK)
FRCPsych Fellow Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK)
FRCS Fellow Royal College of Surgeons (UK)
FS flexible sigmoidoscopy
FSH follicle stimulating hormone
FT falling titre / full term (pregnancy)
ft foot
FTA fluorescent treponema antibody
FTE full time equivalent
FTI free thyroxine index
FTT failure to thrive
FU fluorouracil / follow up
FUO fever of unknown origin
FVC forced vital capacity
Fx fracture

G Giardia / gravida (pregnancies)
g gram / guttae (drops)
G6PD glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
GA general anaesthetic
GABA gamma-amino butyric acid
GAD generalised anxiety disorder
GAMSAT Graduate Australian Medical Schools Admission Test
GB gall bladder
GBS Group B Streptococcus
GC gonococcal
GCS Glasgow Coma Scale
GE gastroenterology / gastroenteritis
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
GETT general by endotracheal tube
GFR glomerular filtration rate
GGT gamma glutamyl transferase / transpeptidase
GH growth hormone
GHB gamma-hydroxybutyrate
GHb glycosylated haemoglobin
GHRF growth hormone releasing factor
GI gastrointestinal
GIFT gammete intrafallopian transfer
GIT gastrointestinal tract
GLP glucagon-like peptide
gm gram
GM grand mal
GMC General Medical Council (UK)
GNC general nursing care
GnRH gonadotrophin releasing hormone
GORD gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
GP general practitioner / general paralysis
GPCG General Practice Computer Group
GPEA General Practice Education Australia
GPET General Practice Education and Training
GPI general paralysis of insane
GPPP generalised pustular psoriasis of pregnancy
GPRA General Practice Registrars Association
gr grain (1 grain = 65mg).
grav gravida (pregnancy no.)
GSAD generalised social anxiety disorder
GSW gunshot wound
GTN glyceryl trinitrate
GTP guanosine triphosphate
GTT glucose tolerance test
gtt guttae (drops)
GU gastric ulcer / genitourinary
GUS genitourinary system
GvHD graft versus host disease
GW glucose water
GYN gynaecology

H Haemophilus / Helicobacter / history / husband / hydrogen
h hour
HA headache
HAV hepatitis A virus / hepatitis A vaccine
HB heart block
Hb haemoglobin
HbA1 haemoglobin A1 (Glycated Haemoglobin)
HbA1c haemoglobin A1 (Glycosylated Haemoglobin)
HbCO carboxyhaemoglobin
HbF foetal haemoglobin
HbH haemoglobin H
HBIG hepatitis b immune globulin
HbM haemoglobin M
HbO2 oxygenated haemoglobin
HBP high blood pressure
HbS haemoglobin S
HBV hepatitis B vaccine / hepatitis B virus
HC head circumference
HCG human chorionic gonadotrophin
HCl hydrochloric acid
HCO3 bicarbonate
HCT haematocrit / hydrochlorthiazide
HCV hepatitis C virus
Hd head
HD Hodgkinʼs disease
HDL high density lipoprotein
HDN haemolytic disease of newborn
He helium
HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
hep hepatitis
HER human epidermal receptor
Hg mercury
HGH human growth hormone
HIAA hydroxyindole acetic acid
HiB Haemophilus influenzae B
HIC Health Insurance Commission
HIE hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HLA human leucocyte associated antigen / histocompatability locus
HMD hyaline membrane disease
HMG human menopausal gonadotrophin
HMG-CoA hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A
HMMA 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy mandelic acid
HMO health maintenance organisation
HO history of / house officer
HOB head of bed
hor horizontal
HPA hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis
HPF high powered field
HPV human papilloma virus
HR heart rate
HRT hormone replacement therapy
hs hora somni (evening)
HS heart sounds
HSM hepatosplenomegaly
HSV Herpes simplex virus
Ht height / heart
HT hypertension
HTLV human T-cell lymphocytotrophic virus
HUS haemolytic uraemic syndrome
HV home visit
HVA homovanillate
Hx history (medical)
Hz hertz
HZ Herpes zoster

