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↓ Bosnian Genocide
There are four legally validated genocides that occurred in Bosnia-Herzegovina, other than
Srebrenica. The Bosnian Genocide is the event referring to brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing of at
least 500,000 Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) coupled with the killings of 65,000 to 75,000 Bosniaks
during the 1992-95 war of Serbian aggression.

The three international judgements confirming Genocide in Bosnia, other than Srebrenica, include:
Prosecutor v Nikola Jorgic (Doboj region), Prosecutor v Novislav Djajic [Dzajic] (Foča region),
Prosecutor v Djuradj Kuslic [Kusljic] (Kotor Varos) and Prosecutor v Maksim Sokolovic (Kalesija,
Zvornik region). All three cases were tried in Germany — at the request of the International Criminal
Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) — to ease caseload of the ongoing trials at the Hague.

Recent Posts

 United States Air Force to Help Bosnian Muslims

 American Serbs Deny Genocide in Bosnia
 Serbs Force Bosniak Civilians to Assist in Ethnic Cleansing
 UN says Serbs guilty of supporting terrorism
 Bosnian Muslims pressured to baptize during Genocide in Bosnia
 Genocide in Bosnia, Chilling Parallels to the Nazis’ attempt to make Europe “Judenrein”
 The Western Response to the Bosnian Genocide
 Deep Inside a Mass Grave of the Bosnian Genocide
 Horrific Accounts of Rape of Bosnian Muslim Women and Girls during the Bosnian Genocide
 Senate Report Provides Details of ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ in Bosnia
 It Was Mistake to Negotiate with the Serb Terrorists
 Echoes of the Third Reich in Serb Terror in Srebrenica
 ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ Continues in Serb-controlled Bosnia
 Srebrenica, Zepa: 60 Children, 42 Adults Die from Starvation and Cold
 Children Born to Rape Victims in the Bosnian Genocide

Anonymous tips about Serbs that took part in the Bosnian Genocide - and are currently living in the
United States - can be submitted toll-free to the ICE investigators:
DIAL 1-866-347-2423


 I. Van Diepen Van Der Kroef Advocaten

 II. Bosnian Genocide Memorial
 III. Daniel Toljaga, Official Blog
 IV: Marko Attila Hoare, Official Blog
 IX. Bosniak Advisory Council in Washington, D.C.
 V. Kirk Johnson, Official Blog
 VI. Dijana Muminovic, Photojournalist
 VII. Sarajevo Roses by Roger M. Richards
 VIII. Congress of North American Bosniaks
 X. Bosnia, The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Genocide in Bosnia
Bosnian Genocide, 1992-1995

Genocide in Bosnia, Chilling Parallels to the Nazis’

attempt to make Europe “Judenrein”
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“Never Again” Applies to Bosnia, too

The Jewish Post & News, p.4

12 August 1992.

Never again! That’s the expression Jewish Holocaust survivors and the rest of world Jewry use
when referring to the horrors perpetrated by Nazi Germany.

Never again should anyone stand by, shrug off reports about atrocities committed against other
human beings, and claim that it’s not worth intervening.

That’s what happened during the Second World War. Informed of the Nazi killing machine at
Auschwitz and other death camps, U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt dismissed the
suggestion that U.S. planes bomb the camps. FDR claimed he couldn’t spare any planes for
such a task.

Now, a similar situation has arisen in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Serbian nationalists are committing
brutal attacks on innocent men, women and children throughout that former Yugoslav state,
with the assistance of the Serbian government in Belgrade.
Moslems [Bosniaks] make up 44 per cent of the Bosnia-Herzegovina population, and form the
largest ethno-religious group. But Serbs are a close second in size, and there are also substantial
numbers of Croats t here.

The Bosnian government claims the Serbian nationalists have set up 94 concentration camps
around the country since the Croats and Bosniaks of Bosnia-Herzegovina voted to break away
from Serb-dominated Yugoslavia last February. The government maintains the Serbs have
arrested about 240,000 people, and as of last week, killed more than 9,000 civilian captives.

