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Daily Logic Problems

1) Brush Teeth (Problem Statement= Using a standard tooth brush and tube of tooth paste)
a) Walk to the bathroom
b) If required, open the door
c) If required, turn on the light
d) Locate and pick up the tooth brush
e) Locate and pick up the tooth paste tube
f) Position yourself in front of the sink
g) Remove cap from tooth paste
h) Set cap down
i) Turn water on
j) Wet tooth brush
k) Turn water off
l) Apply pea sized dab of paste to brush
m) Set tooth paste down
n) Open mouth
o) Insert tooth brush into mouth
p) Brush the front of all teeth, using up and down motion, for approximately 40 seconds
q) Spit into sink if necessary
r) Brush the edges (biting area) of all teeth, using side to side motion, for approximately 40
s) Spit into sink if necessary
t) Brush the back of all teeth, using up and down motion, for approximately 40 seconds
u) Spit into sink
v) Turn water on
w) Rinse tooth brush
x) Dry tooth brush off using towel
y) Place tooth brush in tooth brush holder
z) Grab a cup or cup your hand
aa) Gather water
bb) Put water in mouth, do not swallow
cc) Rinse mouth vigorously
dd) Spit into sink
ee) Rinse sink out
ff) Turn water off
gg) Dry your mouth and hands using towel
hh) Replace cap on tooth paste
ii) Store tooth paste in appropriate spot
jj) If required, turn light off
kk) Exit bathroom
ll) End
2) Sharpen pencil (Problem Statement= Using a #2 pencil and manual rotary style sharpener)
a) Locate and pick up the pencil
b) Locate and walk to the sharpener
c) Use one hand to insert pencil into opening
d) Using the other hand, rotate handle in clockwise direction
e) Apply gentle pressure on pencil until ample resistance is felt
f) Remove pencil from opening and verify point is sharp
g) If not sharp, then repeat c thru f, else next
h) End

3) Get a glass of water from kitchen (Problem Statement= Glasses are in cabinet and use sink for
a) Walk into kitchen
b) Locate cabinet that contains glasses
c) Open cabinet door
d) Pick up a glass
e) Close cabinet door
f) Walk to sink
g) Place glass under faucet
h) Turn on cold water
i) Observe level in glass
j) When glass is filled, turn off cold water
k) End

4) Approaching a traffic light (Problem Statement= Instructing new driver)

a) Observe the color of the approaching traffic light
b) If green, then maintain speed, else goto e)
c) If you proceed through traffic light, then goto k), else next
d) Observe any change in the light, loop back to b)
e) If yellow, then decrease speed by removing foot from gas pedal, else goto h)
f) Place foot in front of brake pedal
g) Gently apply pressure until vehicle is stopped at light or behind the vehicle in front of you,
goto k)
h) If red, then immediately decrease speed by removing foot from gas pedal
i) Place foot in front of brake pedal
j) Gently apply pressure until vehicle is stopped at light or behind the vehicle in front of you
k) End

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