I iodine / Ixodes
I&D incision and drainage
I&O intake and output
IA intra-arterial
IBC iron binding capacity
IBD inflammatory bowel disease
IBNR incurred but not reported (indemnity cases)
IBS irritable bowel syndrome
ICCU intensive coronary care unit
ICD International Classification of Diseases
ICF intracellular fluid
ICP intracranial pressure
ICS intercostal space
ICSI intracytoplasmic sperm injection
ICU intensive care unit
ID infectious disease / identification / intradermal
IDDM insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
IDU idoxuridine
IEC intraepithelial carcinoma
IF intrinsic factor
IFG impaired fasting glucose
IFN interferon
Ig immunoglobulin
IgA immunoglobulin A
IgE immunoglobulin E
IGF intrinsic growth factor
IgG immunoglobulin G
IgM immunoglobulin M
IGT impaired glucose tolerance
IHD ischaemic heart disease
II image intensifier
IL interleukin
IM intramuscular / infectious mononucleosis / internal medicine
IMG international medical graduate
IMI intramuscular injection
in. inch
inc. increased / incomplete
inf. infusion / inferior / infection
inj injection
INR international normalised ratio
insp. inspiration
int. internal
IOL intraocular lens
IOP intraocular pressure
IP intraperitoneal
IPC inter-practice comparison
IPJ interphalangeal joint
IPP(B) intermittent positive pressure (breathing)
IPV injectable polio vaccine
IRDM insulin resistant diabetes mellitus
IQ intelligence quotient
IR infra-red
Ir iridium
IRV inspiratory reserve volume
ISQ in status quo (no change in condition)
ITP idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
IU international unit(s)
IUCD intrauterine contraceptive device
IUD intrauterine device
IUFD intrauterine foetal death
IV intravenous
IVC inferior vena cava / intravenous cholangiogram
IVD intravertebral disc
IVF invitro fertilisation
IVI intravenous injection
IVP intravenous pyelogram
IVU intravenous urogram
Ix investigation)s)
IZS insulin zinc suspension

J joule / joint
JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association
JIA juvenile idiopathic arthritis
JODM juvenile onset diabetes mellitus
JRA juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Jt joint
JVD jugular venous dilation
JVP jugular venous pressure

K potassium / Kelvin / kidney
KA keratoacanthoma
KAu King-Armstrong units
kcal kilocalorie
KCl potassium chloride
kg kilogram
kJ kilojoule
KJ knee jerk
kPa kilopascal
kph kilometres per hour
KUB kidney, ureter, bladder
KYR know your risk

L left / Leishmania / Leptospira / litre / liver / low / lumbar
L1-5 lumbar vertebrae
L&D labour and delivery
L-S R lecithin-sphingomyelin ratio
LA local anaesthetic / left arm / left atrium / light and accommodation /
lupus anticoagulant
LABA long acting beta agonist
lac laceration / lacrimal / lactic
LAD left axis deviation (ECG) / left anterior descending (coronary artery)
LAE left atrial enlargement
lam laminectomy
lat lateral
LATS long acting thyroid stimulator
LAVH laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy
lb pound
LB large bowel
LBBB left bundle branch block
LBP lower back pain
LBW low birth weight
LC lethal concentration
LCA left coronary artery
LCPS Licentiate College of Physicians and Surgeons (UK)
LCR ligase chain reaction
LD50 lethal dose 50%
LDA left dorsal anterior
LDH lactic dehydrogenase
LDL low density lipoprotein
LDP left dorsal posterior
LE lupus erythematosus / left eye / left ear / lower extremities
LF low forceps
LFT liver function tests
Lg large
LGV lymphogranuloma venereum
LH luteinising hormone
Li lithium
LIF left iliac fossa
lig ligament / ligature
LIH left inguinal hernia
liq liquid / liquor
LIQ lower inner quadrant (breast)
LKS liver kidney spleen
LL lower lid
LLL left lower lobe
LLQ left lower quadrant
LM Licentiate in Medicine (UK)
LMLP left middle lobe pneumonia
LMO local medical officer
LMP last menstrual period
LMSSA Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery, Society of Apothecaries (UK)
LN lymph node
LN2 liquid nitrogen
LNMP last normal menstrual period
LOA left occipito-anterior (position of foetal head)
LOC loss of consciousness / level of consciousness
LOL left occipito-lateral (position of foetal head)
LOM left otitis media / loss of movement
LOP left occipito-posterior (position of foetal head)
LOQ lower outer quadrant (breast)
LP lumbar puncture
LPC liquor picis carbonis (coal tar solution)
LPF low power field
LRCP Licentiate Royal College of Physicians (UK)
LRCPS Licentiate Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (UK)
LRQ lower right quadrant
LRTI lower respiratory tract infection
LS lumbosacral
LSCS lower segment caesarean section
LSD lysergic acid diethylamide
LSK liver spleen kidneys
LSO left salpingo-oophorectomy
LUL left upper lobe
LUQ left upper quadrant / lateral upper quadrant
LUSCS lower uterine segment caesarean section
LUTS lower urinary tract symptoms
LV left ventricle
LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction
LVF left ventricular failure
LVH left ventricular hypertrophy
LVRS lung volume reduction surgery
lytes electrolytes

