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A proper diet with vegetables (for micronutrients), fruits (with natural

sugar), wholegrain carbohydrates, protein and small dairy will give your brain a
heavy dose of the neuropeptides it needs. Increase water consumption for easy
access to the bloodstream.

Exercise. The minimum “raise your heart rate” exercise you should do is 30
minutes. I mean come on, that leaves 23 1/2 hours a day for other stuff. Exercise
is a more effective antidepressant and anxiety reducer than any drug on the
market because of the release of endorphins and creation of new neurons in the
BDNF region of your brain.

Education. Constant learning builds your cognitive reserve. Try to learn new
things because memory acquisition – the kind where you reach and grasp – lays
down new neurons in the hippocampus and amygdala.

Environment. Don’t get socially isolated. Get out of the house of office, meet real
people in real life. Socialisation reduces anxiety and depression because it works
the mirror neurons in the TPJ area of your brain. When these are not exercised
we begin to spiral downward in our mood.

Sleep. Proper, uninterrupted sleep helps you moderate hunger. Natural sleep is
better than sleep modulated by drugs or pills. During sleep your brain trims the
glial cells, processes memory, consolidates thoughts and regulates cortisol and
adrenalin in your blood stream – which are key to reducing stress.

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