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Name : Frenky Fernandes

Nim : 2014060578







In general, humans are social beings who always need other people: therefore, humans

always need interaction with other human beings. As it, we have natural and special

characteristics such as emotion, fear or anxiety, also defense mechanisms. Those are in body and

will be appeared instantly when we are in dangerous, under pressure. It is as a protection to avoid

from things that may cause injury or otherwise. So the protection will appear consciously or

unconsciously as an order from our brain. As it as fear, appear when people have clown phobia

and the defense mechanisms will also direct our body to do action.

Clown phobia is a persistent of clown, where individual may feel shaken or traumatized

of something frightened. According to Melanie (2017) states about the phenomenon exist,

“clown have unnatural, large, exaggerated and distorted features and therefore don’t match the

safe, friendly human pattern that created in our minds. This inability to interact with them mean

that we feel potentially under threat and fearful, panicky, and threatened. In some cases, the

anxiety medication can be prescribed to help relieve the stressful symptoms. According to Freud

he identified three types of anxiety: Neurotic anxiety is the unconscious worry that will be lost

control of the id’s urges, resulting in punishment for inappropriate behavior. Then reality anxiety
is a fear of real-world event and the most common way reducing this anxiety is to avoid the

threatening object. For the last, moral anxiety involves a fear of violating our own moral


Whereas, defense mechanisms according to Freud, “the process by which the contents of

our unconscious in order to avoid knowing what we feel we can’t handle, protect ourselves from

things that we don’t want to think about. One of the important aspects from Freudian theory

which has become fully integrated into both everyday speech and main stream psychology is the

idea of ego-defenses. There are several types of defense mechanisms according to Sigmund

Freud, “Denial is a person doesn’t take in, acknowledgment, or believe some aspect of reality.

Displacement is ideas or feeling that person may have toward an important object or things are

repressed and then experienced in relation to another. While identification is the fantasy of being

like another person or adopts behavior and character traits, derived from another person.

Isolation means obsessive-compulsive personalities consists of the separation of ideas from


In other word, defense mechanism can be Projection that is an unacceptable feeling,

impulse or idea. Reaction Formation means an attitude is repressed and kept unconscious and

it’s replaced in conscious behavior. Repression can be classified as the commonest and

prominent defensive operation used in mental life. other is reversal, where people turning

against themselves and it refers mainly to turning love into hate also the opposite. Then

sublimation originally used to design defense mechanism to be a normal aspect of ego

functioning and ego maturation. The last is turning against the self means a complex operation,

in which the object of a drive usually aggression.

Consequently, clown phobia can causes psychological and physical act against something

threatened, fear, or anxiety that appear on human as natural defense to avoid dangerous things.

Even though some people realize the action, but much of them aren’t. This anxiety of our

feeling will be pushed our body to act suddenly and protect ourselves. In some area of

psychology talks about mechanism, phobia, or manner in which we behave or think in certain

ways better protect us. Moreover, the action is an action overflow of emotions, fear, worry and

other feelings.

The conclusion of anxiety and defense mechanism relation will trigger an attitude of

self-protection. the fear or worry that arises is a form of expression of the emotion that causes a

natural action movement to appear in human. if such protection measures do not appear, it can be

categorized as failures of attitudes in self-defense. so there is no doubt that this behavior is

natural. the most important is how to control actions that can harm and injure themselves. as a

form of human emotion, it can be pressed within normal level.


celebrity-sufferers-cures/ access on Monday 13th, 2017 at 11.24

Naisaban, (2004) Para Psikolog Terkemuka Dunia: Pokok pikiran,riwayat hidup, dan karya.

Jakarta, Gramedia

Hall, (2000) Libido Kekuasaan Sigmund Freud. Yogyakarta, Tarawang Press

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