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CUSTOM ENGINEERED FOR PT PERFETTI VAN MELLE INDONESIA Operating Instructions Candy Color Sorting System PT. Pandawa Mechatronics Indonesia JL. Cendrawasih No. 10, Kompleks Perumahan Walikota Sukapura, Cilincing, Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta 14140 Phone : (+62 21) 441 4530/1 | Fax :(+62 21) 267 92777 Website : www.pandawaindonesiacom | Email : CONTENTS (Daftar I A. GENERAL SYSTEM OVERVIEW (Gambaran Umum)... 1. System Description. 2. General Machine Specifications... 3. Process Steps B. GETTING TO KNOW YOUR BUTTONS (Mengenal Antarmuka Operasional C._TEACHING COLORS (Mengajarkan Warna Pada Sensor)... D. USER OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (Petunjuk Penggunaan Mesin) . 1. Persiapan Batch Baru, 2, Persiapan Teknis (3. Langkah-Langkah Operasion€l nnn E. QUICK TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS (Langkah-langkah pengecekan masalah dengen Cepat).. PT. Pandawa Mechatronics Indonesia Operating Instructions Candy Color Sorting System ‘A. GENERAL SYSTEM OVERVIEW (Gambaran Umum) 4. System Description Candy Color Sorting System adalah sebuah Mesin yang berfungsi untuk melakukan Sortir (Mengenali dan Memisahkan) terhadap Mentos Rainbow yang terdiri dari Tujuh (7) warna yang berbeda. 2. General Machine Specifications + Product Size: Standard Mentos + Sorting Speed : 300 Candy/min + Color Sensing : RGB Based + No. Of Colors :7 (Seven) + Sorting Bins 14 (2 Bins@Color) + Controt :PLC Schneider 3. Process Steps Gambaran Proses Cara Kerjanya sebagai berikut: 1. Operator Meletakkan Permen yang belum disortir ke dalam Vibratory Feeder 2, Hopper akan menyalurkan Permen ke Rotary Bowl Feeder 3. Permen akan Jatuh ke atas High Speed Conveyor (HSC) 4, Warna yang cocok dengan memory teaching Color Sensor akan di tiup ke Bin dengan Air Ejector (AE) g z 3 E a s = s VIBRATORY FEEDER Operating Instructions PT. Pandawa Mechatronics Indonesia a i 8. GETTING TO KNOW YOUR BUTTONS (Mengenal Antarmuka Operasional) PT. Pandawa Mechatronics Indonesia Operating Instructions Candy Color Sorting System, Deskripsi antermuka sesuai gambar diatas, semua istilah antarmuka akan menggunakan istilah dibawah ini: INDICATOR LIGHTS POWER Indikator bahwa mesin dalam keadean menyala dan slap menerima perintah ‘AUTO RUN indikator bahwa mesin berjalan melakukan sortir warna dalam mode Otomatis, INV1 FAULT indikator bahwa Inverter yang mengendalikan motor Conveyor mengalami gangguan INv2 FAULT ee Inverter yang mengendalikan motor Rotary Table mengalami BUTTONS & SWITCHES ‘AUTO MAN Saklar Pemilih antara mode otomatis atau manual CONVEYOR OFF-ON* | Saklar Pemilih antara menyalakan atau mematikan Motor Conveyor ROT. TABLE OFF-ON* | Saklar Pemilih antara menyalakan atau mematikan Motor Rotary Feed Table ROT. BRUSH OFF-ON’ I* | Saktar Pemilih antara menyalakan atau mematikan Motor Brush yg ada di Rotary Feed Table START Saklar Tekan untuk memulal sortir dalam mode otomatis, sToP** ‘Saklar Tekan untuk menghentikan sortir dalam mode otomatis INVI RESET Saklar Tekan untuk melakukan reset pada Inverter Motor Conveyor setelah terjadi FAULT INV2 RESET Saklar Tekan untuk melakukan reset pada Inverter Motor Rotary Table setelah terjadi