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Justin Philip N.

Ocampo August 31, 2015

AB- PSM Dr. Tondo
ID 115 372 31

The Body Rituals of the Nacirema People

As an introduction, Horace Miner in his essay provides again the definition of an

anthropologist, in which we have to maintain an open mind regarding things we may not
understand. He introduces the Nacirema people for their “exotic customs”. Extreme behaviors in
human aspects that have been either suspected or been imagined can be found in this tribe. A
study done on them was conducted due to many unknown (pre-study) details regarding this tribe.

The Nacirema culture views the human body is “ugly in its natural tendencies to debility
and disease. The use of powerful rituals made in the shrines of homes are made to avert these
diseases”. This shows a distorted (from a western perspective) view of the body and thus creating
a need to engage in various rituals as mentioned by Miner. The ceremonies are made in private,
signifying secrecy and seriousness of these rituals. The shrines is composed of a box with a
variety of things and potions, coming from “Medicine Men” and with contributions of “Herbal
men”. These potions and things are believe to be very powerful and creates a sense of security.
Often, many of the potions’ use or purpose are forgotten by the people who own it but are then
kept for purposes of “ being safe and protected” by the said potions.

Using a “holy water” along with the shrine, they begin a ceremony of ablution. Holy
water comes from the “Higher people” as well as the significance of the “Holy Mouth People”.
With these beliefs, superstitions are made that if these things are not made or performed, “teethes
may fall off” which may lead to “ the loss of an interest of the lover”. It is interesting to wonder
if these people have applied the use of toothpaste or anything similar to use as another source of
“cleansing”. Though this may seem trivial and sometimes even funny to us, it poses a question as
to how the lack of development in reasoning and technology have hindered these people to
search for better ways and thus resort to these “ Holier and more powerful than thou” men.

This paves way to the “Mouth rite” which consists of putting a small bundle of “hog hair”
and several other things in the mouth. Like a dentist appointment, though less frequent, this
shows a need to keep returning to the Holy Mouth People as they believe that the effects of these
rituals may wear off. It is interesting to note that there is a certain fear driving this. These rituals
sometimes require expensive gifts to be given in return of these services.

Miner mentions a masochistic tendency of these people, creating specialists that are
sadistic as well. What frequency misses out on, it is made equal by increasing the sadistic-ness of
a certain rite or ritual, such as hitting nerves and the like…

The view of these rituals are severely negative on children, with them saying “ that is
where people go to die”. Despite this, most people still continue to undergo these extremely
sadistic rituals, ignoring the success rate of the rituals in terms of healing. Even if people die,
they still continue to undergo these rituals, and even eagerly so.
A gift is often required to undergo the ritual rites of the temples as well as to finish these
rites. A psychological aspect is seen wherein they are put in a situation much different from what
they are trained to do. In early development, they are trained to do their private matters in secret.
An interesting psychological shock is seen when they are “exposed” in the things that
“normally” would have been kept secret. This is necessary as the leaders in these rituals use this
to examine the bodily functions. Women as well are subject “to the scrutiny” of the medicine
men. All of these are used to achieve ablution.

A listener, which is a witch doctor, are used to exorcise spirits that have latched on. All
the person has to do is to give memories starting from childhood. A bit of hypnotic regression
can be observed as to “aid” the healing of the listeners.

Intercourse and such things are taboo with the help of “beliefs” to help out pregnancy.

It easy to see that they are very different from the society today. For us, we have already
advanced in technology and have gone beyond religion and superstition to create a
methodological, scientific way of thinking. It is amazing to me how the Nacirema people stayed
that way. It is my belief that the lack of interaction and trading of ideas to open-minded people
are reasons for the lack of growth. Trading of ideas and inventions are one of the many reasons
the Roman Civilization and Culture has grown. It is my belief that the seclusion of this tribe has
led to the “backwards” way of thinking. I am letting my own judgment cloud the output but if I
were to look at a “developed” way of thinking, it is comparable to a child eating food with hands
rather than a medium like chopsticks or spoons and forks.

In conclusion, the comments and narrative of Miner gave me a reason to believe that
many things are yet to be done as well as to be studied. From development of such tribes as well
as the arcane ways of these tribes are still to be made known to us. As we return to the
introduction of Miner(and as I extrapolate a bit), Anthropology is a field in which a significant
study of such cultures are the very identity of our human knowledge and plays a big part as well
for the many “groups” of people who are still yet to be studied, all for the benefit of us to be
aware and to peek into the lives of the people we do not know.

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