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Do you know Big Data?

What is big data? How big is big data?

v.1 *
Dr. Dan Law, Charlie Greenbacker,
John Eberhardt ( )
What are leading big data tools?
Many definitions…! •  Wikipedia: “Big data is the term for a collection of data It can be REALLY BIG!:! • Big data tools fall along a “stack” spanning infrastructure to visualization!
sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to – Internet traffic is now ~5 Zettabyte per year (IBM)! – Current iPhone 5s: 76 Gigaflops!
•  The Multiple V’s: Data that brings challenges in Volume process using on-hand database management tools or – 1 Zettabyte = 1 billion terabytes! – Fastest supercomputer: 50 Petaflops! Open Source COTS
(size), Velocity (speed), Variety (formats), Veracity traditional data processing applications”! – Visa processes 150 Million transactions per day (VISA)! – Interesting Comparison: Human Brain has 100 Billion
Stack Element Used For Examples Examples
(accuracy), as well as Visualization, Value, Vendors, etc.! •  Adam Jacobs, 1010data: “Data whose size forces us – Library of Congress holds 3.2 Petabytes of data! Neurons (100 Giga-Neurons), 100 Trillion Synapses (100
• User  Interface   • Tableau,  Centrifuge,  
•  McKinsey: “Datasets whose size is beyond the ability of to look beyond the tried-and-true methods that are – 207 Terabytes of video loaded daily on YouTube (2012)! Tera-Synapses), neurons “fire” 1-1000 times/second (100 Visualiza(on   • Web-­‐based  tools  
• D3js,  3js,  Gephi,  Ozone  
Visual  AnalyCcs  
typical database software tools to capture, store, manage, prevalent”! – 50 billion devices connected to the Internet by 2020 (IDC)! Giga-fires to 100 Tera-fires per second)!
and analyze.”! •  – 50 Billion photos on Facebook in 2010! • Machine  learning   • R,  Mahout,  Titan,  OpenCV,   • SAS,  SPSS,  MapR,  
•  Economist: “Society has more information than ever
Dan Law, Altamira: “Data of any type with potential
value that exceeds the analytic capabilities of traditional – 400 Million Tweets per day (Washington Post)! Analy(cs   • StaCsCcal  tools   Lumify,  Hive,  Pig,  Spark   PalanCr  
before and we can do things when we have a large body of stand-alone solutions”! – Seagate sold 330 Exabytes of hard drives in 2011!
information that simply we could not do when we only have •  – LHC produces 500 Exabytes of particle collision data per • Data  &  Metadata   • HDFS,  Accumulo,  MongoDB,  
John Eberhardt, Altamira: “Any data collection that • Oracle,  Marklogic,  
smaller amounts”! cannot be managed as a single instance.”!
day CERN! ! Data  Store   • Source  Data   Cassandra,  Titan,  Neo4j,  
YarcData,  Teradata  
• Indexes   MySQL  
• TransformaCon  /  
What types of data are in big data? What is a data scientist? NormalizaCon   • Splunk,  SAS,  Oracle,  
• Structured Data! • Semi-structured! • Streaming Data! • Geospatial Data! Ingest   • Ingest  /  Streams  
• Storm,  Hadoop/MapReduce  
People or teams that possess a special Data Science
! Tables, Relational Data, ! Hybrid data, such as! Data that moves across ! Data that includes Processing  
mix of skills:!
etc. with semantics! documents with tables!networks at high speed! information on positions

Social Network Analysis

– They are "T-shaped” (see graphic at right)! • CM,  Scheduling,  
• Unstructured Data! • Metadata! • Temporal Data! in space (regions,

Statistical Analysis

Data Visualization
Natural Language
Machine Learning
– They have mastered all foundational areas of Monitoring   • AWS,  Azure,  

Data Mining
• Linux,  OpenShiW,  OpenStack,  
! Raw Text, Images, ! Structured data about ! Data including trends / points, tracks, shapes)!

data science (horizontals in the graphic)! • ApplicaCon   Cloudera,  Red  Hat,  
• And many others…! Puppet,  Zookeeper,  Oozie,  