FAULT E-STOP Saklar yang ditekan saat ada keadaan darurat dan mesin harus langsung berhenti seketika, dilepas dengan diputar saat keadaan sudah aman dan mesin akan dioperasikan kembali MAIN DISCONNECTOF ‘SWITCH OFF-ON | sakler utama yang diputar untuk operator menghidupkan dan mematikan mesin Catatan: ‘Hanya bisa berfungs! di Mode Manual "Hanya bisa berfungsi di Mode Otomatis Operating Instructions PT. Pandawa Mechatronics Indonesia Candy Color Sorting System C. TEACHING COLORS (Mengajarkan Warna Pada Sensor) Untuk mengenati Warna, sistem ini menggunakan Sensor RGB. Sensor yang terpasang di mesin ini memiliki kemampuan menyimpan 2-warna, namun dapat di ekspansi ke 4-warna dengan modifikasi sistem kontrol dan antarmuka operasional. Sensor ini memiliki dua bagian sbb. 1. Fiber Amplifier Un pantulan wama benda kemudian melakukan proses mengenali warna, Selain itu semua pengaturan sensor dilakukan di unit ini 2. Fiber Head, merupakan unit yang bertugas untuk metakukan transmisi cahaya putih ke atas produk kemudian menerima dan mentransmisikan cahaya pantulan ke Fiber Amplifier Unit. Unit utama yang mengeluarkan cahaya putih referensi, menerima Main Display (Red) Sub-Display (Green) Operation Keys Displays the incident ight Displays the threshold Used to set funetions level or the function name, and function settings. we @ COWN &® NODE @ | SET/RUN Mode Selector Switch Used to select SET or RUN mode. NO OPERATION KEY REMARKS. Pastikan Fiber Head posisinya tegak lurus. (90®) terhadap permukaan Conveyor dan terpasang dengan kencang. Letakan Benda yang akan di teaching (permen Warna ) persis di bawah Fiber Head. Pilih Bank Warna mana yang akan digunakan Bank-1 atau Bank-2. PT. Pandawa Mechatronics Indonesia Operating Instructions Candy Color Sorting System & | NO! OPERATION KEY REMARKS [3 Kemudian arahkan Switch pada amplifier ke | Posisi Set. | Here a vee | Kemudian tekan lalu tahan salah satu tombol @ vert) | y | ts jp atau Down selama kurang lebih 5 detik al ‘sampai lampu indikator berkedip beberapa | Sati dam mennjuan incitator tech. } | fea 5. aa Setelah berkedip dan menunjukan indikator CURB teh incittor stan nenunjutan icine | | level dan thresholds. egoent mesiew> 6. Setelah menunjukan incident level kemudian rattan switch dari Set -> Run, setetah itu ~T RUN sensor suidah aktif untuk proses sorting. Cc | 7. wea ) | @/D Untuk menambah dan mengurangi sensitifitas tethadap sensor dilakukan saat status sudah | RS «FUN dengan tombot uP unt | ‘meningkatkan sensitivitas dan tombol DOWN untuk menurunkan sensiivitas. Untuk mengakses fitur-fitur lain dari sensor dapat dibaca di Lampiran Operating Procedures: Photoelectric Sensors E3X-DAC-S Gy A PT. Pandawa Mechatronics Indonesia Operating Instructions Candy Color Sorting System D. USER ‘OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (Petunjuk Penggunaan Mesin) 1. Persiapan Batch Baru 1 2. Pastikan Vibrator Feeder sudah dalam keadaan kosong dan Bersih Pastikan Rotary Bowl Feeder sudah dalam keadaan kosong dan Bersih 3, Pastikan Conveyor sudah dalam keadaan Kosong dan bersih 4 5. Pestikan semua Bin terpasang ditempatnya masing-masing Pastikan semua Bin dalam keadaan Kosong dan bersih sebelum memulai Batch Baru 2. Persiapan Teknis 6 7 8 