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Keep em cheap. Obsec is cute, but honestly, at the prices Grey Knights pay, it�s a
bit of a red herring now that EVERYONE gets Obsec. The only reason you want them is
to unlock Battalions for extra Command Points, now that you have plenty of
Strategems to spend CP on.
Can probably save some cash there if you just rip off the antennae from your
Interceptor models, which, tbh, are a bit shit.
That being said, a few more boxes might not do too bad, especially if you want to
bring along a Purgation Squad or two.


HOT. Buy more. Also, Grand Masters in Dreadknights (ie extra bling and banners and
stuff) because they�re just that much better than regular Dreadknights. Also, good
way to ramp up points in a hurry.

Mobile bunkers/terrain, give them two storm bolters for a little cheap dakka.
They�re also your CHEAPEST expendable tarpit units. ;)

Ok. If you want some long guns, these are your go-to guys, especially if you want a
�pure� Grey Knights list without any conscripted cannon fodder.
Razorbacks also do the same thing as Rhinos (ie mobile terrain/bunkers etc).

On a related note, also, Techmarines, both because they�re your cheapest HQ, and
because they help keep the tanks healthy.

So last month, now that they can�t claim objectives, don�t count as units remaining
on the table AND everyone�s clamouring for more terrain.
That being said, Storm Ravens are still ok (I mean, Grey Knights were the very
first army to get them, after all!!), but maxing out on flyers is a no-no. Bring
along one or two for flavour.

Pfft. Standard Imperial Termies are hot. Grey Knights? Not so much � best used to
represent named characters like Voldus, Draigo etc.

GK Battalion 1
2 Techmarines
3x5 Strike Squads
2 Razorbacks with t/l lascannon

GK Battalion 2
2 Grand Master Dreadknights
3x5 Strike Squads
2 Rhinos
1 regular Dreadknight.

Hits about 2K
7 drops (EVERYONE deploys in orbit or in tanks), 9 CP.

Load out:
Heavy Psilencers for the Grand Masters (BS3+ when moving) to clear the chaff so you
can get a charge on the big guys.
Heavy Incinerators (or no guns at all) for the �regular� Dreadknights, because BS4+
is a bit shit.
Teleporters, because why else are you buying the big guys?

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