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Esame di Macchine a Fluido II del 20.01.

2014 (Esercizi)

nome:.............................. cognome: ................................

1. Un’onda d’urto creata da una forte esplosione si muove alla velocitá di 15000 m/s in aria
ferma in condizioni atmosferiche con pressione pa = 1.0133 bar e T1 = 290 K. Calcolare:
il numero di Mach e la pressione dell’aria dopo il passaggio dell’onda d’urto; la pressione to-
tale e la temperatura totale relative ad un osservatore fermo dopo il passaggio dell’onda d’urto.

M2 =................ p2 p02st T02st =..............K

2. Consider the design of an high-pressure turbine with p01 = 15 bar, T01 = 1650 K, ηt = 0.88,
mass flow, ṁ = 42 kg/s; power, P = 11 M W ; satisfying the following constraints:

(a) Axial inlet flow with Mach number equal to 0.3.

(b) Constant mean diameter equal to 0.5 m.
(c) Rotational speed: 15000 RPM.
(d) Degree of reaction of 0.5 at blade mid height.
(e) Free vortex design.
(f) Loss coefficient λN = 0.045.

Address to the following points:

(a) Verify that one stage is sufficient.

(b) Compute the velocity triangles at mean radius.
(c) Compute the blade heights at inlet and outlet of the rotor.
(d) Verify chocking conditions.
(e) Determine the deflection of the flow at the rotor hub.

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