9%. Pastikan supply listrik AC 1Phase 220V/10A tercukupi dan telah ter-supply ke mesin ini. Pastikan supply angin bertekanan minimal 6 bar dengan flowrate ... tercukupi dan telah dialirkan ke mesin ini, Pastikan Pressure Gauge pada Filter-Regulator angin sudah menunjukkan tekanan 6 bar. Pastikan Power Plug Vibrator Feeder sudah tersambung ke Socket Samping Main Control Panel 3. Langkah-Langkah Operasional 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ‘Turn ON Main Disconnector Switch untuk listrik. dan pastikan indicator lamp POWER dalam kondisi ON (menyata). Pastikan Warna yang tersimpan dalam memori Color Sensor sesuai dengan warna Produk Permen yang akan disortir, jika tidak sama maka lakukan Teaching pada Color Sensor terlebih dahulu, Panduan Teaching ada pada bagian C. Teaching Colors halaman ‘Tekan Tombol Start ‘Amati dan Pastikan Conveyor Menyala terlebih dahulu Beberapa saat kemudian Rotary Bowl Feeder dan Vibrator Feeder akan menyala Mesin sudah siap di masukkan produk permen Masukkan Permen ke Vibratory Feeder Pastikan Permen Jatuh ke dalam Rotary Bowl Feeder dengan baik Pastikan Permen berjalan di Conveyor dengan baik Sistem akan langsung mensortir Produk Permen berdasarkan warna yang sudah di Teaching Jika Permen sudah habis, maka Lampu Merah di Tower Lamp akan menyala, segera isi kemball Vibratory Bowl Feeder untuk melanjutkan sortir warna, PT. Pandawa Mechatronics Indonesia Operating Instructions Candy Color Sorting System. @ E, QUICK TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS (Langkah-langkah pengecekan masalah dengan Cepat) Indikasi Observasi Tindakan Lampu Power tidak Menyala ‘Cek Kabel Power utama apakah sudah tersambung atau belum Jika Belum, sambungkan ke Sumber Listrik 220VAC/50Hz Cek Main Disconnector Switch Cek ELCB di dalam Panel Nyalakan Main Disconnector Switch dan ELCB Lampu Power Menyala tapi saat mesin di start tidak mau jalan Cek MCB 1-6 semua harus aktif Ryalakan Semua MCB Cek apakah DC Power Supply menyala atau tidak Kalau tidak menyala cek FUS, jika putus gantikan, jika tidak putus cek kondisi kelistrikan Power Supply Cek apakah lampu-lampu indikator PLC menyala atau tidak Jika tidak cek FU4, jika Putus Gantikan, jika tidak cek kondisi kelistrikan PLC Cek apakah indikator RUN di PLC menyala atau tidak Jika indikator RUN tidak menyata, artinya PLC harus di jalankan melalui software TWIDOSUITE ‘Cek apakah FUS putus atau tidak Jika putus gantikan, jika tidak cek kondisi 1/0 Rotary Table tidak jalan ‘Cek MCB 1 menyala atau tidak | Jika tidak, nyalakan MCB Cek INVI menyala atau tidak | Jika tidak cek kondisi kelistrikan INVL INV1 Fautt ‘Tekan Tombol RESET, tekan ulang ‘tombol START, jika tidak jalan cek parameter Speed INVI INV menunjkkan kode Error | Cek Manual Inverter Conveyor tidak jalan ‘Cek MCB 2 menyala atau tidak | Jika tidak, nyalakan MCB ‘Cek INV2 menyala atau tidak Jika tidak cek Kondisi kelistrikan INV2 PT. Pandawa Mechatronics Indonesia Operating Instructions Candy Color Sorting System @ Indikasi Observasi Tindakan INV2 Fault Tekan Tombol RESET, tekan ulang tombol START, jika tidak jalan cek parameter Speed INV2 INV2 menunjkkan kode Error Cek Manual Inverter Brush tidak berputar Cek MCB 3 menyala atau tidak Jika tidak, nyalakan