U.S. President George Bush early last week dismissed reports about the atrocities as

And last week, it surfaced that UN personnel had known for a month about detailed reports of
horrors in that part of “civilized” Europe and kept quiet about them.

The evidence since April of wholesale Serbian drives to force Croats and Bosniaks out of large
areas of the republic in a policy of “ethnic cleansing” – reports of people being packed into
sealed cattle cars, and TV news clips of starving prisoners with bones protruding – are chilling
parallels to the Nazis’ attempt to make Europe “Judenrein.”

The world’s indifference, the caution, the warnings by Time Magazine, American, Canadian
and European officials against large scale military action despite the evidence of horrors against
civilians, all smack so sickeningly of what happened during the Holocaust.

There is no point in using timid efforts like sanctions and limited military actions against bullies
– whether they’are Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic or the
nationalist Serbian warlords in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Bullies respect only one language – the
threat of reality of brute force that surpasses their own.

It is heartening, and altogether fitting, that some Jewish organizations and individuals have
spoken out loudly against the outrages now going on in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Israeli
government has also expressed vocal concern about the atrocities there.

And on July 9, The Jerusalem Post published an especially heartwarming story. It tells how a
Jewish family now living in Jerusalem has taken in a Moslem family from besieged Sarajevo.

The Jewish family was returning a favor – the Moslem family had sheltered it from the Nazis
when it lived in Sarajevo, decades ago. The same Moslems helped other Jewish families
during the Holocaust.

If only the warring parties in former Yugoslavia could get along as well as those two families.
No group there is entirely innocent – Croatian as well as Serbian nationalists have been involved
in land grabs in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Until these factions learn the art of compromise, the world
should do whatever it takes to impose a solution before thousands of more are murdered, and
even more driven into exile, beyond the hundreds of thousands that have already suffered that

Genocide in Bosnia
Bosnian Genocide, 1992-1995

The Western Response to the Bosnian Genocide

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West Stands Silent as Bosnian Serbs Wreak Havoc

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel p.10A

4 August 1995.

By George Will

Two years ago, when there were reports that a Bosnian Muslim in a Serbian concentration camp
had been forced to bite off his father’s testicles, it was comforting to recall the European
tradition of fabricated stories — German soldiers amputating the hands of Belgian nurses in
1914, and so on.

Today, with abundant evidence of rape used as a weapon of war, of Muslims’ eyes gouged out
and ears and noses sliced off by Serbian “soldiers” (it is disgusting to give that honorable
title to snipers killing Sarajevo children), with testimony about heads on stakes and a woman
forced to drink blood from her son’s slit throat, it is reasonable to suspend disbelief concerning
all reports about the cowardly mob called the Bosnian Serb “army,” which is a proxy for war
criminals in Belgrade.

The Serbs’ flaunting of their terror tactics reveals their largest advantage in this war to
extinguish the Bosnian nation — this war in which, as Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihand (D-N.Y.)
says, “a new kind of war correspondent emerged, reporting massacres rather than battles.”

The largest advantage is not the mountainous terrain and the fogs that often shroud it, making
Bosnia so forbidding to military leaders contemplating intervention. Rather, the Serbs’ largest
advantage is their realistic contempt for the West.

The West — what exactly does that noun now denote, given the non-response to genocidal
aggression? — almost preens about having become too exquisitely sensitive to use force against
barbarism. Shall we blame that peculiar notion of moral progress for the fact that there still are
bridges standing, across which come supplies from Serbia to the Bosnian Serbs?

Why are Serbian computers still serving the Bosnian Serbs’ anti-aircraft missiles of the sort that
shot down Capt. Scott O’Grady?