m MASS / metre / minim
M Mycobacterium / mole / molar / male / married / mother / muscle
M(C)SU microscopy and (culture) sensitivity of urine
M/C/S microscopy, culture and sensitivity
M1 first mitral sound
M2 second mitral sound
MA metered aerosol / mental age
mab monoclonal antibody
mane morning
MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitor
MAP morning after pill / mean arterial pressure
max maximum / maxilla
MB Bachelor of Medicine
MBC minimum bactericidal concentration
MBS medical benefits schedule
MC miscarriage
MCD meningococcal disease
MCF Medical & Commercial Finance
mcg microgram
MCh Master of Surgery
MCH mean corpuscular haemoglobin
MCHC mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration
mCi millicurie
MCL midclavicular line
MCPJ metacarpo-phalangeal joint
MCTD mixed connective tissue disease
MCV mean corpuscular volume
MD Doctor of Medicine (USA) / muscular dystrophy
MDA medical defence association
MDI metered dose inhaler
MDO medical defence organisation(s)
MDU Medical Defence Union
mdu more dicto utendus (use as directed)
ME myalgic encephalomyelitis / middle ear/ medical examiner /
mucolytic and expectorant
MEC medical emergency clinic
MEA microwave endometrial ablation
med medial / medicine
MEDLARS Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System
MEN multiple endocrine neoplasia
MenCCV meningococcal C conjugate vaccine
MEP maximum expiratory pressure
mEq milliequivalent
MEST maximal exercise stress test
met metastases
MEV million electron volts
Mg magnesium
mg milligram
MG myasthenia gravis
MGR murmurs gallops rubs
MH medical history / marital history
MHC major histocompatability complex
MHz megahertz
MI myocardial infarct / mitral insufficiency
MIC minimum inhibitory concentration
MICA medical intensive care ambulance
MICU medical intensive care unit
MIIAA Medical Indemnity Insurance Association of Australia
MIMS Monthly Index of Medical Specialties
min minute / minimum
MIPS Medical Indemnity Protection Society
mist mistura (mixture)
mitt mitte (send / dispense)
mIU milli-international unit
MJA Medical Journal of Australia
mL millilitre
mm millimetre / muscles
MM mucous membrane
mmHg millimetres of mercury
mmol millimol
MMR measles mumps rubella (vaccine)
Mn manganese / midnight
MO medical officer / Medical Observer
Mo molybdenum
mo month
mod moderate
mol.wt molecular weight
MOM milk of magnesia
mOsm milliosmole
MoU memorandum of understanding
MOW Meals on Wheels
MPJ metacarpophalangeal
mPa.s milliPascal seconds
MPI myocardial perfusion imaging
MPJ metacarpo-phalangeal joint
MR mitral regurgitation / modified release / mental retardation / medial
MRC Medical Research Council (USA)
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MRSA methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus
MS multiple sclerosis / mitral stenosis / morphine sulphate
Ms murmurs
MSc Master of Science
MSD Merck Sharpe & Dohme Ltd.
MSF Medecins sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders)
MSG monosodium glutamate
MSH melanocyte stimulating hormone
MSL midsternal line
mss massage
MSSA methicillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus
MSU midstream urine
MT muscles and tendons
MTPJ metatarsophalangeal joint
MV multivitamin
MVA motor vehicle accident
MVE Murray Valley encephalitis
MVR mitral valve replacement
MW molecular weight
MWF monday, wednesday, friday
Mx medications