MCB3 Cek VSCi (posisi dibawah Rotary Table) menyala atau tidak Tika tidak nyalakan tombolnya Cek Speed VSC1 Jika nol/kecil putar searah jarum jam untuk di besarkan Vibrator Feeder tidak menyala | Cek MCB 4 menyala atau tidak | Jika tidak, nyalakan MCB4 Cek Kabel Power Vibrator Feeder, tersambung atau tidak Tika tidak, sambungkan ke steker yang ada di tuar Panel Kontrol sebelah kanan bawah Cek MCB di Panel Vibrator Feeder nyala atau tidak Jika tidak nyala, nyalakan Cek SPEED DIAL di Front Panel Vibrator Feeder Tika nol/kecil putar searah jarum jam untuk di besarkan sesuai kebutuhan Cek Sensor Kapasitif di Rotary Table Tika masih ada permen menumpuk artinya normal, jka tidak cek kondisi sensor Lampu Merah di Towerlamp sudah kosong tidak menyala padahat Hopper Cek Sensor Kapasitif di Hopper Jika menyala cek sensitifitas sensor, atur hingga mati Jika tidak bisa cek kondisi kelistrikan sensor Semua Troubleshooting Step diatas dapat berfungs! jika tidak ada perubahan wiring dari kondisi mesin di wiring oleh PT. PMI, jika ada perubahan dalam wiring oleh Pihak lain maka Tips diatas tidak bisa menjadi patokan. Jika semua langkah ini sudah dilakukan namun tidak diketahui penyebab dari masalahnya, segera hubungi Maintenance atau tenaga ahli otomasi di Instansi anda. 10 PT. Pandawa Mechatro1 Operating Instructions Gandy Color Sorting System Indonesia CATATAN : a Rev - PT. PERFETTI VAN MELLE INDONESIA CANDY COLOR SORTING SYSTEM ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 18/11/2015 PT. PANDAWA MECHATRONICS INDONESIA Office: JL. Cendrawasih No.10 Komp.Perumahan Walikota Sukapura, Cilincing, Jakarta Utara 14140 - Indonesia Telp: (62-21) 4414 530/531 | Fax: (62-21) 267 92777 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS No.| DRAWINGNO. DRAWING TITLE 1 | E-PMi03-ccss-00 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2. | E-PMLO3-ccSS-O1-A | GENERAL MACHINE LAYOUT 3 | E-PVMLO3-ccsS-01-8 | ‘ELECTRICALSYSTEM OVERVIEW 4 | E-PVMLO3-CcSS-02-A | BILLOF MATERIALS. 5 | E-PYM03-CcSS-02-8 | FRONT PANEL LAYOUT 6 | E-PYML03-CcSs-02- | CONTROLBACKPLATE LAYOUT 7 | E-PYM-03-CCSS-02-D | JUNCTION BOX BACK PLATE LAYOUT 8 | EPYML05-CcSs-05 MOTOR CONNECTIONS 9 | E-PYML-03-CCSS-04 POWER DISTRIBUTION 10 | E-PvMi-03-ccss-05 PLC INPUT 11 | E-PVMI-03-CCSS-06 PLC OUTPUT 12 | E-PvMi-0s-ccss-07 LC INPUT EXTENSION 13 | E-PvMi-0s-ccss-08 PLC INPUT EXTENSION 14 | E-PyMios-ccss-09 PLC OUTPUT EXTENSION TRANSISTOR 15 | E-pyMi-03-ccss-10 PLC OUTPUT EXTENSION RELAY 16 | E-pynai-o3.ccss-14 ‘SSR RELAY OUTPUT CONNECTION 17 | E-pveaio3-cess-12 JUNCTION BOX CONNECTION 18 | E-PVvMi-03-ccss-13 JUNCTION BOX CONNECTION | 39 | Ee mios-coss-14 JUNCTION BOX CONNECTION 20 | E-Pviaros-ccss-15 JUNCTION BOX CONNECTION 21 | E-PYMI-03-CCSS-16 PNEUMATIC CONNECTION GENERAL MACHINE LAYOUT MAIN CONTROL PANEL. VIBRATORY FEEDER ELECTRICAL SYSTEM OVERVIEW Electric Supply Power Cable Mai —— Pneumatic Tubing 6Bar Air ‘Compressor Ejector Valve 1 tH | Ejector Valve 2 MAIN CONTROL BOX in Disconnector Switch ELCB & MCBs Power Supply PLC Controller Inverter 18 2 Solid State Relays ‘Magnetic Relays Multicore Cable Conveyor Motor Rotary Table Motor ill Rotary Brush 4 ‘Motor Rotary Brush 2 Motor Color Sensor 1 Color Sensor 2 Ejector Valve 3 KA