Shoot down an American plane and the president’s response will be to publicize the fact that
he smoked a celebratory cigar when the pilot was rescued.
The disarray of the NATO allies and especially of the Clinton administration arises in part from
military leaders equally nimble in devising arguments for procuring weapons and against using
them. The U.S. military, which purports to be competent to cope with two regional conflicts
simultaneously, has an annual budget more than 20 times larger than Serbia’s gross national

Before U.S. military leaders tell civilian officials what so many of those officials want to hear
— that U.S. force cannot be effectively used to change Serbia’s behavior — they should ponder
some words of House Speaker Newt Gingrich: “You do not need today’s defense budget to
defend the United States. You need today’s defense budget to lead the world. If you are prepared
to give up leading the world, we can have a much smaller defense system.”

The White House warns that NATO military action might “reignite the war” — how does one
reignite a conflagration? — and jeopardize the cruelly misnamed “safe areas.” This fatuity calls
to mind the 1944 letter in which the U.S. assistant secretary of war, John J. McCloy, said that
one reason for not bombing Auschwitz and railroad lines leading to it was that doing so “might
provoke even more vindictive action by the Germans.” Wouldn’t have wanted to anger the
operators of the crematoriums.

Especially scathing criticism of the president is coming from The New Republic, which would
like to like him. In the current issue Zbigniew Brzezinski, the last national security adviser to a
Democratic president, offers a presidential speech that could be given “if the post of Leader of
the Free World were not currently vacant.” And The New Republic’s editors write:

“The United States seems to be taking a sabbatical from historical seriousness, blinding itself
to genocide and its consequences, fleeing the moral and practical imperatives of its own power
…. You Americanize the war or you Americanize the genocide. Since the United States is the
only power in the world that can stop the ethnic cleansing, the United States is responsible if
the ethnic cleansing continues. Well, not exactly the United States. The American president is
an accomplice to genocide. Not so the American people. The president of the United States
does not have the right to make the people of the United States seem as indecent as he is. He
has the power, but he does not have the right.”

Strong words, but strong feelings are appropriate. Speaking of the Serbs who sacked the
Srebrenica “safe area,” a survivor said, “They hunted us like rabbits.” Reread the first paragraph
of this piece. No one treats rabbits that way.

George Will is a columnist for The Washington Post

Genocide in Bosnia
Bosnian Genocide, 1992-1995

Deep Inside a Mass Grave of the Bosnian Genocide

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Photo: Pilica mass grave in eastern Bosnia holding remains of Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim)
civilians killed by Serbs in the Bosnian Genocide. Credit: The International Criminal Tribunal
for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).

Senate Report Provides Details of ‘Ethnic Cleansing’

in Bosnia
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Serbs have moved beaten and starved prisoners out of the notorious camps before media

The Milwaukee Journal, p.A6

19 August 1992.

From Journal wire services

Washington, D.C. — The campaign mounted by Serbian militias to drive Muslims [Bosniaks]
from large areas of Bosnia-Herzegovina has been so brutal that it probably has caused more
deaths than the bombing and shelling of Bosnian cities, according to a Senate staff report.

“Ethnic cleansing has been carried out with widespread atrocities,” said the report prepared for
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and released Tuesday.

“Random and selective killings are a routine part of the process…. In some villages and towns,
there were organized massacres of the Muslim population.”

The term “ethnic cleansing” is one that Serbian leaders have used to explain their reshuffling
of the region’s ethnic groups.

The Senate report was prepared by two committee staffers who visited the strife-torn former
Yugoslav federation to investigate allegations of Serbian-run death camps in Bosnia.

The dissolution of Yugoslavia has triggered civil war among its former constituent republics,
with Serbia allegedly aiding Serbian minorities in neighboring regions to break away and join
a successor federation under Belgrade’s leadership.

One 44-year-old mother from the town of Kozarac [near Prijedor] told the investigators of
taking food to her parents in a nearby village, only to find a young Serbian neighbor outside
their house.

Dressed in a camouflage uniform, he ordered them out, and the couple emerged hand in hand.

“Please don’t. We are not guilty,” the father pleaded, according to her account. The neighbor,
the 21-year-old son of a local Serbian militant, slit both parents’ throats.