N Neisseria / nerve / nitrogen / normal
N2O nitrous oxide
Na sodium
NAC National Asthma Campaign / N-acetyl cysteine
NaCl sodium chloride (salt)
NAD no abnormality detected / no apparent distress / no active disease /
not actually done
NAMDA National Association of Medical Deputising Australia
NAP neutrophil alkaline phosphatase
nb note benne (note well)
NB newborn
NBM nil by mouth
NBS normal bowel sounds / normal breath sounds
ncs non compus scribus (unable to write)
NE not engaged (pregnancy) / not examined
NED no evidence of disease
neg negative
NEJM New England Journal of Medicine
NERD no evidence recurrent disease
NFR not for resuscitation
ng nanogram
NG nasogastric
NGT nasogastric tube
NGU nongonococcal urethritis
NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council
NHS National Health Service (UK)
Ni nickel
NICU neonatal intensive care unit
NIDDM non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
NK not known / nil known
NKA no known allergies
NLV Norwalk-like virus
NM nuclear medicine / neuromuscular
nmol nanomol
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
NND neonatal death
nocte at night
NOF neck of femur
NOTES natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery
NP new patient
NR normal range
nRNA nuclear ribonucleic acid
NS normal saline / nervous system / neurosurgery
NSA no significant abnormality
NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NSR normal sinus rhythm
NSTEACS non-ST-segment-elevation coronary syndrome
NSU non specific urethritis
NSVD normal spontaneous vaginal delivery
NT nasotracheal
NTT nasotracheal tube
NV nausea and vomiting
NWB non weight bearing
NYD not yet diagnosed

o none / without
O oral / oxygen
OA osteoarthritis
OAG open angle glaucoma
OB obstetrics
OBG obstetrics and gynaecology
obs observation(s)
OBS organic brain syndrome
OC(P) oral contraceptive (pill)
OCD obsessive compulsive disorder / osteochondritis dessicans
OCG oral cholecystogram
oculent ocullentum (eye ointment)
od omni die (every day)
OD overdose
OE otitis externa / on examination
oh omni hora (every hour)
OHSS ovarian hypersensitivity syndrome
om omni mane (every morning)
OM otitis media
on omni nocte (every night)
OOB out of bed
Op operation
OP outpatient / osmotic pressure
OPD outpatients department
OPV oral polio vaccine
OR operating room
ORIF open reduction internal fixation
OT occupational therapy (therapist)
OTC over the counter (non-prescription drugs) / ornithine
ov ovum (egg)
OXT oxytocin
oz ounce

P para (pregnancy) / phosphorus / plasma / Plasmodium / pressure /
PA posteroanterior / physicianʼs assistant / percussion and auscultation
PABA para-aminobenzoic acid
PAH pulmonary arterial hypertension
PAN polyarteritis nodosa
PaO2 partial pressure of oxygen in arteries
Pap Papanicolou smear
Para prior births / paraplegic
PAS periodic acid-Schiff stain / para-aminosalicylic acid
PASA para-aminosalicylic acid
PAT paroxysmal atrial tachycardia / pregnancy at term
Pb lead
PB peripheral blood
PBAC Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee
PBC permanent birth control
PBG porphobilinogen
PBL problem based learning
PBS Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
pc post cibum (after food)
PC presenting complaint / politically correct
PCB polychlorinated biphenyl
PCL posterior cruciate ligament
PCN percutaneous nephrolithotomy
pCO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide
PCP Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
PCR polymerase chain reaction
PCV packed cell volume
PD provisional diagnosis / Parkinson disease / peritoneal dialysis
PDA patent ductus arteriosus / Private Doctors Association
PDR Physicians Desk Reference
PDT photodynamic therapy
PE pre-eclampsia / pulmonary embolus / physical examination
PEEP positive end expiratory pressure
PEFR peak expiratory flow rate
PEG percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy / polyethylene glycol
Pen penicillin
PEP polymorphic eruption of pregnancy / post exposure prophylaxis
PERLA pupils equal and reacting to light and accommodation
PET positron emission tomography / pre-eclamptic toxaemia
PF push fluids
PFT pulmonary function tests
pg picogram
PG prostaglandin
PGD pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
pH acidity / hydrogen ion concentration
PH past history
PHC primary health care
PhD Doctor of Philosophy
PHI private health insurance
phys physical / physiology
PI product information / pulmonary incompetence / prothrombin index /
present illness
PICA posterior inferior coronary artery
PID pelvic inflammatory disease / prolapsed intervertebral disc
pig pigmentum (paint)
PIL patient information leaflet
PIN prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
PIP Practice Incentive Program
PIPJ proximal interphalangeal joint
PK pyruvate kinase
PKU phenylketonuria
PM post mortem / petit mal / afternoon
PMB postmenopausal bleeding
PMH past medical history
PMN polymorphonuclear leukocyte
pmol picomol
PMR polymyalgia rheumatica
PMS premenstrual syndrome
PMT premenstrual tension
PN practice nurse
PND post-nasal drip / paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea / premature nodal
PNX pneumothorax
po per os (by mouth)
pO2 partial pressure of oxygen
POAG primary open angle glaucoma
POD post-op day
POM prescription only medicine
POMR problem oriented medical record
POP plaster of Paris
pop popliteal
POR problem oriented record
pos positive
post posterior
PP post partum
pp post prandial (after food)
PPD purified protein derivative (tuberculin)
PPH post partum haemorrhage
PPI proton pump inhibitor
ppm parts per million
PPV positive pressure ventilation
PR per rectum /pulse rate / prothrombin ratio
PRBC packed red blood cells
prep preparation / prepare / preparatory
PRF prolactin-releasing factor
primip primiparous (first pregnancy)
prn pro re nata (when necessary/as required)
prog prognosis
PROM passive range of movements
PS presenting symptoms / pulmonary stenosis / psychotic / plastic
PSA prostate specific antigen
PSH past surgical history
psi pounds per square inch
PSP progressive supra-nuclear palsy
PSR Professional Services Review
PSVT paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
Pt platinum / patient
P/T part time
PT prothrombin time / physiotherapy
PTA plasma thromboplastin antecedent / prior to admission
PTC plasma thromboplastin component
PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
PTEA pulmonary thromboendarterectomy
PTH parathormone
PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder
PTT partial thromboplastin time
PTU propylthiouracil
PTX pneumothorax
PU peptic ulcer
Pu plutonium
PUJ pelviureteric junction
PUO pyrexia of unknown origin
PUPPP pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy
PUVA psoralen and ultraviolet A
PV per vagina (vaginal examination) / plasma volume
PVC polyvinyl chloride / premature ventricular contraction
PVD peripheral vascular disease
Px physical examination
PZI protamine zinc insulin