Color Sensor 3 Ejector Valve 4 Ejector Valve 5 ee} = Cee} Ejector Valve 7 Color Sensor 4 Color Sensor 5 Color Sensor 6 Color Sensor 7 iH) ELECTRIC & CONTROL SYSTEM BILL OF MATERIALS No. | SYMBOL NAME ‘SPECIFICATION (QTY | BRAND 1 | cei RCCB 2P-25A-30MA-AC DoM16750 1_[ SCHNEIDER 2_| MCBt..2 MCB 1P-4A DOMAE C4 2_| SCHNEIDER 3_[ McBS..5 MCB 4P-2A DOMAE 2 3_| SCHNEDER 4 | Mi.M2 INDUCTIONGEAR MOTOR | 3Phase/380W/0.37KW 2_| MOTOVARIO 5 [Ms GEAR MOTOR M-SIKISOU-CFY 1_| PEEIMORGER 6 | Psut POWERSUPPLY 24VDG/65A_|_S8IX15024CD 1_[_ OMRON 7_| FAND EXHAUST FAN 20mm x 120mm 1_|_SANCOMEC 3 | MST MAIN DISCONNECTORSW. _[_PI-25/EA/SVB 25 AMP | 1 | MOELLER o | FuLa2 FUSE HOLDER, FS-10 2 | WA 0 | cur ‘BASE UNIT CPU PLC TWOLMDAZODRT 1_| SCHNEIDER ia _| €D0-1 EXTENSION OUTPUT PLC TM2DRALGRT. 2_[ SCHNEIDER 12 | £00-2 EXTENSION OUTPUT PLC TM2DDO8UT 2_[ SCHNEIDER 13 | EDI EXTENSION INPUT PLC TADDDBZDK 1_| SCHNEIDER 14 | V4.2 ‘VARIABLE SPEED DRNE ATV 2H037M2 2_| SCHNEIDER 15_| VSCl..2 ‘SPEED CONTROL UNTT US-SIES0A-C 1_|_PEEIMORGER a7 | ee EMERGENCY PUSHBUTTON | YWIB-V 4E01R 1 | wec 18 | Pat PUSH BUTTON GREEN. Ywi8-MEIOG 1 [| pec 19 | Pat PUSH BUTTON RED YWwie-Me10R 1 | wee 20 | PBL PUSH BUTTON BLACK Ywi18-ME10B 2_| Wwec 2i_| ssi. SELECTOR SWITCH 2POLE___|_YWAS-2610 4_| DEC 2 | RUD PILOT LAMP 24VDCRED_ KG22-2208 RED 2 | KINOGAWA, 23 | lt PILOT LAMP 24VDC GREEN | “KG22-220S GREEN 1_[_KINOGAWA, 24 | Wu PILOT LAMP 270VAC WHITE | YWAP-2EQMBW. 1_| EC 25 | 2 CONTROL RELAY 4PDT MYaN 2_|_OMRON 26 | SsRt.7 SOLID STATE RELAY G3FD-XO3SN-VD 7_[ OMRON a | AT RGB COLOR SENSOR EBX DACSE-S 7_{_OMRON 28 | 81 CAPACITIVE SWITCH (CR30-15DP i_[ AuToNcs: 29 | st MICROSWITCH M1307 1_| SHEMSCO. 30_| X0.X2, 44.7 TERMINAL BLOCK TxLOS 70_|_ KASUGA 3i_| VL SOLENOID CONS INTEGRATED TOVALVES | 7 _| FESTO 32 [a SINGLE SHUKO RECEPTACLE | _DINRAL MOUNTED. 1_| Hacer 33 | R2 SINGLE SHUKO RECEPTACLE | WALL MOUNTED 1_[ LEGRAND ~ re FRONT PANEL LAYOUT qa qa @ ada CONTROL BACK PLATE LAYOUT ° z a i 3 a oS | Fre] | é | sora ora Far 8 a 5 | sera | IC. : | Bo) | - i | i sees | | 1 | i omer] @ | [sear re g $ 5 i i tr 2 ri | 2 as | r 3 2 T1 ~ JUNCTION BOX BACK PLATE LAYOUT ‘Winns DUCT 45x65 L«205M _ a RING DUCT 45x65 La2OMIM |WRING oUCT 454652320004 aris DUET asxes L200Mt ~ . lt eee owacao Msi NnA e zl a a oe LJ A ws 7 ° 7 soo al ee ausiper ney fel ‘i «Gp fonG) & rts ~ aero att |} fe aa Sab d STS] « we ove OUD EE. om eee esses oye eee eee scecee Ct] oem aes oa + _ fF ealbeataaaciaaae ry Steen tr Ent SS ee st ppg | & SS seco sserecesezeceed mr eereceacereeceterceeaaereceeaape cet ae ca t T S| etary Taste “ x : | oe | a, en suron See ete | eee pied hg $e o | rrr rt SS ma cou Ne os 0 com os, cone or come) eawy avoe ove 2evoe ovoe He Snes ect To — a ‘EDL @ SLOTS aa at 4 ee a 2) | coarsest = = | ecu: | Ghamett 1 eee car | | ees | eee ne pes resem | ag | Capctne Steh a belie en] as "LE PUT EXTENBION | ae = eae 260 ove a Inout oR soot @ sioTs hy he ns ie as he | caput oar eoiesm @ @ ® % peasy a x Slt te lay cor Sette lay fecor? li Ste Ray Eee Set te ly fiecors te St Rtay ences te tt Roy ier tt Sue Rly cor? aavoc ove -1--~---}--t-0 s9s------| --Lo =um------L--}-0 =10s- =, L--}-> 20 1106--~~--b-~ ~ Se ravoc ovo sw Tt ote he aft is ee 6 ---1201 ieee eee feces