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Deris Abdul Latif


1. SL
2. Error

No SL Error Revision
1. Untuk mempromosikan To promote various To promote various programs of
berbagai program programs foundation
2. kedua kedua The second
3. Para siswa The siswa The Students
4. Potensi seni yang The potential of art The potentials of art are owned
dimiliki oleh para siswa owned by siswa. by the students.
5. Donatur yang terlibat The donors involved in The donors who involved in the
dalam pelaksanaan the implementation implementation of the
program-program foundation’s programs.
4. Student Version of TL
The Plan, The program will be held at the big event like Tarhib Ramadhan. The program
is designed. The first, to promote various programs like quality of free education, and other
social activities through the potentials of art that are owned by the students. The second, as
applicable testimony to all donors who involved in the implementation of the foundation’s

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