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Nama Kelompok 7 :

1. Hesti Risnasari (201704005)

2. Fara Mutia (201704018)
3. Adytia Kurnianingsih (201704026)
4. Dieo Juang Maulana A. (201704031)
5. Taurista Ismayatul L. (201704036)


 How to get Grojogan Sewu Waterfall

Tourist could use the personal vehicle or the puclic transportation. The tourist must arrive in
Solo city first. If wanting to use publict transport, the visitor could we the big bus the Solo-
Tawanngmangu route. Needed time for approximately one and half hour. After arriving in
Tawangmangu, tourist could walking along approximately one kilometer.
 Ticket Price

For the price ticket grojogan sewu waterfall for domestic Rp. 6000 and for foreign countries
Rp. 25.000.

 Grojogan Sewu Waterfall

Grojogan Sewu was the name of the waterfall that was in the slope of Mount Lawu
Tawangmangu subdistrict, Karanganyar regency, of Central Java Province, around 27
km on the east of the Karanganyar City. The Grojogan Sewu waterfall was part of the
Grojogan Sewu National Park. Grojogan Sewu meant the waterfall of one thousand.
Although the waterfall here did not total one thousand, but had several waterfall
points that could be enjoyed here. The highest waterfall was around 80 meters. There
was also the waterfall that was not too high but the water drop spread and formed
branches that increased the attraction of his beauty, so as when during the rain season,
surrounds wall will be showered by waterfall.
 Facilities in the grojogan sewu waterfall



 Favorite culinary at grojogan sewu waterfall


Favorite culinary who unreliable in Grojogan sewu waterfall is rabbit sate, why
rabbit sate become main cullinary cause the peculiar flavor with secret recipes and
the price of the one portion of rabbit sate is 12.000 rupias. That is make rabbit sate
much demanded by visitors.

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