of} ~~~ 708 6 ~ ume soe ion rene 100 | whee - . ae - = ry = ] O @ a | @ —__»—__—_ 4 | , ——_ | a foe oe wo} aos a6 @69 | an 6 | il | on | | om as 6 | Conte! Ray Brush Motor! unningInetor Prt Lamp Green Piet Lamp es Phot Lamp Red <8 3x8 exe VOC ove Sw FST cm a) ne ~ 2avoc ovoc SW e ° a) A > 1V...7V : MHE2-M1H-3/2G-M7 (02 : MS4-LFR+1/4-D6-ERV ~ CR Series Electric Capacitive Type Electric capacitive type proximity sensor Features soe Sensing of iron, metal, plastic, water, stone, wood etc. cone @Long life cycle and high reliability ann slntegrated sure protection circuit Se ‘@lntegrated reverse polarity protection circuit (DC type) erent Easy to ads of the sensing distance with sensitivity adjuster fed LED stats indication = pasy to contol of level and position Saar WType 00 s-wire type AC 2-wire type exon CO “Aopearances oder ‘Appearances Wodol pereree ‘CRt8-8A0 V0. one] gee ws] gr ete “CRIG-@DNS wm ‘CRIB-BAC fo ‘RAO TSDH ‘RO 15AO ie, so eat sa so soma ‘CR30-150N2 CR30-15AC ie @Specifications ei CR30~15DN ve Model cnis-s0P GR30-150P care eae GRa0-15A0 GatB-80N2 GR30-150N2 GRO0-1EAC- eo sig dame tn an Ta 1 oo Tia olsoniag Teor Ean sonore : Sefing dietence Te Sinm [0 10am ‘Ow Sam [ove ofa eee : [Power supply 12-24VDC 100=240VAC (Goentne tao) dansvbD aS: arpa owanoy( Talk sae Sea esata Tas 5V a feel Attecton by Temp. “F10% Wan for sensing distnce at 20 within temperature range of ~25 19 T0T [Control outout ax. 200mA I Max. § co 200mA, rl Win, SOW Gt SOOVDC manger) Dieloctiestenath ISDOVAC 50/60Ife for 1 minute Viration Tim ampitude at roquoncy of 10 to 65s in each of K, ¥, Z directions lor 2 haus : Sock 500m/s" GOC) in XV. Z direction for 3 times Indicator ‘Ouiput opeation indeator (Red LED) I [ambient remperaiure 725 10 TOT Gat con rweding sas) Storage tompersiure 730 10 BOT Ganon reesing status) Ambient hum 35 (0 OSRERE Protection crest Surge prowecton eeu, Reverse polly protection eiruit Overload & Short protection eiruit Protecion TPEEGEC sanders) | 1POSUEC standard) | IPGSUEC sender _WPGSUEC stndard 6 ¢45aP, om #427, ‘GRIN Series™ Case and ma PAG, Gonoral cable Bind) | Polywnvl chioride VO) Material ‘GRSO Serioe & Cae and nl: Nickelploted beass, Washer! Nickel~pltod sical Sensing part leat~resistent ABS, Ceneral cable (Black) L Polyvinyl ciorie (PVC) Tra waht Approx Tea ‘Approx. 2128 ‘Approx. 65x | Approx. 2208 (eH) The responds raquency Fe the average valve, The standard sensing Garget fs used and the Width is seta 2 tines of the | standard consing tergo, 1/2 ofthe sensing distance for the datance. Tntaalce’ CR Series Dimensions La MSeeeee—SESsssse , c er ecrg0-15D0 —@CR30-16AD on Hn 2000) TAT ype: $4, 2 cores / #4, $ cores(Conductor cross section: 0.Saz, Insulator diameter: 4 1.25) WB" type | 65, 2 cores / #5. 3 cores(Conductor cross section: 08a, Insulator diameter! 