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1. Where do the extra nucleotides come from that are used in Replication?

2. Where in the cell does Replication take place?

3. When does Replication take place during the cell cycle?

4. Is the DNA supercoiled during Replication? Why/Why Not?

5. What is the DNA called during the process of Replication?

6. What are the 3 enzymes (proteins) used during Replication?

What are each of their functions?

7. What makes up the “backbone” of the DNA strand?

8. What are the 4 nitrogen bases and how do they pair up?

9. When and how many hydrogen bonds form?

10. What are the differences between purines vs. pyrimidines?

11. What is the end result of Replication?

12. Why does Replication need to occur?

13. What is the monomer of DNA?

14. What does DNA stand for?

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