The woman escaped, but never learned the fate of her brother and son, both of whom lived with
the elderly couple.

Others told of being arrested, often by Serbian neighbors, and sent to detention centers where
women and children were separated from men. Younger men with military-style haircuts often
were executed on the spot. At some places young men were randomly selected at night and
taken away, never to be seen again.

The report added that the campaign by “the self-styled Serbian Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina
has substantially achieved its goals” of forcibly expelling the Muslims who had been the
“overwhelming numerical majority” in those parts of Bosnia closest to Serbia. Now, the report
said, an exclusively Serbian-inhabited region occupying 70% of Bosnia’s territory has been
created in territory contiguous to Serbia.

That was the finding of the two staff members, Peter Galbraith and Michelle Maynard, who
visited the region Aug. 7-14. They interviewed residents, refugees and local government
officials, as well as United Nations and Red Cross personnel.

Galbraight, a senior aide to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is an expert who
investigated defections by officials in the Iraqi army during the Persian Gulf War.
The report charged that despite promises of openness, Bosnian Serbians have tried to keep the
news media and international organizations from these camps. It said the Serbians have denied
that some camps exist, sought to convince journalists that other camps were unsafe to visit, and
have moved beaten and starved prisoners out of the camps before media visits.

Serbs Force Bosniak Civilians to Assist in

Ethnic Cleansing
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Caught Behind the Lines: Bosniaks drafted into Serb army forced to assist in ethnic

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, p.A4

13 February 1993.

By Dusan Stojanovic

ROZAJE, Yugoslavia — Just about anything bad that has

happened to Muslims in Bosnia has happened to Sead Sehovic.

He is blind [photo], his face deformed by an explosion. He has been thrown out of his home
and his country. As a Bosniak once forced by Serbs to fight his own people, he worries most
about his honor.

“Maybe it’s better I cannot see myself in the mirror. I could not stand the reflection of shame
and humiliation that I feel inside,” Sehovic said.

After the fighting erupted last year, rebel Serbs took Sehovic from his village near Trebinje in
souther Bosnia and forced him to fight against Croats and his fellow Bosniaks.

In July, a grenade explosion ripped open his skull and destroyed his eyes.
Last month, he was caught up in a Serb terror campaign that drove some 4,000 Bosniaks from
their homes in southern Bosnia.

He languishes in a tiny hotel room jammed with 20 other refugees in this Muslim enclave [of
Sanjak] across the border in the province of Montenegro. His forehead appears dented, his eye
sockets are open wounds. He has had no medical care since emergency surgery in July.

The Serbs have been blamed for most of the atrocities. Their latest campaign appears to have
been inspired by a proposed international peace plan to divide Bosnia into 10 autonomous
provinces, partly along ethnic lines.

Trebinje, a once-prosperous merchant town of 30,000 near the Adriatic port of Dubrovnik,
would become a part of a Serb-dominated province.

Refugees say the Serbs who settled into their homes were brought in from Mostar and Capljina,
which would fall under Croat control if the plan is adopted.

This was all a well-planned operation, the most blunt method of ethnic cleansing through
intimidation,” said Sefket Arslanagic, director of Trebinje’s high school for 25 years.

On Jan. 27, Serbs torched Trebinje’s 300-year-old Osman Pasha mosque and prevented
Bosniaks from trying to put out the fire, which burned for two days.

On Jan. 29, local Serb strongman Bozidar Vucurovic lifted a year-old ban on Muslims leaving
the area and “signed notices allowing us to go, quickly providing buses and all the necessary
papers, saying he could no longer guarantee our safety,” Arslanagic said.

“We were allowed to carry only a handbag each. All of our other belongings had to remain
behind,” he said. “As I was moving out of my house, literally on the doorstep, a Serb family
was moving in.”

Refugees say uniformed Serb gunmen went door to door in Trebinje and neighboring villages,
threatening Muslims, bombing homes, raping women and stealing cars and other property.

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