41.25) (Unit: [Control output diagram fConnections DC 3-wire type DC 3-wire type NPN output type swoon (fil i ceonrsneul seen Ail Mil “sr cL i a PNP output type ‘cAt8—BON ! non ! sosvewon (aces al covsxcane) (Rem — Ail ia cous! LL “age (, fi OAC 2-wire type s00- ©xovrc soils Stat Ci wwe Cpe” ill LI ‘coCo il Li The load ean be eomected to olthor wire. Electric Capacitive Type WSensitivity adjustment i. Please turn potention VR to set sensitivity as below procedure. seo Without 2 sensing object, turn the potention VR Put the object in right sensing position, tura the to the right and stop at the proximity sensor is potention VR to the left and stop at the ONCoRE). proximity sensar is OFF (ON) GIF the difference of the number of potention VR @ If it is set in sensitivity adjustment position of rotation between the ON(OFF) point and the —_potention VR at center between @ and @, OFF (ON) point is more than 1.5 turns, the sensing _ sensitivity setting will be completed. operation will be stable. P= tis stable wnen tis Adjistmont completed om rer tines O D a OFF(0W) postion OMOFF) contin em, OFF(ON) position ON(OFF) position When there is distance fluctuation between proximity sensor and the target, please adjust atthe farthest distance from this unit. lo Turning potention VR toward clockwise, it will be max. and turning toward counter clockwise, it will be ‘min, the number of adjustment should be 15:3 revolution and if it is turned to the right or left excessively, it will not stop, but it idles without breakdown, 4 (_) is for Normally closed type. |Grounding ‘The sensing distance will be changed by grounding status of capacitive proximity sensor and the target[50% 50% 1mm (Iron)]. Please check the material when installing it on panel, eCRi8 Series @CR30 Series Ground enon a pay Ground | Swicna [on [ore | on | OFF conaition [gwen | ON | ON | OFF | OFF ‘Operating distance: (cum) Z 4 ‘Operating distancaimm| 18 | 18 | 6 | 6 Switen b -o.o[ Serena waroar svtenb doe oo] Sensing target Tutnnice ae CR Series j™Mutual-interference & Influence by surrounding metals When several proximity sensors aro mounted close to one another a malfunction of the sensor may be caused due to mutual interference. Therefore, be sure to provide 2 minimum distance between the two sensors as below chart indicates. Lad a | 9 Face to Face e 54 [20 | wnitemm pop 8 Parallel ¢ When sensors are mounted on metallic panel, you must prevent the sensors from being affected by any metallic object except target. Therefore, be sure to provide a minimum distance as below chart indicates. : wa cm | ono 7 Lies \ [pete sa | ees % a 90_} (Unit:mm) |Materials Materials of sensing targets Sensing distance may be different by electrical characteristic of sensing target (conductivity, non dielectric constant) and status of water absorption, size ete. Effect by high frequency electrical field ft may cause malfunction by machinery which generate high frequency of electrical field such as a washing machine ete. Surrounding environment ‘There is water or oil on surface of sensing part, it may cause malfunction If the bottle for sensing of level is coated by oil etc., it may cause malfunction, Especially, 15mm type has high sensitivity for induced objects, please be careful of waterdrops. 