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 1.

a. About WEB application
b. Decade (previous) Style application vs Third generation applications
c. What is Angular?
d. A complete Client-Side solution
2. Conceptual Overview
a. What should I know in JavaScript before learning AngularJS?
i. JavaScript Objects, Functions & Arrays
ii. JavaScript Variables Scope
iii. Closures In JavaScript
iv. About OOPS & JavaScript (JavaScript Inheritance)
b. Introduction to MVC / MVVM / MVP … MV*
c. Dependency Injection
d. Other add-ons to know as UI-Developer
3. Data Binding
a. Interpolation
b. Expressions
4. Controllers
a. Understanding Controller
b. Setting up Scope & adding behavior
5. Services
a. Using a Service
b. Registering & Creating Services
c. Service components in ng
6. Scopes
a. Scope characteristics
b. Scope as Data-Model
c. Scope Hierarchies & $rootScope
d. Scope Events Propagation
e. Scope Life Cycle
7. Templates
a. Using directive, markup, filter and form-controls
8. Filters
a. Using filters in views
b. Using filters in controller, services and directives
c. Creating custom filter
d. Filter components in ng
9. Forms
a. Introduction to Validations
b. Using CSS classes
c. Displaying messages
d. Creating custom validator
e. Adding asynchronous validator

 10. Directives
a. What are directives?
b. Directive types
c. About Directive Scope
d. Creating Directives
e. HTML Compiler
f. Directive components in ng
11. Default Components & Component Router
12. Modules
a. Why Module?
b. Module loading & dependencies
c. Configuration Blocks
d. Run Blocks
13. Providers
a. Provider, Factory, Service, Constant, Value
b. About $httpProvider
i. About request / response headers, config
ii. Interceptors
c. About $q promise asynchronous provider
d. Provider components in ng
14. Decorators
a. What are decorators?
b. How to use decorators?
15. Bootstrap of AngularJS
a. Angular <script> Tag
b. Automatic Initialization
c. Manual Initialization
16. Using AngularJS plug-ins or dependency imports
a. Angular-UI
b. Angular-UI-Router
c. Toastr notification

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