Video, Audio! data, e.g. from/to! activities in time! •  Computer Programming! OperaCng  Systems   Rackspace,  vendor  
•  Mathematics & Analytic Methodology (Stats)! (IaaS,  PaaS)   • Computers,  
HDFS,  KaZa,  JBoss,  Xymon  
•  Big Data Technologies!
•  Communications Skills! Networks  
How do we extract knowledge from big data? – They possess deep expertise in at least one
Domain Knowledge & Communication Skills • Select key components of Hadoop Ecosystem:!
specialty area (verticals in the graphic)!
• By teaching computers to extract knowledge:! Distributed Computing & Big Data – HDFS (Storage), MapReduce (Distributed Processing), Accumulo (Secure data store, Indexing)!
Popular data scientist tools:!
! By agreeing upon and defining semantic concepts of knowledge in one or more “knowledge representations” (for
example, a fixed ontology, auto-generated ontology, user-defined tags)! – R, Python, Mahout, Pandas, Many Others…! Mathematics & Analytic Methodology
– See! Computer Programming
! By building transforms to map semantic content from structured data into knowledge representations!
! By building classifiers to extract semantic content from unstructured data and to map that extracted content into
What Questions shoulD we ask about Databases?
knowledge representations! • What type of data do can we store?! • Can we perform analytics using the
! By building analytics to correlate / fuse / perform reasoning on extracted semantic content to generate even more ! Structured, unstructured, relational, graphs,
semantic content, and to map that information into a knowledge representations! How do we implement big data solutions? entities…!
! e.g. MapReduce?!
• And by doing this on a large scale…! Follow a process, that considers:! ! Big Files (e.g. imagery)? Small files (e.g. text)?!
• What is the latency for queries? Or for
! By dividing a problem into pieces and executing in parallel (e.g. MapReduce)! – Team Skills! • How is data ingested into the database?! analytics?!
! By building clever indexes of knowledge, so that you can search it quickly…! Problem ! – Problem Definition!
Definition and ! Streaming? Batch?! ! e.g. milliseconds? days?!
! By using high performance computers (HPCs) or other fast electronics (e.g. FPGAs, ASICs, Optics)! – Experimental Design!
! A mixture of the above… (e.g. Netezza, YarcData, Next Generation Oracle)!
Experimental • What does the database cost?! • Is it optimized for particular features?!
Design! Collection, – Success/Evaluation Criteria!
Evaluation! Storage and ! License costs? O&M costs? License restrictions?! ! Fast writes? Fast reads? Ease of use?!
– Data, Curation & QA!
– Solution Design! • What hardware is required?! • How many users can the system
What do we do with knowledge we extract? • Infrastructure! ! Commodity? Proprietary?! support?!
• We can estimate and visualize parameters in data using statistics! • Ingest & Storage! • How scalable is the database?! ! Scaling for data does not necessarily imply
• Analytics! ! Gigabytes? Terabytes? Petabytes? Exabytes? scaling for a large number of users!
! We can describe data, explore correlations, discover patterns, predict outcomes, etc. through “observational studies”!
Data Curation • Visualization! Yottabytes?! • Is the database secure?!
! We need to account/correct for Bias and Confounding, for example by introducing elements of chance!!
Visualization! and Quality • Security! • Is the database fault tolerant?!
!We need to consider selection bias, measurement bias, analysis bias, error, confounding variables! ! Does it provide access controls? Has it been
Assurance! • Privacy & Ethics! ! Does it need to be? What about COOP?!
• We can implement rules to trigger actions in response to discovered knowledge! Analysis! accredited? To what level?!
• Budget & Schedule!
Not a linear process!
– Try an agile approach…!
What types of Visual techniques are there? What questions... about predictive tools?
Type Utility Pros Cons • How does this tool perform prediction?! • Does the tool correct for, or enable one
Spreadsheets! Viewing tabular data! Simple/Common! Can’t see patterns! How do we address privacy & ethics in big data? ! answers should list algorithms used (refer to table to correct for potential bias or
at left for descriptions/pros/cons…)!
Common Charts! Viewing numeric data! See Patterns/Trends! Hard to pivot/explore! confounding variables?!
Graphs! Exploring networks! Powerful analysis! Complex / Intensive! Privacy. Be sure to comply with:! Ethics. Consider:! • What types of data does the tool ! e.g. by introducing elements of chance or by
Geospatial views! Viewing data in space! Intuitive maps! Graphics intensive! – The 4th Amendment to the Constitution! 1.  Respect for Persons / informed consent!
– Electronic Communications Privacy Act! 2.  Beneficence!
analyze?! counting everything!
Temporal views! Viewing data in time! Find patterns/trends! Not all data temporal!
– Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act! 3.  Justice! ! e.g. structured, unstructured, hybrid (are these ! if not, you should be skeptical of the predictions a
Spatiotemporal! Both space & time! Powerful analysis! Uncommon, Intensive!
– The Privacy Act! 4.  Respect for Law and Public Interest! right for your mission?). Petabytes of data?! tool makes!!
3D Views! Viewing complex data! More immersive! Graphics Intensive!
Spatiotemporal! Immersive visualization! Intuitive / Powerful! Specialized Hardware! – Executive Order 12333!
Want to Learn More?
What types of statistical algorithms are there?
Algorithm Utility Pros Cons How do we secure big data? •  George Mason University! • Explore integrated open source
Not qualitative, high curation
! GMU has both full semester graduate-level analytic platforms at!
Linear! Providing point estimates! High precision, easy!
burden! • By addressing the notorious nine:! • By using big data to secure big data! courses and two day certificate course in Big ! Learn about open-source ingest, knowledge
! 1.  Data Breaches! ! Collect & analyze activity data, network data, Data Practices! extraction, and link analysis from structured and
Supports more complex data, Limited inference, high 2.  Data Loss! audits, provenance, pedigree, lineage!
Non-Linear! Processing complex systems! • Learn about Data Science and Big unstructured big data!
complex decisions! supervision needed! 3.  Account Hijacking! • And by using:!
! 4.  Insecure APIs! Data Tools at! • Learn more about big data
! Risk Management: ICD 503! ! The instructors are part of a broader data
Fuzzy Logic /Neural!
Representing highly complex,
Complex inference, messy data!
Lower precision, seed value 5.  Denial of Service! ! Access controls, IDAM, biometrics, PKI,
implementations at
qualitative systems! bias!
6.  Malicious Insiders! science team that publishes open source!
physical security, cell-level security, smart resources to help you learn about Data Science
Complex dependencies, fuzzy Lower precision, no point 7.  Abuse and Nefarious Use!
Probabilistic! Distribution, probability oriented! data, encryption!
decisions! estimates, see value bias!
8.  Insufficient Due Diligence! and Big Data!
Represent large sets, easy Limited inference,
! CND, Anti-Malware, anti-virus!
Graph! Representation of data! 9.  Shared Technology Issue!
interaction! computationally challenging!

A few Useful Contacts *Please email Dan Law if you have comments or suggest any improvements to this poster
Altamira: Dan Law, Cloudera: 866-843-7207 Koverse: Oracle: 800-633-0738
IBM: 800-333-6705   MarkLogic:
MongoDB: 866-237-8815   Splunk: 866-438-7758
Yarcdata: 925-264-4700  
©2014 Altamira Technologies Corporation

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