q quaque (every)
q3h quaque 3 hora (every 3 hours)
QA quality assurance
qd quater die (every day)
qds quater die sumendum (strictly four times a day)
qh quaque hora (every hour)
qid quater in die (four times in a day)
QNS quantity not sufficient
qqh quaque quarta hora (every fourth hour)
qs quantum sufficiat / satis (sufficient quantity)
qv as much as desired
qw every week

R right / return / Rickettsia / resistance / rectal
RA right arm / right atrium / rheumatoid arthritis
Ra radium
RACF residential aged care facility
RACGP Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
RACOG Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
RACP Royal Australian College of Physicians
RACR Royal Australian College of Radiologists
RACS Royal Australian College of Surgeons
RAD reversible airways disease / right axis deviation (ECG)
rad radial
RAI radioactive iodine
RAMC Royal Army Medical Corps
RANZCP Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
RAS renin-angiotensin system
RAST radioallergosorbent test
RBBB right bundle branch block
RBC red blood cell
RCA right coronary artery
RCC red cell count
RCGP Royal College of General Practitioners (UK)
RCOG Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (UK)
RCP Royal College of Physicians (UK)
RCPath Royal College of Pathologists (UK)
RCPsych Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK)
RCS Royal College of Surgeons (UK)
RD respiratory distress
RDA recommended daily allowance
RDAA Rural Doctors Association of Australia
RDS respiratory distress syndrome
re review / regarding / with reference to
RE right eye / right ear
reg regular
REM rapid eye movements
RF rheumatic fever / rheumatoid factor / releasing factor
RH releasing hormone
Rh rhesus factor
RHD rheumatic heart disease
RHF right heart failure
RI reference interval
RIA radioimmune assay
RIF right iliac fossa
RIH right inguinal hernia
RIMA reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase type A
RLA reacts to light and accommodation
RLL right lower lobe
RLQ right lower quadrant
RML right middle lobe
RMO resident medical officer
RN registered nurse
Rn radon
RNA ribonucleic acid
RO rule out
ROA right occipito anterior
ROM range of movements / right otitis media / rupture of membranes
ROP right occipito posterior
ROS removal of sutures / review of systems
ROT right occipito transverse
RP retrograde pyelogram
RPBS Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
rpm revolutions per minute
RPR rapid plasma reagin test
RQ respiratory quotient
RR recovery room / relative risk
RRR regular rate and rhythm
RS respiratory system
RSD reflex sympathetic dystrophy
RSI repetitive strain injury
RSO right salpingo-oophorectomy
PSR Professional Services Review
RSV respiratory syncitial virus
RT radiation therapy / respiratory
RTS Rural Training Stream
RUL right upper lobe
RUQ right upper quadrant
RV residual volume
RVH right ventricular hypertrophy
RVS relative value study
RWA Rural Workforce Agency
Rx recipe / treatment / medication / prescription