01 Do not let the oil or oil liquid is flowed into the sensor, the case is made by plastic. Color Sensing Digital Fiber Sensor yay Nous) Easy and Reliable The Fiber Sensor — Sees in Color NeVAVeC ERM iiget ee lele a-umiigelenh ome More Complete Colorsensing Fiber Sensors real z ng (enna tonnrt Colo Engi Easy and Reliable ... Featuring a Color-sensing Engine The color-sensing engine uses tires parameters, RGB, to process r-Sensing ne Precise incident light t detects color information from the workpiece for precise | Detection detection of color differences, Intensity Detection (Conworionat Type) rede iht ery LBL a A (vest) a v 4 Color Detection (color Sensing Ty ; having to use a different light source to match each one. TH (oe oat Changes in the three parameters are processed as a ratio, so they are ot afected by light-ncensity variations due to workpiece movement. ride nn we Intensity Detection ‘Coor Detection (Color Sensing Type) 1A A x yy tw” HEE la F = ‘A high-power white LED and a mult-RGB processing system combine to cover all RGB wavelengths, onabling easy and accurate detection of workpieces without Color VS. Detection Capability totibebeeeee No Need to Select Resists Movement Thtonsity Detectign [Ateaws Digital value (6) Distance change) Amplifier Unit A Slim, 10-mm-wide Amplifier unit Use of a white LED and a one-package RGB light-receiving element has made it possible to unify the Amplifier Unit, both in size and operation, with conventional models If detection should become unstable, the Amplifier Unit can be separately replaced to immediately regain stability 10mm Easy and Reliable ... Ease of Use and Smart Functions, In addition to ensuring easy use, we have added a number of smart functions, such as remote control to simplify setup, and twin First in Its Class sensing ad ouput sinltneoily sings wo egsoed iia Tear ucla We user fan Pree rterey Reliable fensure that the workpiece is im an Setting guide function,| @PPropriate position for teaching, ee (indicates OVER, OK, or LOW) bw (One push is al it takes. Easy to Understand pare ‘A double csplay for easy, precise seting Easy and Reliable ... Simplified Wiring Connector Reduces Work Steps OMRON’ unique simplified wiring connectors provide the power for each added Sensor. Up to 16 Units can ‘be mounted, including @ combination of Digital Fiber ‘Sensors and other simplified wiring connector products such as Digital Laser Sensors, From et ott Dig Fier Sensors: E9XNA Powers supped trough te connector, E2XDA-SIMDA Somer rneene nets Og aser Serr ESC LOR required, (For edging Sensors) Proximity Sensor E2C-EDA een YW Wide Range of Fiber Heads Available Select from a wide range of Fiber Heads to match the workpiece and working space, This makes, installation possible even in small spaces. Many Compact Heads Long dsxance Fier Hoa o om oo ‘Gonerat purpose 5 sero ‘compact Fiver Hood ecm Ma serow ——____ ~~ bwyecten sian; onacton dtc ' Easy and Reliable Applications (Examples) | Som by Deteion dtr: > ‘Because tdistinguishes RGB “Through-beom Fiber Heads are ‘in Black Mode, black seam tape and ae te can | | epabalccccugcan amen | | cerns natscanbndmscat fn to workpiece movement, in semi-transparent objects, “regardless of film color or patterns. Sean ‘ichovers. Steet rues 20 Fourcolor determination geally | | Workpieces that absorb speciic | | you teach the conveyer (he. the ‘eguces the work requred for line | | wawolength can bp dotecied winn | | background), you can detect a wide range of wave: workpieces even they have dilerent colors, shapes, oF gloss.

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