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Examination subjects. Course “The Economy of World’ Countries”.

Responsible lecturer: Chisca Maria, univ.lect.

1. General Characteristics of the World Economy.

2. The place and role of national economies in the global economic system.
3. Trends in the World Economy at the Beginning of the XXI Century.
4. Branch Structure of the World Economy.
5. Institutional Framework of the World Economy.
6. International Economic Organizations and their role in the development of a national
7. Regional Economic Organizations and their role in the development of a national
8. The main indexes used in characterizing a national economy.
9. General features of the Contemporary World Economy.
10. Classification of countries by International Economic Organizations.
11. Classification of countries by macroeconomic indicators.
12. Economic models used by national economies.
13. Liberal economic model or Anglo-Saxon model – main features.
14. Western European Economic Model.
15. The Social-Economic Market Model – its efficiency in the development of national
16. The Northern Economic Model.
17. The Model of Social-Democratic Capitalism.
18. Paternalistic economic model – its importance in world economy.
19. Corporate business model – specific features.
20. The economy of the USA.
21. The economy of EU – the role of EU on the world scene. (France, UK, Italy, etc)
22. The economy of Germany – main economic power of EU.
23. The economy of the North European Countries.
24. The economy of Japan.
25. The economy of China.
26. The peculiarities of Singapore’s economy.
27. Developed countries – specific features
28. Developing countries – common characteristics
29. Transition Economies – main features and economic outlook.
30. Specific features of emergent economies. The BRICS role in World Economy.
31. The typology of world’s countries.
32. Comparative analysis of economic models used by national economies.
33. Economic crisis and its impact on the world economy and national economies
34. The economy of RM – economic situation and macroeconomic indicators.
35. Case Study Country. General features and main macroeconomic indicators.

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