S Sarcoptes / Schistosoma / son / serum / Strongyloides / sulphur
SA sustained action / sinoatrial
Sa saline
SAAG serum-ascites albumin gradient
Sag sagittal
SAH subarachnoid haemorrhage
SB seen by / stillbirth
Sb antimony
SBE subacute bacterial endocarditis
SBO small bowel obstruction
SBS short bowel syndrome
SC subcutaneous / sugar coated / sternoclavicular / sickle cell
SCC squamous cell carcinoma
SCI subcutaneous injection
SCID severe combined immunodeficiency
SD standard deviation
SE side effect(s)
Se sensitivity / selenium
sec second
SERM selective (o)estrogen-receptor modulator
SET single embryo transfer
SFX side effects
SG specific gravity
SGGT serum gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase
SGOT serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase
SH social history
SI system internationale / sacro-iliac
Si silicon
SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
sib sibling
SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
sig signa (label)
SIG special interest group
SIN see if necessary
SIR standardised incidence ratio
SK seborrhoeic keratosis / streptokinase
SKM skeletal muscle
sl slight / sublingual
SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
SLR straight leg raising
SMA smooth muscle antibodies
SMR submucous resection / standardised mortality ratio
Sn tin
SNAP smoking nutrition alcohol and physical activity
SNRI selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor
SNS sympathetic nervous system
SO superior oblique
SO4 sulphate
SOAP subjective, objective, assessment and plan
SOB short of breath
SOBOE short of breath on exertion
sol soluble
soln solution
sp species (singular) / specimen
Sp specificity
SPECT single photon emission computed tomography
SPF sun protection factor
spg sponge
spp species (plural)
SPT skin prick test
sq square
SR sustained release / sinus rhythm / system review / sedimentation
Sr strontium
SS social services
SRN state registered nurse
SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
SSS sick sinus syndrome
SSTT saturday, sunday, tuesday, thursday
stat statim (immediately / at once)
STD sexually transmitted disease
STI soft tissue injury / sexually transmitted infection
STM short term memory
STS serological test for syphilis
sup superior / supine
supp suppository
susp suspension
SVC superior vena cava
SVD spontaneous vaginal delivery
SVT supraventricular tachycardia / superficial venous thrombosis
SWD short wave diathermy
Sx symptoms

T tablet / temperature / term (pregnancy) / thoracic / tinea /
Treponema /Trichomonas
t tonne
T1-12 thoracic vertebrae
T&A tonsils and adenoids
T&C type and cross (blood)
T1DM type one diabetes mellitus
T2DM type two diabetes mellitus
T3 triiodothyronine
T4 thyroxine
TA tendo achilles / tonsils and adenoids
tab tablet
TAB therapeutic abortion
TAH total abdominal hysterectomy
TB tuberculosis
TBG thyroid binding globulin
TBI total body irradiation
TBV total blood volume
TCA tricyclic antidepressants / trichloracetic acid
TCEA transcervical endometrial ablation
TDR treating doctorʼs report
tds ter die sumendum (strictly three times a day)
Te technetium
TEDS thromboembolic deterrent stocking
TEN toxic epidermal necrolysis
TENS transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
tet tetanus
TFT thyroid function tests
TG triglyceride(s)
TGA Therapeutic Goods Administration
TGP therapeutic group premium
Th thorium
THC tetrahydrocannabinol
THR total hip replacement
Ti titanium
TI tricuspid incompetence
TIA transient ischaemic attack
TIBC total iron binding capacity
tid ter in die (three times in a day)
TKR total knee replacement
Tl thallium
TLC tender loving care / thin layer chromatography / total lung capacity
TM tympanic membrane
TMJ temporomandibular joint
TMTJ tarso-metatarsal joint
TNF tumour necrosis factor
TO telephone order
tox toxin/toxoid
TP term pregnancy
tPA tissue plasminogen activator
TPHA Treponema pallidum haemagglutination
TPN total parenteral nutrition
TPR temperature, pulse, respiration
tr trace
TRD temporary resident doctor
TRF thyrotropin releasing factor
TRH thyrotropin releasing hormone
tRNA transfer ribonucleic acid
Trp tryptophan
TRUS transrectal ultrasound
TRV transverse
TS tricuspid stenosis
TSH thyroid stimulating hormone
TSS toxic shock syndrome
TTSS tuesday, thursday, saturday, sunday
TURP trans-urethral resection of prostate
tuss tussis (a cough)
TV tidal volume
TVH total vaginal hysterectomy
TVT tension-free vaginal tape
Tx treatment / traction

