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Present Simple or Present Continuous?

I) Put the correct form of the following verbs given in brackets.

1. This……..(to be ) my favorite dress.

2. My mom usually ……… ( to go ) to her job by taxi.
3. Look! It ………... ( to rain ) outside.
4. You ………………. ( to complain/always) about your job! You know I ……… ( not
to like ) it at all.
5. My mom ……….. ( to make ) good cookies, doesn’t she?
6. How often ……….. ( to do/you ) your homework ?
7. ………………. (to work/still ) for the same company?
8. Juan ……….. ( to have ) a beautiful car but now he ………….. ( to look for )
another one.
9. It ……….. ( to snow ) in the summer.
10. Jack …………. ( to live ) in Los Angeles but at present he ……….. ( to live ) in
San Francisco.
11. While my mother ………… ( to read ) the magazine, my father ……… ( to clean )
the trunk.
12. She usually ……… ( to wake up ) at 06:20 AM.

II) When to use which tense? Complete with the correct tense!

1. For actions happening now, we use ………………

2. For actions happening regularly, often or never, we use ………………
3. The verbs “be”, “have”, “like”, and “want” are normally only used in
4. The signal word “ at present “ indicates that we have to use …………
5. The signal word “ usually” indicates that we have to use …………..

III) Complete the table below using the tense given in brackets.

To be ( Present Simple ) I
To bake ( Present Continuous) She
To jump ( Present Simple ) He
To run ( Present Continuous) He
To check ( Present Continuous ) We
To cut ( Present Continuous) I
To make ( Present Simple ) She
To try ( Present Simple ) He
To type ( Present Continuous) They
To travel ( Present Continuous) I
To get ( Present Continuous ) She
To swim ( Present Continuous ) I
To do ( Present Simple ) She
To lie ( Present Continuous ) They
To die ( Present Continuous ) We
To fly ( Present Simple ) He
Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu! Succes!

Realizat de Stefan Negru – Onesti, jud. Bacau



Subiectul I ( se acorda 30 de puncte pentru rezolvarea complete a fiecarei

propozitii) 2,5 x 12 ( numarul care contine cate doua propozitii va fi notat in
felul urmator: 1,25 puncte pentru fiecare verb correct -> 1,25 x 2 = 2,5 )

Subiectul al II-lea ( se acorda 20 de puncte pentru rezolvarea corecta a

tuturor cerintelor ) 4 pct x 5 (cerinte ) = 20 puncte

Subiectul al III-lea ( se acorda 40 de puncte pentru completarea totala si

corecta a intregului tabel ) 2,5 x 16 = 40 puncte

Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu! Succes!

Realizat de Stefan Negru – Onesti, jud. Bacau

Realizat de Stefan Negru – Onesti, jud. Bacau

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