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There are many types of pipe fittings that offer a resistance to flow that do not fit logically

into the existing component groups. These types are available from the General Resistances of
the Component palette. The resistance of many types of fittings can be described by K, K or f

K type relationships. In addition this group of elements contains the following specific pipe

fittings: Filter; Packed bed; Cyclone; Labyrinth Seals; Expansion Joints and Stuffing Boxes ;
Centrifuge; Pipe Coil; Tube Bundles (flow inside and outside) and Constant Head Loss

For those devices that do not fit into any of the above categories, there is a User Defined
Element, that can be used to define any pressure loss against flow relationship.

Des lits emballés sont employés dans lesindustries de

l'eau de processus et. Les litsemballés fournissent une grande superficie pourle contact entre un liquid
e et un solide et ceci est utilisé dans beaucoup de processus (absorption,réactions
chimiques, etc. d'échange ionique). Unlit emballé typique est une colonne cylindrique quiest
remplie de matériel d'emballage approprié. Lefluide est habituellement
distribué aussiégalement comme possible sur l'entrée encolonne.

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