U unit / uranium / urine
UA urinalysis
UAC umbilical artery catheter
UC ulcerative colitis / umbilical cord / uterine contraction
UCD usual childhood diseases
UDP uridine diphosphate
ug microgram
UGI upper gastrointestinal
UGIS upper gastrointestinal series
UIQ upper inner quadrant (breast)
uL microlitre
UL upper lid
uln ulna(r)
ULQ upper left quadrant
UMAT undergraduate medical assessment test
umol micromol
UMP uridine monophosphate / United Medical Protection (now Avant)
ung unguentum (ointment)
UO under observation
UOQ upper outer quadrant (breast)
URQ upper right quadrant
URTI upper respiratory tract infection
US ultrasound
USP United States Pharmacopeia
USPHS United States Public Health Service
ut uterus
ut dict ut dictum (as directed)
UTI urinary tract infection
UV ultraviolet
V vagina / vein / venous / Vibrio / vision / volt / volume
VA visual acuity / viral antigen / ventriculoatrial
vax vaccine
VC vital capacity / vasoconstrictor
vCJD variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
VD venereal disease
VDRL Venereal Disease Reference Laboratory
VE vaginal examination
VF ventricular fibrillation / vocal fremitus / visual fields
VG vein graft
VH very high
VHD valvular heart disease
VHDL very high density lipoprotein
via by way of
vit vitamin
VLDL very low density lipoprotein
VMA vanillylmandelic acid
VMO visiting medical officer
VMRSA vancomycin and methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus
vol volume
VP vasopressin / venous pressure
VPRC volume of packed red cells
V/Q ventilation-perfusion ratio
VR vocal resonance / vancomycin resistant / vocationally registered
VS vital signs
VSA vital signs absent
VSD ventricular septal defect
VT ventricular tachycardia
VTE venous thromboembolism
vv veins
VV varicose veins
vWf von Willebrand Factor
Vx vertex
VZV varicella zoster vaccine

W tungsten / watt / wife / widow / Wuchereria
WB whole blood
WBC white blood cells
WC wheelchair
WCC white cell count
WE wide excision
WHO World Health Organisation
wk week
WNL within normal limits
WONCA World Organisation of National Colleges and Associations
WPW Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
WR Wassermann reaction
wt weight
WTU ward test of urine
WU work up

X X chromosome / wrong
x times
x2d twice a day
XL extended release / extra large
XM cross match
XR x-ray
XRT x-ray therapy
XS excess

Y Yersinia / Y chromosome / yttrium
YF yellow fever
yo years old
yr year
ytd year to date

ZDV zidovudine
ZEEP zero end expiratory pressure
ZES Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
ZN Ziehl-Neelsen (stain)
Zn zinc
(Culled from medical records)

CODOWISO coming down with something

DTN do the needful
FIIK f...ed if I know
FLK funny looking kid
GOK God only knows
GOMER get out of my emergency room
LOLINAD little old lay in no apparent distress
NTT not today or tomorrow
Omerta keep quiet about this (Mafia code of silence)
PAAN pissed as a newt
PAFO pissed and fell over
PFO pissed and fell over
PITA pain in the arse
SLOL sweet little old lady
SYT sweet young thing

© Warwick Carter
Assoc. Prof. Warwick Carter has written 24 books (including seven medical text
books and 15 medical books for lay people) which have a total circulation
exceeding 4.5 million in eleven languages. He has also written hundreds of radio
and television scripts, scores of patient education guides, and over three
thousand magazine and newspaper articles. He has been the editor, consultant
editor or member of the editorial boards of numerous medical journals including
“General Practitioner”, the “Macquarie Dictionary” and “MIMS”.

Since 1977 he has been a general practitioner in the Western suburbs of


Warwick Carter is deputy chair of the Avant Queensland Medical Experts Core
Committee, and a member of the Professional Services Review Tribunal of the
Commonwealth Department of Health.

He is also is an Associate Professor in the School of Health Sciences and

Medicine at Bond University on the Gold Coast.

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